Hi René,
We meet in the funniest places, welcome aboard....
Welcome René !
I remember the pic of your room some time ago. You had Verity Audio speakers before, wright ?
Hi Jerome - good memory! I had Verity Sarastro II and moved up to the Devore O/96 about 2 years ago :audiophile: Before the Verity I had Super 8s which are now in our second place with a Nait 5. The Sarastro are incredible speakers for classical music, but compared to the O/96 the Verity are missing too much of the flow and realism of the music for Jazz and most other music I listen to.
But the Super 8 did sound a lot better with the Haut Brion. The Nait is a lot of fun though
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I ran my super 8's with both tube and solid state. Tubes were way better for me and my ears in my home.
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me too on O/96
Ah ! My mistake then !
I personally never found a tube amplifier able to make them sound with realism at moderate volume, especially in the bass. But that is just my taste.
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Loving me some Shindo. :woot: