Ansuz Cables & Accessories

Yes they did put the Titanium Darkz under the cdp replacing DTC Darkz. I didn't hear a difference but I think the reason for that was because it was probably a much more minor improvement compared to what I heard with all the Supreme stuff. Tyler said he heard more focus. The 2 biggest improvements was the power bar and power cable from the wall to the power bar. The Digital cable and IC's were a nice improvement clarity and detail. Besides clarity and detail with the power bar and power cord the dynamics greatly increased.
Ansuz Signalz XLR A2 vs P2

I'm about to buy a Aurender A10. IMHO the Aurender sounds best with a XLR connection.

Since most of my cables are by Ansuz with a splash of AudioQuest and Cammino I'm inclined to buy Anzus XLR interlinks. Would the A2 or P2 be the better choice. Would the A2 be overkill or would the P2 cause it to under perform?
Hi, if you don't have Darkz to put under the Aurender, it would be my first choice and preferable DTC version (3 pcs). Cable wise I would look for second hand D1 XLR, or at least A2 XLR. Compare with P2 if A2 is worth the extra outlay. In general the new mark II MainzD8 filter boxes are quite the step above the old one, even the Mainz8 A2 version tops the old D8 imho.

I don't think the A2 would be over kill. IMO not even the D-TC would be over kill but will be quite expensive.

There is no way I can afford exotica like a D-TC. Upgrading my current series 1 power cords would take prio.

Hi, if you don't have Darkz to put under the Aurender, it would be my first choice and preferable DTC version (3 pcs). Cable wise I would look for second hand D1 XLR, or at least A2 XLR. Compare with P2 if A2 is worth the extra outlay. In general the new mark II MainzD8 filter boxes are quite the step above the old one, even the Mainz8 A2 version tops the old D8 imho.


I'm planning to buy a Rack of Silence in the future. The don't work with Darkz. Upgrading my Mainz D8 to a Mainz A2 is something I am thinking about. But then again my speaker cables and phono cable are not by Ansuz so maybe they should come first.
There is no way I can afford exotica like a D-TC. Upgrading my current series 1 power cords would take prio.

I'm planning to buy a Rack of Silence in the future. The don't work with Darkz. Upgrading my Mainz D8 to a Mainz A2 is something I am thinking about. But then again my speaker cables and phono cable are not by Ansuz so maybe they should come first.
IMO once you get your foundation right speaker cables will be the least significant upgrade. That has been my experience so far. I'm saying speaker cables don't make a difference but once you've hit the level of your system (which is very good) I would say the difference is pretty minimal.
[..] I'm planning to buy a Rack of Silence in the future. The don't work with Darkz. Upgrading my Mainz D8 to a Mainz A2 is something I am thinking about. But then again my speaker cables and phono cable are not by Ansuz so maybe they should come first.

Any particular reason for a Solid Tech Rack of Silence?

I owned two such racks (reference level) and they were the shortest ownership (to date) of any audio product i've ever purchased.

A basic rack with lossy surface (MDF, plywood etc.) combined with Ansuz Darkz is way better (IMHO).

I would tend to put Darkz under the Aurender first, then look at the cable. A2 is good if you can manage that.
Any particular reason for a Solid Tech Rack of Silence?

I owned two such racks (reference level) and they were the shortest ownership (to date) of any audio product i've ever purchased.

A basic rack with lossy surface (MDF, plywood etc.) combined with Ansuz Darkz is way better (IMHO).

I would tend to put Darkz under the Aurender first, then look at the cable. A2 is good if you can manage that.

The main reason for the Solid Tech Rack of Silence is looks. My living room is not that big and many audio racks are big dark looking things.

Totally agree with kiwi!

More or less any kind of surface/foundation with Darkz works a great treat. I know these 'feet' look nothing special and cost a lot but the positive effect way way passes the outlay in most cases, try and listen! In very few cases I heard little or no effect but then it was from equipment with its own de coupling 'system'.
At least C level to start with but DTC is da shit if budget allows. Test at least!
If I would rank Anzus gear from my impact experiences it would be: Darkz - Mainz8 power dist - Mainz power cord wall receptacle to Mainz8 - Mainz power cords to equipment - Signal cables. Though I would always chose a Mainz power cord upgrade before a signal one.

