Xp-30 + xa100.8

We've received Pass system after two weeks burn-in process in Polish dealer shop, and in Our room Xp-30 + Xa100.8 were working almost two weeks too.
We've received Pass system after two weeks burn-in process in Polish dealer shop, and in Our room Xp-30 + Xa100.8 were working almost two weeks too.

Nice to hear this because I mis some warmth with my XA 60.8 and maybe this will come to my Amps during the break-in. We have I think the same and only one dealer in Poland :-) My Amps ware brand new and now have +\- 300 hrs on it. I'm curious about the differences in sound in 100.8 vs 60.8. If there is more warm sound in the bigger ones?
i emailed to Pass for some advice in changing my Preamp. To obtain some more "body" in the mids.


Have you considered a great tube preamp in front of your point 8 amps? You might be surprised that the combo might be perfect for your taste.

Have you considered a great tube preamp in front of your point 8 amps? You might be surprised that the combo might be perfect for your taste.

No I didn’t. I had some experience in the pas with Tubes and want to avoid it with Pass Gear. The tubes ware some days sublime , but for no reason then some days worse.

My dealer says that maybe my ALeph P i causing this. So they manage audition at my home with XP-10 if i like this i then can to another with XP-20 or even XP-30.
I was yesterday listening only at good recordings and swapped the power cords to originals ones that Pass provided with.
My opinion from yesterday was that the amp is revealing much more than all my previous experience with AMPs. Maybe this is why I had some complains. The amp is maybe sound more revealing the sound and the bad recordings are just no more fun with it.
Do not get me wrong. I like very much the crisp nuances that the new Amp I reveling. Just hoop it will be later on more musical. Maybe ( like 60.5 vs 100.5 ) the 100.8 is better for me ? Have someone the knowledge of it ?
Hello SlowikPL,

I had the Xa100.5 with the Xp20. then I sell the Xa100.5 and replaced with the (GREAT) Xa100.8.

The pre Xp20 was too sold and I have try the Audioreseach REF5se. -> after 3 months the AR REF5se go out from my home.

I purchased another Xp20. --> Pass pre and ampli combo is magic. (imho)

The Xp20 is perfect with the XA .8 serie. if you can go with a Xp20 and not with the Xp10.
Sure a Xp30 can be a great surprise but the $$$ difference froma xp20 and a Xp30 is not little (in europe this last is 2x the price from a Xp20 and so much money are not the 2x the sound quality from your system.)

in place replace the cd player. the Marantz is a good player but with the Pass gears you can have / obtain a superb sound with a new player.....

Your speaker are "similar" at the marten (self do?)? sensibility?

I use Wilson Sasha2 and the Xa100.8 are perfect.(91dB)

I go replace my cd player Ayon cd3sx with (at 90%) a AR CD6 (no tube), much better vs. a Esoteric K03!!! other player like Moon 650DAC was on the table...at the end the AR CD6 is the winner..... I go see.

If you need more power (your xa60.8 often go to AB?

the xa100.8 think are best for your speakers .... but do not know them well -> please more 'specifications"

power cords for premapli and the cd player is very important. much more than those used for amplifiers.

read: cables for pre & source: 500 $$ - cables for the amplifiers 300 ss.(more money for the pre & source cables vs the ampli cables)

Hello SlowikPL,

I had the Xa100.5 with the Xp20. then I sell the Xa100.5 and replaced with the (GREAT) Xa100.8.

The pre Xp20 was too sold and I have try the Audioreseach REF5se. -> after 3 months the AR REF5se go out from my home.

I purchased another Xp20. --> Pass pre and ampli combo is magic. (imho)

The Xp20 is perfect with the XA .8 serie. if you can go with a Xp20 and not with the Xp10.
Sure a Xp30 can be a great surprise but the $$$ difference froma xp20 and a Xp30 is not little (in europe this last is 2x the price from a Xp20 and so much money are not the 2x the sound quality from your system.)

in place replace the cd player. the Marantz is a good player but with the Pass gears you can have / obtain a superb sound with a new player.....

Your speaker are "similar" at the marten (self do?)? sensibility?

I use Wilson Sasha2 and the Xa100.8 are perfect.(91dB)

I go replace my cd player Ayon cd3sx with (at 90%) a AR CD6 (no tube), much better vs. a Esoteric K03!!! other player like Moon 650DAC was on the table...at the end the AR CD6 is the winner..... I go see.

