WTB EML or KR Audio tubes

I just wanted to exchange the KR for my Takatsuki recti and noticed that the plastic center of the tube had broken off and is now stuck in the DAC now.
The recti still functions, but I am not sure how to get the plastic out of the dac, so that I can pit another recti inside. Take a knife and pull it out?
What is the plastic center for? Just to stabilize the recti in its seat? It does play with the broken off plastic.

Just put in once and it broke....be more careful than me


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I had this happen with a kt150 and superglued it carefully back in position. It seemed fine after that. The plastic center makes sure you dont misalign the tube.
Thanks for your input.

Aligning is not a problem with the Lampi Kron 5u4G cause the printing is straight to the front when put in correctly.
So I guess I just leave it like it is.

Sound is really wonderful with this recti.
Interested in knowing the difference with the Tak

I prefer the Taka by a mile. I could sell all other rectis and just keep the Taka. It's so much better, there is no competition.
This is my recti for the Golden Gate.

And yes, I like the Kron too, I think it's a good recti and I enjoyed listening with it the last few days, but the Taka is endgame material.
It's unbelievably good.
I prefer the Taka by a mile. I could sell all other rectis and just keep the Taka. It's so much better, there is no competition.
This is my recti for the Golden Gate.

And yes, I like the Kron too, I think it's a good recti and I enjoyed listening with it the last few days, but the Taka is endgame material.
It's unbelievably good.

Coild be an upgrade later on for me from the EML 5U4G but not know, spent enough on the DAC already.

Next might look at speaker upgrades but hard to do that with ATC SCM40's
To Khonfused, concerning the broken rectifier tube guide pin center. As has been previously recommended, you can super glue it back in place. In almost all cases of this that I have seen, there is still a part of the indexing rib left on the base to identify correct orientation. There are also keyway adapters available that simply slide over the pins that have a new guide pin built on them. It is a common occurance that can be easily rectified. Pun intended.
I was told this will fall under the warranty as this happened to other people too, including Lukasz...
Kron will repair the recti in due time.
I prefer the Taka by a mile. I could sell all other rectis and just keep the Taka. It's so much better, there is no competition.
This is my recti for the Golden Gate.

And yes, I like the Kron too, I think it's a good recti and I enjoyed listening with it the last few days, but the Taka is endgame material.
It's unbelievably good.

Could you pls recommend the right place to get one ?
From Lukasz's facebook page:

One of the rarest tubes in current production - KR242. And the most expensive too. The main quality factors are: directly heated cathode, dual zirconium getters, great Telefunken design improved upon by KRON in Czech Republic. This tube is relatively small, very powerful, with high micro and macrodynamics. It makes lazy and boring systems jump to life like the adrenaline injection did in Pulp Fiction movie to Uma who OD'd. It is particularly suitable to balanced Big series DACS from Lampizator because it has the smallest heater current from all DHT tubes so it wont stress the heater PSU. Currently the waiting time for the next manufacturing slot is 1 year but we bought the entire stock to make tons of money this time around.
From Lukasz's facebook page:

One of the rarest tubes in current production - KR242. And the most expensive too. The main quality factors are: directly heated cathode, dual zirconium getters, great Telefunken design improved upon by KRON in Czech Republic. This tube is relatively small, very powerful, with high micro and macrodynamics. It makes lazy and boring systems jump to life like the adrenaline injection did in Pulp Fiction movie to Uma who OD'd. It is particularly suitable to balanced Big series DACS from Lampizator because it has the smallest heater current from all DHT tubes so it wont stress the heater PSU. Currently the waiting time for the next manufacturing slot is 1 year but we bought the entire stock to make tons of money this time around.

The description is very accurate and inline with my observations in the tube.

For someone reason when soon good tubes come on sale I get the urge to buy but stop myself as I don't want to change the sound I get via the 242 and will not change it what that means is the 300b will just be sitting in the cupboard catching dust.

I like the way he described the boring recordings jump to life, I would say that applies to the whole chain.
My speakers are very analytical and the didn't excite me when I firsts for them.
Things changed quickly when I first got the lampizator win the Psvane hifi 101d and then the 242 just made my ATCs a different speaker all together.

Pne finds it hard to believe the scale of the sound from these small slim tubes.
I got mine second hand, but if I had to buy it new I would most likely buy it here as they even have a German bank account.


I would NOT buy from them. I purchased a Tak 274B from them over 6 weeks ago and it hasn't been delivered, nor have they responded to repeated emails asking for some update. I filed a paypal dispute over a week ago and pricejapan haven't responded to it either. Very disappointed! They literally took my $970 and walked away!
Thank you for this warning.
Nevertheless I won't buy a recti for 950 usd plus custom duty and vat, so final cost in Europe around 1300 usd all together , it's to much, even if it's good.
I would NOT buy from them. I purchased a Tak 274B from them over 6 weeks ago and it hasn't been delivered, nor have they responded to repeated emails asking for some update. I filed a paypal dispute over a week ago and pricejapan haven't responded to it either. Very disappointed! They literally took my $970 and walked away!

Fair enough and I fully understand. But there are reports that it does take time and eventually it will be delivered.
Please report back what the final outcome is.
Fair enough and I fully understand. But there are reports that it does take time and eventually it will be delivered.
Please report back what the final outcome is.

I will certainly report back after it is resolved. I hope that I just 'jumped the gun', but the fact they haven't replied to PayPal doesn't leave me confident. If they don't reply soon, I will be forced to escalate it and have papal recover my money. If I'm wrong and they come through I'll eat crow and recommend they devote some small resource toward "communication"