Unpacking the Shunyata Everest 8000

Hi Caelin, one quick question: What do you mean by “plug it in parallel to the amps instead of series?” I only have one duplex for the my amps, so I don’t see how a single Denali would work in that application? Thanks.

You would need a quad-plex outlet to do it.
or two TQRs, one for each amp and all the corresponding power cords required.
so this is an awesome setup but you have 2 large heavy chassis and multiple power cords that need to be exceptional.

Pretty much this is exactly why I created the Omega QR.
one cord to wall. Has a QR/BB in it and NR noise reduction.
You would need a quad-plex outlet to do it.
or two TQRs, one for each amp and all the corresponding power cords required.
so this is an awesome setup but you have 2 large heavy chassis and multiple power cords that need to be exceptional.

Pretty much this is exactly why I created the Omega QR.
one cord to wall. Has a QR/BB in it and NR noise reduction.

Indeed, the Omega QRs are on my short list to audition with my amps. Bet they would sound amazing with them, but I “gotta” save my lunch money first as these aren’t inexpensive.
Indeed, the Omega QRs are on my short list to audition with my amps. Bet they would sound amazing with them, but I “gotta” save my lunch money first as these aren’t inexpensive.

i hear you buddy. We all have to watch the budget. One big thing at a time. The Everest is the big leap in performance.
Hi Caelin-
Quick question for you. Sorry to deviate on the Everest thread. I just purchased a Denali v2 from Suncoast and some alpha NRv2 and sigma NRv2. I will be running a Sigma Analog between the wall and the Denali, and a Sigma NR v2 and 2x Alpha NRv2s from the Denali to my amp, pre, and DAC.

Moving forward, which would be a more beneficial use of funds? Selling the Sigma Analog and upgrading to the 20amp Sigma XC, or buying another Alpha NRv2 for one of my other components (dcs Rossini clock, external crossover, or CD transport all of which are currently using Transparent powerlink mm2 power cords).
Thanks in advance and congrats on the Everest 8000. It looks amazing.

Hi Caelin-
Quick question for you. Sorry to deviate on the Everest thread. I just purchased a Denali v2 from Suncoast and some alpha NRv2 and sigma NRv2. I will be running a Sigma Analog between the wall and the Denali, and a Sigma NR v2 and 2x Alpha NRv2s from the Denali to my amp, pre, and DAC.

Moving forward, which would be a more beneficial use of funds? Selling the Sigma Analog and upgrading to the 20amp Sigma XC, or buying another Alpha NRv2 for one of my other components (dcs Rossini clock, external crossover, or CD transport all of which are currently using Transparent powerlink mm2 power cords).
Thanks in advance and congrats on the Everest 8000. It looks amazing.


upgrade the cable from the wall to the Denali

You have a nice dCS system. Your profile doesn’t mention what you are using for digital cables. Those are most likely the weakest link in your cabling system.
...The Everest is the big leap in performance.

Would that finding be system dependent? Why I ask is, my system sounds no different with Denali v1 than without. Whether to upgrade to Denali v2 or Everest would be a leap of faith given Denali v1 didn't bring anything noticeable to the party.
Would that finding be system dependent? Why I ask is, my system sounds no different with Denali v1 than without. Whether to upgrade to Denali v2 or Everest would be a leap of faith given Denali v1 didn't bring anything noticeable to the party.

Compared to what?

I am going to assume that you are engaging in a bit of hyperbole when you say “no” difference. Every power distributor and power cord has a sound that is different. So there must be a reason you can’t hear differences. When people have said this in the past it usually is caused by one of the following.

1) Poor speaker setup and or no acoustic treatment. The poor acoustics obscure timing and imaging to such a degree that it is difficult to discern equipment changes. I have seen some of your posts about things you hear so I don’t know about this as a cause. Only you would know.

2) The person is not sensitive to power equipment changes. Some people are very good at hearing differences in frequency response as with speakers but are insensitive to noise or transient response. Power conditioners and power cords primarily affect uncorrelated noise and transient response.

3) A specific power component does not function in isolation to the other power components in the system. Each component affects the performance of the other components in the system even components that are in parallel to one another. You don’t mention what power cord you are using to feed the Denali. That is critical to the overall performance of the Denali. A power cord of insufficient gauge or one that has high levels of inductance will inhibit DTCD. This is like installing a highly restrictive intake on a high performance engine. It chokes the air supply of the engine and in the case of the Denali (entire system really) it chokes off instantaneous current.

