Any Shindo 604 AlNiCo owners here?

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I think that I'd like to do a review of the 604's at some point. It took quite a while for them to burn-in, but they started hitting their stride consistently last week.

In my listening room, they produce a sound that is a beguiling mix of meaty and delicate. They convey wonderful tones. They create a huge soundstage and, with them placed as far apart as the room will permit, they image like crazy. Voices and instruments that occupy the mid and high frequencies tend to nestle nicely within a larger sound field of lower frequency sounds that really fills the room. The system has amazing drive, but it also sounds very detailed (in the HiFi sense), and some tracks create a very realistic sense of space or venue. I've also found that spreading the speakers out and moving the listening seat back as far as possible helps separate the instruments and sounds in more dense music. In short, they are really wonderful.

I meant to respond earlier. It was a crazy January for me. Among other things, my 23 year old son and his mom (my ex-wife) traveled to Cuba and on the first day, his appendix ruptured, requiring surgery. Luckily Laurel was an ER doc and they were with a group of doctors, so he had proper supervision. Unfortunately, the lack of medicine, post operative care, and (for some reason) food, led to his condition worsening, necessitating a medical evacuation by air ambulance to Houston. We stayed in Houston until he recovered enough to return to Portland, where he lives. Thankfully he's recovering well.
Craig- Wish you all the best with your son. Sounds like it was a nightmare, which thankfully worked out.
Thank you. He's doing well. My ex wife had to fight to get them to operate and then fight again for basic care - antibiotics and IV fluids. Everything paid for in cash to the hospital. He lost 30 pounds in 5 days and looked like a POW when he returned, but Laurel saved his life.
I think that I'd like to do a review of the 604's at some point. It took quite a while for them to burn-in, but they started hitting their stride consistently last week.

In my listening room, they produce a sound that is a beguiling mix of meaty and delicate. They convey wonderful tones. They create a huge soundstage and, with them placed as far apart as the room will permit, they image like crazy. Voices and instruments that occupy the mid and high frequencies tend to nestle nicely within a larger sound field of lower frequency sounds that really fills the room. The system has amazing drive, but it also sounds very detailed (in the HiFi sense), and some tracks create a very realistic sense of space or venue. I've also found that spreading the speakers out and moving the listening seat back as far as possible helps separate the instruments and sounds in more dense music. In short, they are really wonderful.

I meant to respond earlier. It was a crazy January for me. Among other things, my 23 year old son and his mom (my ex-wife) traveled to Cuba and on the first day, his appendix ruptured, requiring surgery. Luckily Laurel was an ER doc and they were with a group of doctors, so he had proper supervision. Unfortunately, the lack of medicine, post operative care, and (for some reason) food, led to his condition worsening, necessitating a medical evacuation by air ambulance to Houston. We stayed in Houston until he recovered enough to return to Portland, where he lives. Thankfully he's recovering well.

Oh my god. I am so sorry to hear this. I was always under the impression that the medical system in CUBA was good.

I am glad to hear your speakers are working to your satisfaction. I should have some mast muster made crossovers for my 604 to install this weekend. I will be interested to hear how they sound.

I am very pleased with my 604 (sadly not Shindo though).

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Oh my god. I am so sorry to hear this. I was always under the impression that the medical system in CUBA was good.

I am glad to hear your speakers are working to your satisfaction. I should have some mast muster made crossovers for my 604 to install this weekend. I will be interested to hear how they sound.

I am very pleased with my 604 (sadly not Shindo though).

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Would you post a pic of your 604 speakers please ?
First horn or Mantaray one ?

Would you post a pic of your 604 speakers please ?
First horn or Mantaray one ?

Here is a photo of the 604E in 612 cabinets the day I got them. They are now in a different room. This was temporary to see how they sounded.


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I like the design of the front plate.
Which 604 driver do you use ?
Stunning dog BTW !
He seems to be an audiophile.

Ha, yes my dog Winston is a big music fan. He loves it when we play music - he actually listens!

Those are Altec 612 studio monitor cabinets with Aletc 604E drivers. They look like this.


My speakers came from a recording studio where they were used for mastering records for many years. Prior to that they were used in a record pressing plant. These were very popular cabinets for studio mastering as see here.

New crossover from werner jagusch will be installed this weekend.


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Those speakers are awesome! I can't believe that you found something like that - vintage cabinets and so much history. I'd really like to hear your system. I think that I missed details about your crossover. Who is making it for you?

Those casters are super practical - really useful. Fellow Shindo owner, Steve from Santa Fe, is coming over for a listen Friday afternoon. I moved my system into my living room because it is so superior to my listening room acoustically. It made me realize that I need to build wood platforms with casters for my speakers (and maybe one for my equipment table) to make the move easier and more secure when I want to have people over for listening sessions.

Looking forward to hearing more from you about your new babies.

The living room with furniture thrown aside:
Craig, Be sure and share Steve's impressions. He has been my role model for some years in putting my system together. I almost went with the Pass 30.8's after Jack's review, but went with the WE 300s since that was my goal from day one. He did go with the 30.8s. Plus he will give great feedback.
Shindo 300b or Pass? How is that even a choice?! I don't mean that how you think. I'm sure that Pass is wonderful. But the two seem like they could not be more different.

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Shindo 300b or Pass? How is that even a choice?! I don't mean that how you think. I'm sure that Pass is wonderful. But the two seem like they could not be more different.

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Kev, That's exactly why I went with the WE300B. But, Stephen moved from the GM70s to the Pass 30.8 and Jack Roberts also moved from his Wavac 300B with WE tubes to the Pass 30.8. Apparently the 30.8 is really special, but I've never heard it.

I also was worried if I waited, Shindo might either quit it's production or drastically raise the price based on what's happened with the scarcity of tubes. Not to mention price. I purchased a spare set of NOS 300B tubes from the early 60's that REALLY sound good, but I want to at least use the tubes that came with it until my warranty runs out. (Just in case) Those two tubes alone were more expensive than the Pass 30.8.

So I agree wholeheartedly with your comment which is why I went with them, but it was a choice Stephen made with an all Shindo system similar to mine. And I respect his opinion. I don't plan to ever change. These were my final destination amps. And, they are amazing.
Those speakers are awesome! I can't believe that you found something like that - vintage cabinets and so much history. I'd really like to hear your system. I think that I missed details about your crossover. Who is making it for you?

Those casters are super practical - really useful. Fellow Shindo owner, Steve from Santa Fe, is coming over for a listen Friday afternoon. I moved my system into my living room because it is so superior to my listening room acoustically. It made me realize that I need to build wood platforms with casters for my speakers (and maybe one for my equipment table) to make the move easier and more secure when I want to have people over for listening sessions.

Looking forward to hearing more from you about your new babies.

The living room with furniture thrown aside:

Thanks I am really happy with them. That photo is what I first got them and tried them in my main system. They are now in my second system (which is a work in progress). The casters are super helpful but the must detract from the sound in some way. I have however read that getting them off the ground is good so maybe the casters help!?!

The crossovers are from Werner jagush (mast mutter). Thy have really transformed the speakers. They are much more balanced now. I am quite shocked how good these are. Now I have a small glimpse at what the shindo 604s must be like.

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