The Upgrade Company's Oppo mods?

No worries Dave. I see what you're saying but one important addition...surely you were aware of the volatility that has followed this topic to every site it's been on, so it can't be a surprising result when that trend continues...if you weren't aware, some research is in order. I'd suggest an agree to disagree approach to this thread and enjoy posting in some other good discussion on AS, this clearly won't be the thread that changes the world view on this two cents, overstated value for sure

Hi arthurs,

It is still a surprise to me how these TUC threads go. I participate in a lot of threads on a few forums, and the volatility following this topic is not something that is typically seen on other threads (not having to do with TUC) - it's kind of a rare thing. I've participated in a few of those other threads, so yes, I am aware. What's interesting is that this started with one thread that had that volatility, so then any other thread that has followed has always buried the actual customer responses with responses that have no foundation other than referring to the original volatility and/or all the volatility that followed in other threads/forums. In any new threads that come up about TUC, folks continue to bandwagon on responses in previous forums/threads that had/have zero experience and the lack of any foundation.

That's why I eventually had to try for myself - I saw through all of it. It was a risk, but it's a risk I'm glad that I took. While some folks may continue to bandwagon and unfairly judge TUC, I will continue to use logic and my experience with TUC to express my opinion on the volatility that arises.

Dave-How current and relevant are your experiences with Friar Tuc? When was the last time you sent an item off to the land of blue goo and and aluminum foil? Time has marched on since you first started posting on the internet about how wonderful your experiences were with the Upgrade Company. Apparently there are no new threads about the Upgrade Company you can glom onto, so you search out any thread that has ever been posted on the net that you haven't previously discovered and shared your wonderful experiences on and try and resurrect it from the dead (as you have done here). So really, that would make you more like Dr. Frankenstein in that you try to bring the dead back to life.

Hi mep,

Great sense of humor - love the Dr. Frankenstein reference. :) Honestly, when I was first posting in this thread, I didn't even pay attention to the dates of the most recent posts. And, now looking at a post I made in another thread about OLED, it looks like I did the same thing. I just noticed that the post in the OLED thread previous to my post was May 12, 2014 - 10 months ago. In fact, looking on my posts in audioaficianado and avs forum, I've done the same thing there too, with posts on Krell power cords, DIY projection screens, etc. Those of you doing the creepy checking on me, please go check me on the other forums, and you will see I've done this in the past. Other folks do that too.

On all the other threads/forums, nobody complained that I posted in a thread after it had been quiet for so long. Only this one thread. Again, I'm in a backwards world in this thread. Just to make sure, is there a forum rule I should be aware of, regarding the posting into a thread that has been quiet for a while. If so, I will definitely obey the rule. If not, why all the fuss??

My most recent experience with TUC is an upgraded Marantz UD7007. I've since also bought some power cords and interconnects from TUC.

I was looking to get a Modded 105D last year and found TUC online. After reading his web site I called to talk about his mods. I left a message twice and never got a call back. I continued my research and found a company called EVS, Rik Schultz and had a long conversation about the mods he would do. Anyway, long story short, the 105D sounds incredible. I spent $800 for the EVS mods. So there are lots of options for 105 mods and company's with good reviews.

That seems unusual to me. I've also had to leave messages, because they're typically busy getting upgrades done and/or doing testing of gear. But, I usually get a call back. I've also sent emails, but it's usually good to talk to them on the phone.

That seems unusual to me. I've also had to leave messages, because they're typically busy getting upgrades done and/or doing testing of gear. But, I usually get a call back. I've also sent emails, but it's usually good to talk to them on the phone.


When was the last time you called them Dave?
When was the last time you called them Dave?

I called them yesterday and today. I'm looking for a replacement for my Krell S-1500. It has a known issue with a daughter board that comes up every now and then in this amp. I may not always be able to get a daughter board, and in a call to Krell, they suggested that I could replace 3 caps and then adjust the bias on my own, if they run out of the boards. I love the sound of the Krell, but I want to find something that's a little more reliable.

