Tube amps for Alexia's


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
I've been reading the various Alexia reviews and it seems that the preference is for solid state. I like to have both solid state and tubes and switch back and forth. I've decided on the solid state amps - but I can't decide what to get for the tube amps to pair with my Alexia's. Doshi is an obvious option. Any others? McIntosh 275 mk6?

I've ruled out VTL.....I'm open to pretty much anything else.
What about these? :P

CJ has my attention (thanks to Joe - the amp man). I hope they are at CES this year. I want to hear the new CJ stuff.
McIntosh MC275's are NOT the best tube amp you can purchase out there. However they are something very special about them :) - No I cannot describe it. I use them on my VA Music speakers and Harbeth M40.1 and NEVER disappointed me. Perhaps little lacking on low end but they are well known character on true tube amps. In your case that wouldn't be matter coz you will have a nice solid amps if you like to have the earthquake bass on some music anyway.

Try it mike :)


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Thanks Paul. I love that picture! They are #1 on my list right now. I want to hear a few more things and even give my friends VAC 200's another listen after he gets some more hours on them. Then off to CES for more listening.

Doshi, ARC or CJ. My listening sessions with VTL have not been consistent - sometimes nice.
Mike...I have not been very active lately but I notice the Raidho D3s are no longer in your signature! Are these gone now?? I knew the Alexias were always a possibility but have they displaced the D3s or are those going to family room? I am behind the times I guess....

As for amp selections for Alexia, according to JA's measurements of the Alexias they do require current as they dip down to 1.9 ohms somewhere in the bass frequencies (sorry don't have Stereophile in front of me), so even though they are above average in sensitivity (i.e., they don't need many watts to make them play loud), they do need an amp that pushes out current and is stable down at 2ohms (which most tube amps are not well suited to deliver). The likely result will be that they may sound a bit thin with a tube amp driving them, as there may be a shift in the tonal balance up towards the midrange/treble region. Again this is purely going on the numbers. If you want an amp with tubes, you may want to consider a hybrid design (tubes in the input stage and SS in the output stage). Some candidates in that department are:

1) Tenor 175S


Some reviews:

High Fidelity

2) Aesthetix Atlas:



Aesthetix Atlas power amplifier |