Why no turntable?

The SimAudio arrived today. Listening to a couple of albums so far. It is impressive! The manual states it needs 300 hours of break in time.

Congrats Randy. Very nice phonostage.

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I am enjoying and learning from this thread very much. Thanks for all the contribution folks, keep'em coming....
I am enjoying and learning from this thread very much. Thanks for all the contribution folks, keep'em coming....

I am having fun relearning and playing around with vinyl. While I totally expect digital to remain my main source, I have been listening primarily to vinyl that past weeks. It is fun and sounds amazingly good; of course not close to my digital, but surprisingly good for how little I have put into the vinyl playback equipment so far. I would say under $1400 including the Record Doctor, SimAudio, etc. I doubt I could have done as well in a full digital setup in that range (considering DAC, server, software, etc.), and I am equally sure that if I had put as much into the vinyl as I have into my digital, in total, that they would be on par to each other.

So it proves to me that it is a personal preference, and in my case the convenience of digital will win out, but the vinyl is fun and allows me to re-discover old favorites that are not available in digital!
Ok, Mike and crew (all you guys are the crew), I still love digital, but I have also fallen in love with my new vinyl! Yes, it is definitely more picky, and more fiddling... fine tuning etc. But listening to Alan Parson's Eye In The Sky remastered from original tapes pressed on virgin 180g vinyl is like... DAMMMMM ... ok I get it... and now wondering how high of a cartridge can the U-Turn handle? I still think it is an amazing table.... Ortofon 2M Black???

I actually looked up my old Grace F9E Ruby... was reminiscing how much I loved that cartridge. :)

You guys win... ok :D
Ok, Mike and crew (all you guys are the crew), I still love digital, but I have also fallen in love with my new vinyl! Yes, it is definitely more picky, and more fiddling... fine tuning etc. But listening to Alan Parson's Eye In The Sky remastered from original tapes pressed on virgin 180g vinyl is like... DAMMMMM ... ok I get it... and now wondering how high of a cartridge can the U-Turn handle? I still think it is an amazing table.... Ortofon 2M Black???

I actually looked up my old Grace F9E Ruby... was reminiscing how much I loved that cartridge. :)

You guys win... ok :D

Ha! When I started this thread I was up against much opposition. NOW, FINALLY, you guys are enjoying another side of the hobby (even if some of you don’t want to give me credit for the nudge over the edge). It’s not better, it’s different. And that was the whole point. Variety.

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Agreed Mike... so Ortofon 2M Black :)... yes it is fun... my wife has me shopping for a record storage cabinet, piece of furniture... I give you credit... which means I also give you blame :D...

Shhhh... pscho babble is playing... holy fuck...
Consider yourself getting off easy Randy. I bought a STST Motus II DD turntable, and an Otari 5050 MkII tape deck. I already spent $500 on records and $2200 on tapes.
Go Candeza Black!

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Randy, can only second Mike on the Cadenza Black. I started off with the Cadenza Bronze, and it was great.

And, I’m also happy to see others discovering the fun of vinyl. It seems we’re slowly getting over this unhelpful arguing whether digital or analog is better. They’re different shades of gray for the discerning music lover.

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Hmmmm... that might be a tad too much for the little U-Turn table :).... Since Mike knows the phono stage I have I assume it should work ok with something like this. Probably a little too over the top for me at this stage of my re-learning :).

I do wish I still had my Grace Ruby... God I loved that cartridge back in the day.
I do wish I still had my Grace Ruby... God I loved that cartridge back in the day.

I hear ya Randy, my favorite MM cart of all time, had one back in the day mated to a Premier MMT arm on a Kenwood KD500 table. Man that made some sweet music !!
I had an Audio Linear table with a SME III arm and the Grace Ruby cartridge :)... I loved that table back in the day!

Go Candeza Black!

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Randy, can only second Mike on the Cadenza Black. I started off with the Cadenza Bronze, and it was great.

And, I’m also happy to see others discovering the fun of vinyl. It seems we’re slowly getting over this unhelpful arguing whether digital or analog is better. They’re different shades of gray for the discerning music lover.

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Another vote for Cadenza Black.
Cadenza Black ?????? Really. Why not just get an Anna or a Koetsu or some other over the top extravagant cartridge. Randy has a $500 TT and a nice modest system. This talk seems foolish and uncomfortable to me. Imagine him. Think how your making Randy feel suggesting a over the top cartridge that cost as much as his T+A amp. He doesn't need a $2,700 cartridge to get good sound from that table. He could find a deal on a Quintet bronze or Back and really top out that table and have a superb cartridge matching his overall system.