My VPI Avenger Is In The House!

Congrats Mark! Never mind the pictures, tell us how it sounds!
I had a small hiccup after I set up the TT with my Lyra Kleos. I was polishing the platter and I snagged the stylus with my cloth, I bent the snot out of the cantilever. It would play through both channels, but severely distorted. So I will have to send the Lyra out for repair. Bummer.

The good news is I still had my Soundsmith Zephyr, so I mounted it instead. I forgot how great this cartridge sounds, or maybe it's the new table.

I've been going through my collection and can't believe how great everything sounds. A world class source really makes a huge difference in a system, simply amazing!

The first thing that stands out is how quiet the table is, everything comes out at you from such a silent background, Susan commented on that immediately. Unfortunately, I can't compare the Avenger against my Classic with the Kleos because of my screw up, but I think it's safe to say this table is a step up for sure.

I appreciate all your kind comments!!
Mark - Congrats on the new table but sorry to hear about your cartridge accident, unfortunately it happens to the best of us. Nice that you have a backup so that you can still enjoy the table while your reference cartridge is being restored. Regarding your statement about the significance of having a world class source I couldn't agree more. It goes back to Linn's old philosophy that no matter how good the rest of your system is, if you don't effectively recover the signal at the source the other components can never get that information back. Even the best electronics and speakers can never make up for any information that is lost at the source. Of course at the time Linn was only selling turntables so such a view was in their best interest, but it happens to be true and is still proved out all these years later. Enjoy your new analog setup for many years to come!
Congratulations Mark!

Sorry about the "incident". I think most of us have had a few "oh sh*t" moments in our audio lives...
Hi Mark,

Ouch! I too know that sickening feeling of making a move and ultimately creating damage. Too bad there's not an undo button.....

Glad to hear that you have a back up cartridge.
I did the same with my table. I was cleaning the dust off of my turntable when the cloth caught the cantilever. Broken right off, what a sickening feeling. It is a good thing you had another cartridge to put on. I bet she sounds sweet.:)
Congrats on your new table, I think its one of the best looking VPI tables to date......

Here is something that makes P2S a breeze with the Avenger.....

I had a small hiccup after I set up the TT with my Lyra Kleos. I was polishing the platter and I snagged the stylus with my cloth, I bent the snot out of the cantilever. It would play through both channels, but severely distorted. So I will have to send the Lyra out for repair. Bummer.

Ouch. probably should consider trading up to an Etna, IIRC the Kleos didnt warm your cockles. Congrats on the 'table.
Ouch. probably should consider trading up to an Etna, IIRC the Kleos didnt warm your cockles. Congrats on the 'table.

Rob, I love the Kleos and will most likely have it repaired. I would love to try an Etna, but after this purchase money is running very low.
Congrats on your new table, I think its one of the best looking VPI tables to date......

Here is something that makes P2S a breeze with the Avenger.....


Modified TTW piece? Or perhaps TTW just modified the original? Here's mine in action...


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Jelco is the original who supplies them with thier arms and the one's they make arms for like Ortofon, Audioquest, Koestu, etc.....they are easy to make, just pick up a plastic ruler and drill for the spindle and carefuly measure the desired P2S distance, mark it and drill a hole. I went to our local plastic shop and had them cut a bunch for a few bucks. I also use aluminum machined to several arm pllar diameters for tone arm collars.

Pictured is a tone arm mounting collar with the aluminum piece with a metal rod that fits into the desired P2S hole I need......makes for a precise set up. I had a machine shop make some for all my tonearm collars and some I don't own.

tonearm setup tool.JPG