This should be fun to watch....

I must be hearing something, because I thought for $20k ish the 802D3's were darn good. But maybe I'm a little biased. I used to own 801F's....a hundred years ago.
It is quite creative and interesting that Jeff is going through this process in the middle of the summer. This is a time in which things are a little slow. He's certainly getting a lot of people engaged with comments, recommendations and even argumentation.

Reality is that whatever he chooses will be good for some and not for others. It will keep the dialog and discussion for some time to come. I'm sure that by the time this is all done, there will be hundreds of comments and reactions posted in multiple websites.

And, that is something to think about....
I find Jeff's new LS choice interesting: from Q7 mk2 to Dynaudio Contour 60.

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dealers I work with mostly do not trade in their nuts. They're more like audio dealers.

Lmao :)

Hillarious if only you could take it as well as you deliver ....

Well, it depends on what is the point of reference and what you compare them to.

Any comparison to real hi-end like Magico, Giya or YG speakers would be just ridiculous.

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Everyone has their own level and reference , B&W, Magico , WA, YG , et al, Basically all single point source monkey Coffin type Speakers are all laterals IMO...

Different as oppose to being "better" , all quite capable in their own right, multi-tower linesource Ribbon / ESL /Horns etc is when you hit SOTA and real High end ..

Really? I rather like the 800 D3 series. Maybe some Martin Logan ESL15a's for Jeff. :audiophile:

The 802 d3 is excellent as well. Heard it with Naim, burmester and symphonic line Kraft. Was best with the Kraft.
Everyone has their own level and reference , B&W, Magico , WA, YG , et al, Basically all single point source monkey Coffin type Speakers are all laterals IMO...

Different as oppose to being "better" , all quite capable in their own right, multi-tower linesource Ribbon / ESL /Horns etc is when you hit SOTA and real High end ..
I agree some multi-tower linesource, ESL & horn speakers can sound amazing. I like the classic Infinity and Genesis linesource speakers, the ML CLX Art ESL's with matching subs & the Avantgarde Duo Mezzo & Trio XD horns. Though high cost of entry and room considerations come into play, making them impractical and/or out of reach for most.

That said, I don't agree that only linesource, ESL's & horns can be regarded as "SOTA" and "High end". Point source speakers like my own Magico's are a blend of acceptable comprises which enables them to be placed in a living/dining room situation, sound dynamic and coherent from a listening position 3 meters away (and relatively close to the front wall), and pressurize a medium-size room w/out subs. And using Magico as an example, their use of aerospace technology, computer modelling, advanced manufacturing processes & materials such as carbon composite, diamond-coated beryllium and graphene-reinforced Carbon Nano-Tec is certainly SOTA.
It is very possible to assemble a very musical and engaging system without having to spend > $100K. While we are seeing inflation levels in audio that don't exist elsewhere in the economy, there are a lot of good looking and sounding products being developed for sale at reasonable prices.

As long as there is demand and willingness to pay top dollar for extreme stereo components, manufacturers will continue to design, build and sell.

Look forward to reading Jeff's journey in audio.

Inflation in hi-end audio has really gotten out of hand and pricing being mostly set based on what people are willing to pay, completely detached from performance.

This is of course supported by reviewers not really doing their job of actually assessing gear performance, due to the fear of being caught being wrong. It is more convenient for people like JV to just put phantasy-priced boxes in a row stating "they're good", because this is the safe thing to do, as no-one dares and only few even have the opportunity to challenge them.

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If he sticks with Cone & Domes, I could see Magico M3's, Gryphon Trident II, Vivid.

He just told he specifically asked to review the Dynaudio Contour 60's.

As a former Dyn C1 owner I find that a cool move (especially after he has lived with top-shelve Magicos for a couple years).

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I’ve read a number of comments on “Jeff’s Getting a New Stereo System: Part One,” some in the form of letters that folks have written me, but also on some of the better audio forums, such as What’s Best and AudioShark. People seem to be having fun debating which way I’ll go.

Good to see this little piece in there ...
Ok, didn't slog the whole thread, but I'm seeing the gist is downsizing/simplifying. Yet no mention of active speakers and maybe a pre/dac?
Ok, didn't slog the whole thread, but I'm seeing the gist is downsizing/simplifying.
That was the approach I took after previously moving to Boulder separates (1060/1010). I can't say I miss the clutter & have been able to invest more on cables and isolation.
Good luck convincing people of that.

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Just keep exposing them to it , As experience and hi-fi knowledge grows they will hear it for themselves, not everyone can immediately appreciate the next level.

Just keep exposing them to it , As experience and hi-fi knowledge grows they will hear it for themselves, not everyone can immediately appreciate the next level.


Dipole baby, dipole! LoL
I am a massive fan of Britain's Hifi+ magazine but was recently disgusted by their reviews of the YG and Wilson Mega speakers. The extreme pricing is not aimed at enthusiasts but at oligarchs lacking taste and refinement! Their sole purpose to show off and boast to owning the most expensive speaker. SO WHAT....
I have been an avid customer of high-end components having owned a mega krell system with their Modulari Duo speakers and 600 watt Evolution monos. I have recently sold off most of my nagra HD components to wander down a more simple route. A route of minimal components. A DAC with volume control directly into a mono or stereo amp (undecided). This is not just for a more minimal/less clutter approach but also for user friendly reasons. As I have a family and as the hifi sits in the living room it is only fair that all members of the family should/can use it. When my wife complains that there are too many button and knobs and that I come home to her listening to an iPad, I know full well that discomfort and possible arguments will ensue...
Today I could almost imagine an integrated amp (ideally with onboard phono and DAC) a very decent CD player and record player and a simple pair of Harbeth speakers. Perhaps in total: $20'000 for the amp. $25000 for the speakers and another $20000 for the sources and cables. Yes that still adds up to $65000 which by any one's standard is an awful lot. But if it offers family enjoyment. Overly good musical quality and ease of use, THEN WHY NOT. It will also allow me funds to pursue other passions