4) The Denali has been placed on a carpet. Power conditioners sound dull and muffled when placed on a carpet. Put it on a proper shelf or if a tower version put a plank of granite, hard wood or amp stand below it.

RE: Denali v1 versus Denali v2
Yes differences in performance is quite large between the two generations.

I hope this helps,
No hyperbole. I try Sigma Clock-50, noticeable improvement over the Mexcel 7N-DA6100. I try Sigma AES-EBU, noticeable improvement over a Mogami digital. I try a Denali v1, I just don't hear it, better or worse. The Denali v1 is on a solid surface, connected to the wall with a PS Audio AC-10.
No hyperbole. I try Sigma Clock-50, noticeable improvement over the Mexcel 7N-DA6100. I try Sigma AES-EBU, noticeable improvement over a Mogami digital. I try a Denali v1, I just don't hear it, better or worse. The Denali v1 is on a solid surface, connected to the wall with a PS Audio AC-10.

Just curious, if you remove the Denali v1, what do you plug the components into?

Having owned some of PS Audio AC-10 and AC-12, I suggest that cable is seriously restricting performance whatever you plug into it.
A direct swap. PS Audio Dectet for a Denali v1.

If I were trying to access the performance of the Denali and PS Audio, and knowing how the PS Audio AC-10 performs, I'd suggest a couple of things.

Remove the AC-10 from the equation - it's uneven with the way it presents frequencies. What it does to the sound is heavy handed and unmusical in my experience. It acts like a filter to me. Swap in another power cable to replace the AC-10 or...

Try to test by plugging in components direct to the wall versus the Denali or Dectet ... or if you aren't able to reach your outlets, get an unfiltered power strip to serve as control along with a basic, stock all copper 10 or 12 gauge power cable. Both those things are cheap on Amazon, here in the USA, or you could even get an industrial extension cord at home repair place like Home Depot.
No hyperbole. I try Sigma Clock-50, noticeable improvement over the Mexcel 7N-DA6100. I try Sigma AES-EBU, noticeable improvement over a Mogami digital. I try a Denali v1, I just don't hear it, better or worse. The Denali v1 is on a solid surface, connected to the wall with a PS Audio AC-10.

Just curious, what are the power cords you're using to power components connected to Denali?
Mostly the older PS Audio xStream Prelude or AC-3 power cables.

Before I'd even consider dropping coin on the Everest or Denali V2, consider upgrading the PS Audio power cables on all or at least your core audio gear. You'll get a big upgrade in terms of accurate sound.
Sell the Denali and Dectet if you really don't need them elsewhere in your system, too.

Look at the latest Venom, Delta, Alpha, or Sigma or even last generation Sigma. I owned the last Sigma NR and it's a GREAT, balanced sounding cable - the best Shunyata cable I've heard. I'd recommend that all day long. Audition or add the Shunyata Everest or Denali V2 after that.

My criticism with the PS Audio power cables is that all those different size, shape, and material conductors probably act as a filter on the electricity and as crazy as it sounds to non-audiophiles, we hear that it changes the sound from our audio systems. You've probably looked at how different the Shunyata cables are constructed versus the PS Audio and there's a reason for that. You'll get a more balanced sound without major dips or peaks, with the Shunyata, in my experience.
XC version, alpha or sigma before even looking at the Everest. Climbing without the proper wall cable is futile and will not secure the summit, it’s really that simple.
..Look at the latest Venom, Delta, Alpha, or Sigma or even last generation Sigma.... Audition or add the Shunyata Everest or Denali V2 after that.

I need to make a 3 inch radius 90 degree bend so that probably counts out Alpha/Sigma. Venom is also counted out due to length, they are only available in 1.5m, right? Auditions are not possible in my market, the local dealer does not stock any Shunyata products.
I need to make a 3 inch radius 90 degree bend so that probably counts out Alpha/Sigma. Venom is also counted out due to length, they are only available in 1.5m, right? Auditions are not possible in my market, the local dealer does not stock any Shunyata products.

The new Alpha and Sigmas are super flexible, so that bend will not be a problem.
How long is the barrel of the alpha/sigma? The barrel length needs to be included in that 3 inch bend. So if the barrel is 2 inches long I need to make a 1 inch radius 90 degree bend.
How long is the barrel of the alpha/sigma? The barrel length needs to be included in that 3 inch bend. So if the barrel is 2 inches long I need to make a 1 inch radius 90 degree bend.

Unique problems.... Is the audio gear in a closet?
As I recall, the PS Audio barrel isn't small and the cord is stiff as hell. Shunyata is soooo much more flexible as Puma says. Actually one of the most flexible if not the most of what I've owned.