Luxman L-595A Special Edition finally arrives !!!

I’m confused. Are these still available? I’m told that there is a 595A release in Feb 2022? We’re there two release dates? Asking for a friend….
I’m confused. Are these still available? I’m told that there is a 595A release in Feb 2022? We’re there two release dates? Asking for a friend….

Dealers enjoy making something seem rarer than it actually is, sales 101. The information I received is that approx 50% of production was still available and slowly coming in from Japan.
Dealers enjoy making something seem rarer than it actually is, sales 101. The information I received is that approx 50% of production was still available and slowly coming in from Japan.

That’s not true. This is a limited (to 100) production run for the US. Those are the facts. How fast they sell out is anyones guess. We have access to one more after already selling 5.

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Not pointing the finger at anyone but I'm sure you know, as well as I do, how some Dealers operate.

Interesting the allocation model that Luxman has applied here, only way this works is if Dealers put deposits down or pay in full for their allocation. Otherwise, how do you not supply the Dealer that is selling multiples with as much allocation as they can sell.
Not pointing the finger at anyone but I'm sure you know, as well as I do, how some Dealers operate.

Interesting the allocation model that Luxman has applied here, only way this works is if Dealers put deposits down or pay in full for their allocation. Otherwise, how do you not supply the Dealer that is selling multiples with as much allocation as they can sell.

I can’t speak for Canada, but here it’s been very fair. Order one, sell one, you can order another. They successfully avoided a situation where one dealer orders 15 or 20. That just happened with another limited supply product and then there was none left.

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The LX-590AXII is gone from the Japanese Luxman website... The Japanese website is featuring the upcoming L-507Z but nothing else... Yet...

Anyone knows what would replace the LX-590AXII since the L-595ASE is a limited edition only that is most probably all sold (or soon will be)?
I will do the comparison next few days :)


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Have you ever done it? If so, here or somewhere else?
Im privy to some top secret discussions, turns out that after the comparison it was determined, unanimously by a group of audiophiles, that the 590 significantly out performed the 595!!!
I’m a VU meter guy myself…if the opportunity presented itself :P. Which it did, a local dealer had one with my name on it, but obviously, just didn’t feel it. Though at this level, these are solid considerations. Curious, what speakers were used in the shootout, @dznutz?
We have both in the store. Tough call. The 590 is warmer. Smoother. The 595 has more detail. Depends on speakers.

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Im privy to some top secret discussions, turns out that after the comparison it was determined, unanimously by a group of audiophiles, that the 590 significantly out performed the 595!!!

Not sure where you are getting your data from but I know at least 6 people (myself included) who compared our 590s to the 595 and all of us preferred the 595.
Not sure where you are getting your data from but I know at least 6 people (myself included) who compared our 590s to the 595 and all of us preferred the 595.

I guess the obvious sarcasm went over peoples heads a bit.
I am surprised to see that the weight of the 595 is lower than the 590mk2.
The 595 is using the jpa 15000 power cord. We should use the same power cord to compare these two brothers.