Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT


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Wow Mike, absolutely awesome looking! And those Quatro speakers sound better than some I've heard at triple the cost. A beautifully organic and liquid sound.

Great speakers - and not too shabby Ayre gear either.

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A classic pairing - and for good reason.

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The more I listen to these speakers in my store, the more I love them. I have to admit, I'm kind of at a loss as to why they aren't more popular. The Trio/Quattro CT's are just killer for the money.
The more I listen to these speakers in my store, the more I love them. I have to admit, I'm kind of at a loss as to why they aren't more popular. The Trio/Quattro CT's are just killer for the money.

I have become a huge fan of Vandersteen speakers, from the Treo right up to the Model 7 Mk2. The speakers just grow on you over time. They don't have that big wow factor that you eventually tire of. What you get is an accurate, musical, organic and non-fatiguing presentation where the speakers step out of the way and let you focus on the music.

Awesome Ken. Mike keeps telling me I need to hear them properly set up. I am very afraid. :)
Unfortunately very little chance to hear them in Europe. Do you think they will be at High End?

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If you only heard them at that event at Johnny's then Mike is right. They are not set it and forget it speakers, but set up correctly they can be special. Even if you went back to Johnny's on a week day when it was quiet he might well have the same Ayre/Vandy setup as Mike or if not with ARC. If I went back to Vandersteen again it would likely be 5A Carbon's.
Thanks Jack.

Between my Strads and JBLs, I'm really happy. Sure I get a little roving eye but overall, I need to stay put. If something should change, I have lots of options, maybe too many :)


If you only heard them at that event at Johnny's then Mike is right. They are not set it and forget it speakers, but set up correctly they can be special. Even if you went back to Johnny's on a week day when it was quiet he might well have the same Ayre/Vandy setup as Mike or if not with ARC. If I went back to Vandersteen again it would likely be 5A Carbon's.
Awesome Ken. Mike keeps telling me I need to hear them properly set up. I am very afraid. :)

Hi Joe,

The Vandersteen Quatro CT have your name written all over them.:D They sound incredibly liquid and organic, are not too large and are reasonably priced. They are at their absolute best with Ayre components. The synergy with Ayre is just huge.


Saw that on the exhibitor list.

The Quatro Wood CTs are maybe the most interesting ones from my perspective right now, if the synergy with Ayre is as good as indicated.

Just would need to find a dealer in Europe [emoji3].

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The more I listen to these speakers in my store, the more I love them. I have to admit, I'm kind of at a loss as to why they aren't more popular. The Trio/Quattro CT's are just killer for the money.

its a funny thing, most speaker purchases that end in a flip are because they impress on first listen then become unlistenable over time (wear you out). Vandys wont grab you on first listen, if you make the commitment and purchase them you'll thank yourself in 6 months or a year later.

My first stop at an audio show was the Vandersteen room to listen to the 7s. I liked them but didn't feel the lust. on the last day of the show I went back and realized it was actually the sound I came for, what I could live with long term. Other speakers did this or that a little more spectacularly but on whole missed the plot when talking big picture, long term co-existence with a piece of gear.
Hi Kuoppis,

My two cents is that you should find a way to listen to the Vandersteen Quatro CTs, especially with Ayre. In the last year, I spent a lot of time listening to different speakers (Magico, Rockport, Vandersteen, etc.) + amplifiers (Ayre, Nagra, Audio Research, etc.) and ended getting Vandersteen Model 7 Mark IIs and Ayre MXRs. Also, I listened to a VX5-Twenty with Quattro CTs (and my Model 7iis) and love that combination. I almost got Quattro CTs because they sound so good, and are at a sweet spot of sound quality relative to price.

I have two other observations regarding Vandersteen & Ayre… First, similar to puroagave and some others, Vandersteen speakers did not immediately grab my attention by overemphasizing certain things (detail, highs, bass etc.). There was no "wow" or "ah ha" first impression. Instead, they just got most things right so that hour after hour of listening, I enjoyed the music… The detail, tone and other things that I like were there. In addition, as different components/ cables were swapped, I could usually hear changes (some I liked and some I didn't like). In the approx. nine 9 months since getting Vandersteen speakers, I find I'm just listening more and enjoying the music more.

Second, I found that when pairing Vandersteen speakers with Ayre amps, I got the best results with copper or mostly copper cables (not solid silver). I know that may sound strange, but that was my experience.

In any event, I hope you have a chance to listen to Quattro CTs.

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My Audi Havana Black Quatro CT's will be delivered on the 26th of April by Johnny at Audio Connection. I've been traveling and I'm a 3 hour drive for him, so we had to sync schedules. I can't wait. I have heard so many speakers over the years and I auditioned so many more over the last year before I pulled the trigger on the Quatro's.

I can't afford the 5A CT's. I have always felt the Quatro is the sweet spot in the whole Vandersteen line. IF you can afford a pair of 5's, then it surely is the way to go, but the Quatro get's you about 90% of the way there I bet. To me, it's more dynamic in the bass than the Magic S3 (a really nice speaker that blows others out of the water for me). It's still that same point source type of sound that has a coherency from top to bottom that all others lack for MY ears. Some speakers do bass well, some to mid bass and up well and others just go boom boom loudly and are out of phase and don't give any true micro or Macro detail (hint, What was the name of Mr Ed's neighbor).

I have spent a bit of time with the new Paradigm 9H's. They too are a powered bass speaker with Anthems EQ built in. They are a nice speaker, but the Quatro's eat their lunch and know what comes later. It's not even close for me and I've spoken to many others who feel the same. Legacy is another good speaker that just can't touch what the powered Vandersteen's are doing right now.

Many look at the Vandersteen line and say they want a cabinet that is made of an exotic material or aluminum or whatever. The 7's are, but its' so expensive to do that in a speaker that goes for 14k or so. That takes away from the rest and most important parts of the speaker. There are plenty of great sounding speakers with the traditional cabinet a VAndy is in. Isn't sound the most important thing? I can't wait to see the upgraded painted Quatro's as it's automotive quality that's cut and buffed. They will look even better to me than the Wilson cabinets or some of the others out there. Even my wife loved the Treo's in cherry.

For any of you on the fence about the Quatro's, go give them a true listen and chance. As others attest, they are killer and do most everything right. The more expensive one's just do right a bit better and a bit deeper and move more air. These Quatro's really are the sweet spot in his line for me.