Wise words above, I'm not using any special hi-fi furniture either, that would never be allowed in our home as looks are a big thing as well, especially for my wife who is heavily into interior design. But I've got Darkz under everything, under all electronics and power distributor of course, but also under speakers and cables. Sometimes it's possible to find them second hand to more affordable prices.
The main reason for the Solid Tech Rack of Silence is looks. My living room is not that big and many audio racks are big dark looking things.

I can see from your photo that you already have the Solid Tech ROS.

I hope it works better for you then it did for me.

I am going to try something interesting this weekend. Most racks come with spike footers. I am going to replace my spike footers with Ansuz Feets combined with Ansuz Darkz to see if I can hear a difference. Comparing racks and rack footers is actually very challenging because of the long duration it takes to make the changes and power everything up again. I will give it a go though. Always tweaking is my motto.
I will be very interested in your findings. To couple or de-couple is always up for a lot of debate. Personally I am starting to really like de-coupling.;)
I can see from your photo that you already have the Solid Tech ROS.

I hope it works better for you then it did for me.

I am going to try something interesting this weekend. Most racks come with spike footers. I am going to replace my spike footers with Ansuz Feets combined with Ansuz Darkz to see if I can hear a difference. Comparing racks and rack footers is actually very challenging because of the long duration it takes to make the changes and power everything up again. I will give it a go though. Always tweaking is my motto.

This week I'm going to my dealer to talk about cables etc.

While I like Ansuz, if another brand will suit my system better I will not hesitate to buy something else. That is also why I have the Purist Audio XLR cable, try finding a 6meter affordable Ansuz XLR cable :)
This week I'm going to my dealer to talk about cables etc.

While I like Ansuz, if another brand will suit my system better I will not hesitate to buy something else. That is also why I have the Purist Audio XLR cable, try finding a 6meter affordable Ansuz XLR cable :)

Will see you tomorrow then :happy:, Alex has some nice boxes to unpack !
need your expert advice on the following:
any experience about the following:

would a shorter 1,5 m ceramic 2 Mainz still beat the longer 2 m old diamond or ceramic Mainz cable?
from my wall (Furutech rhodium ncs, separately secured with Ahp Klangmodul 16a) to mainz8d2 I luckily own a 2 m dtc Mainz.
I now want to substitute my old cable ceramic 2 m to preamp Linn Klimax dsm and or amps Linn Klimax Solo 500.


Welcome Ollie
In my opinion all version 2 cables are better than the originals. I would say the Aluminum v2 is better than the original Diamond. Can't explain it but longer power cords sound better than shorter ones. That said I have not heard any power cords less than 2M.
need your expert advice on the following:
any experience about the following:

would a shorter 1,5 m ceramic 2 Mainz still beat the longer 2 m old diamond or ceramic Mainz cable?
from my wall (Furutech rhodium ncs, separately secured with Ahp Klangmodul 16a) to mainz8d2 I luckily own a 2 m dtc Mainz.
I now want to substitute my old cable ceramic 2 m to preamp Linn Klimax dsm and or amps Linn Klimax Solo 500.


Hello - Not sure, I fully understand what you’re saying but will try to answer.

I never ran D series up, my experience is with the C2 over the C and was a significant improvement that was better for me over the Nordost Valhalla 2. I still have a C2 and have placed it into my preamp with amazing results getting into Odin territory. I use the C in my Oppo player, with significant improvement over Nordost Frey 2.

Repurpose the C into a digital setup or similar if you are running this.
need your expert advice on the following:
any experience about the following:

would a shorter 1,5 m ceramic 2 Mainz still beat the longer 2 m old diamond or ceramic Mainz cable?
from my wall (Furutech rhodium ncs, separately secured with Ahp Klangmodul 16a) to mainz8d2 I luckily own a 2 m dtc Mainz.
I now want to substitute my old cable ceramic 2 m to preamp Linn Klimax dsm and or amps Linn Klimax Solo 500.



Hi Ollie,

Generally speaking yes... C2 outperforms first generation D...

Hope this helps

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