If you need more power (your xa60.8 often go to AB?

the xa100.8 think are best for your speakers .... but do not know them well -> please more 'specifications"

power cords for premapli and the cd player is very important. much more than those used for amplifiers.

read: cables for pre & source: 500 $$ - cables for the amplifiers 300 ss.(more money for the pre & source cables vs the ampli cables)


Hi ,

Mu Speakers are at 91dB. I had only 2-3 times that the needle in the middle moved like 1-2 mm on very loud sequences. But I prefer to listen not that loud. So I think the power isn’t the issue. The needle stays 100% and 11 o clock.
Those are like the Marten`s speakers. The midds and tweeter are Accuton`s and the Woofers in closed box are Seas. The XO is made with Duelunds and Mundorfs SO/SGO mix.
The speakers reveal anything wat is on the record, very clean and also not hard sounding.
I could have more bass impact. And the Pass 100.8 have the more so I read. Maybe it’s the right way to give chance to 100.8 and later on XP-20. But the speakers you use are way different from mine.

Mu Speakers are at 91dB. I had only 2-3 times that the needle in the middle moved like 1-2 mm on very loud sequences. But I prefer to listen not that loud. So I think the power isn’t the issue. The needle stays 100% and 11 o clock.
Those are like the Marten`s speakers. The midds and tweeter are Accuton`s and the Woofers in closed box are Seas. The XO is made with Duelunds and Mundorfs SO/SGO mix.
The speakers reveal anything wat is on the record, very clean and also not hard sounding.
I could have more bass impact. And the Pass 100.8 have the more so I read. Maybe it’s the right way to give chance to 100.8 and later on XP-20. But the speakers you use are way different from mine.

well I can say you are happy!!!

change the pre and try new power cables.

with Pass you have more pleasure if you listen your track not loud. I can listen each instrument....

For what I understand try the Xp10, if you like "liquid music" in place from a xp20 go with a nice Dac ....maybe a new rack!!! the xa60.8 are not in a optinal position.....

what for speaker cable you use? same brand as xlr pre / cd player to the pre?

sorry over the pre what for a gear play?

you are in Usa?

I have now after some month’s opinion about the Pass XA 60.8 and now also have also purchased the Pass XP 20. I had some troubles at begin with the sound of the new units compared to my Aleph P Pre and the DIY Aleph X 60W mono`s.
In compare it to my old system at first the bloom in midrange was gone. That was for me a very big disappointment at first, because I hear different thinks during the auditions at the shop with XP 10 and my XA 60.8 then my old Aleph P and new 60.8.
After 2 months of investigating why my new AMP was so different I have purchased the Pass XP 20 Preamp to see it had the effect in the better way. It was better space allocation but not the midrange bloom why I loved my Pass gear.
Then I realized that I had made some changes in my speakers before I bought XA 60.8. After the change reversed the sound was many times better but not the way I was familiar with from Pass. No charms from the Midds and Highs.
Then after someday ( one week ago) I realized that I switched my DIY XLR cables based on Klotz 5000 series to Mogami`s ( not sure what type ). So I changed it back 4 days ago. And , and , and my BLOOM was back !!!! Love was again sparkling from the AMP`s.
So, after some cables switch XLRs from Mogami to Klotz 5000 series ( I know very cheap ones J ) the new set of mine is sublime !!!
So everything I was worried about the sound I now for 100% gone. I`m now very pleased with the reality ( wat I was firs looking for in the new set ) , the bloom, and space the new amp in combination with the Pre has to offer. Really the new .8 series ware the combination of typical Pass sound with the Spicy pinpoint reality with much wider stage as bonus !!
Now I can add 6K to upgrade from 60.8 to 100.8 , I do not need more power ( i think so ) so I think I have to upgrade with some beter cabels then Klotz.
And now I’m looking for new DAC ( like Lampizator BIG7 ) also and my search for music reproduction will end………… This year :)
Congratulations SlowikPL,

So happy for you. I sold my XA60.5 to get XA60.8 and I think I still might do it. I do miss the .5's but feel the .8's would be better for me anyway. This is exciting news from you.

Thank you.
For now only Polish version, but we publish a lot of photos

Dooh..looks like the Forum Nannies prevent even being able to do a proper quote of someone else’s picture for "newbies" like myself :hmmm:



First of all Very nice setup. I have always been a fan of the XP30 and am about 90% sure it will be my next PRE. With that said, I often wonder if those who have this unit ever tried or noticed a difference in SQ by placing the X 3 chassis away from each other verses stacked on top of one another? I really like the idea of having such a modular configuration but often wonder if stacking the components defeats the purpose at all.

Despite the stacking I'm sure just the fact that the units are each in their own chassis alone makes up for most of the difference a design like this offers. Rack real-estate is another consideration as well I'm sure but given unlimited room is there any reason to believe greater separation of equipment would offer any further audible benefits?

Thanks for you insight.