So, to start, I have never posted on any forum previously and will most likely never post on one in the future. If that makes you a sceptic, so be it! The only reason I am posting this is that I happened to come across an actual recent post on this subject and saw Dave's (THEZAKS) post. This is what compelled me to post because I have purchased a piece of equipment from Dave in the past on AudiogoN and yes it was an Upgrade Company piece. It has never mattered to me when I have seen bashers of TUC ( because I know the truth ), until I saw how you treated Dave; someone I know is of integrity and sincerity.
I purchased a Marantz AV8003 upgraded by David Schulte from Dave ( THEZAKS ) in late 2010 on AudiogoN as I mentioned. When it arrived to me, unfortunately there was a problem with it shutting off after powering up. A problem through the shipping process. Dave ( THEZAKS ) immediately got in touch with David Schulte who had me ship it to him to look at it. He made the repair, but again when I received it the problem still existed. So, now your probably saying it's because of shoddy workmanship from a company with no integrity, Right? And that is exactly why you need to know how much integrity David Schulte at The Upgrade company has. Upon calling him ( yes he returns his calls and emails ), even though this was not his problem in any way shape or form, he sent me a BRAND NEW Marantz AV7005 Upgraded unit ( because the AV8003 was no longer in production ). He took the loss upon himself. David Schulte is a man of INTEGRITY!!!! If you have any doubts, go to AudiogoN. If you are a member (or if your not just sign up, it's free) look up members "thezaks" and "soundsspectacular". Look up both our feedbacks from January 29, 2011 and you will see that this was a legit transaction and that we both thank David Schulte for going above and beyond to make a situation he didn't have to, right!!!
As far as the product, I couldn't be happier!! Still have the unit to this day. Improved sound and video quality ( yes, improved video quality from the upgraded pre-amp ) as all these folks who have done business with David Schulte express to you time after time.
So, to start, I have never posted on any forum previously and will most likely never post on one in the future. If that makes you a sceptic, so be it! The only reason I am posting this is that I happened to come across an actual recent post on this subject and saw Dave's (THEZAKS) post. This is what compelled me to post because I have purchased a piece of equipment from Dave in the past on AudiogoN and yes it was an Upgrade Company piece. It has never mattered to me when I have seen bashers of TUC ( because I know the truth ), until I saw how you treated Dave; someone I know is of integrity and sincerity.
I purchased a Marantz AV8003 upgraded by David Schulte from Dave ( THEZAKS ) in late 2010 on AudiogoN as I mentioned. When it arrived to me, unfortunately there was a problem with it shutting off after powering up. A problem through the shipping process. Dave ( THEZAKS ) immediately got in touch with David Schulte who had me ship it to him to look at it. He made the repair, but again when I received it the problem still existed. So, now your probably saying it's because of shoddy workmanship from a company with no integrity, Right? And that is exactly why you need to know how much integrity David Schulte at The Upgrade company has. Upon calling him ( yes he returns his calls and emails ), even though this was not his problem in any way shape or form, he sent me a BRAND NEW Marantz AV7005 Upgraded unit ( because the AV8003 was no longer in production ). He took the loss upon himself. David Schulte is a man of INTEGRITY!!!! If you have any doubts, go to AudiogoN. If you are a member (or if your not just sign up, it's free) look up members "thezaks" and "soundsspectacular". Look up both our feedbacks from January 29, 2011 and you will see that this was a legit transaction and that we both thank David Schulte for going above and beyond to make a situation he didn't have to, right!!!
As far as the product, I couldn't be happier!! Still have the unit to this day. Improved sound and video quality ( yes, improved video quality from the upgraded pre-amp ) as all these folks who have done business with David Schulte express to you time after time.

Wow! I didn't even know all that had happened! I have found Dave Schulte to be the same way with me. Awesome!

Hey There Dave,
Yeah, I guess you didn't know the full outcome of the situation. Yes, David Schulte is awesome!! Hope things are well with you!

Yes, things are great! I'm glad I took the chance of trying TUC. Dave is a great guy!
