Any Shindo 604 AlNiCo owners here?

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You will be banned from this forum anyway. Must rub your cucumber anywhere else. Sorry for that phrase.
OK boys...let’s behave. Enough of the name calling.

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Oh boy. the Shindo thread never changes.... Sigh...

I loved Shindo amps and pre .. still one of the top 3 best sounds I ever heard in my room with my Tannoy Westminster. They were singing like they made for each other. Well, All the Shindo dealer and distributor wasn't happy to hear about my find with their NON approved speakers matching with Shindo ....while Shindo in Japan saying it's perfectly fine with matching with my speakers ! .. Hahahaha ( Now I can laugh about it )

Anyway, Chris. Anything change on your set up? Do you still have the LM and Altec speakers?
Discussion Board - Helpful Hints
Netiquette - Remind students of proper “netiquette” - a respectful code of conduct when communicating online. Some netiquette tips:
• Be very clear and stick to the point when writing posts
• Check for spelling/grammar errors and do not use slang
• Be respectful of others with appropriate choice of language
• Challenge others, but avoid personal attacks
• Be careful when using humor online – it can easily be misinterpreted
Discussion Board - Helpful Hints
Netiquette - Remind students of proper “netiquette” - a respectful code of conduct when communicating online. Some netiquette tips:
• Be very clear and stick to the point when writing posts
• Check for spelling/grammar errors and do not use slang
• Be respectful of others with appropriate choice of language
• Challenge others, but avoid personal attacks
• Be careful when using humor online – it can easily be misinterpreted

Perhaps you should give these rules a try "Walter".

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maybe you are too dumb to realize what behaviour you are acting here. Acting as a true Shindo fanboy, who is intollerant to other forum members opinions and expectations. Playing here the little Nazi dictator who tries to disparage every people who has his own opinion, you have proven that already. So in fact its your reputation that degrades continually. But your cucumber will be banned anyway. The forum mods are already notified what kind of regime you are acting here.
maybe you are too dumb to realize what behaviour you are acting here. Acting as a true Shindo fanboy, who is intollerant to other forum members opinions and expectations. Playing here the little Nazi dictator who tries to disparage every people who has his own opinion, you have proven that already. So in fact its your reputation that degrades continually. But your cucumber will be banned anyway. The forum mods are already notified what kind of regime you are acting here.

Walter you are truly a mental case. I suggest that you seek professional help. I fear it may be too late already.

Maybe also check a dictionary so see what a nazi is.
Okay. I have to step in. Please don’t ever again use the word or term “Nazi” or label a participant on an audio forum as a “Nazi.” I and am sure others find this reference and use of this term to be highly offensive for obvious reasons. I have close friends whose family members lost their lives in the Holocaust at the hands of the malevolent Nazi Regime. This is a hobby, for pete’s sake. Grow up, please!
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