The new JOB INTegrated Amp is coming !

Thanks for your suggestion. But no it's only a few seconds after ending or pauzing a track. Like a release of some static. Hearing it after muting the next thing I will try is to reduce the output level of the SHD Studio. Maybe that will help.

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-10dB output reduction reduces the number of occasions of crackeling noises. It still happens but only one in ten stops/pauses. So it looks like the spdif input got over loaded.

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Interesting. Now that I look back, I may have heard a few gurgles from my Job INTegrated. I dismissed it as either my imagination or maybe some noise from the network.

I’ll have to hook it up again and listen. I get into the habit of muting the output or switching to an unused input and if I remember correctly, seemed to have eliminated any noises. It was always a very low level blurb, nothing that would cause any issues.
Lowering the SHD Studio output -10dB does help. Now pausing a track is often silent. Stopping a track halfway stil causes noises.

The noises sound a like residual static. First 2-3 seconds silence. Than a sound like "kgrr.. gr..".
It goes up and down with the volume. At about -10dB compared to the music volume. So clearly audible but not shockingly so.

I decided to accept the noises and keep the Minidsp SHD Studio as streamer and room correction with the Job INTegrated.

I get occasional gurgles when the music is over but not when on mute or different input is selected. I don’t think it happens when the music is playing. Even at a very low volume, and paying attention, I’ve never heard it - only occasionally when the music is over on the digital input.
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Dear Customers and Followers, we have made the difficult decision to stop the production activity of JOB Electronics after we have finished to deliver our last batches this month. Faced with competition, volume and pricing issues we have made the choice to concentrate on other activities. We will continue to guarantee the repair side of the business. So for all of you who own a JOB 225, a JOB INT or a JOB Pre2 we will still be here to answer your questions and help you with your technical issues. On the practical side of things the website will probably be unreachable by end of the month but you will still be able to communicate with us through the Facebook page which will remain opened. Do not hesitate to contact us on the page or at the usual address: [email protected]. Thank you for your trust and enthusiasm over these years particularly since we have relaunched the JOB 225 dual power in 2013. We will still be around so let’s keep in touch. Thanks again. The JOB TEAM.

Today is a sad day for all fans of JOB ... :(

Hold on to your precious ones. I'll forever keep my 250 Monos in warm memory.

The above was posted on the JOB Facebook page.
Very sad. I felt something like this was coming.

I wonder if there’s anything available or if all remaining stock is sold?
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Very sad. I felt something like this was coming.

I wonder if there’s anything available or if all remaining stock is sold?

I guess supporting the little guy ( those with smaller pockets for spending) through quality and performance at a lesser price got the best of them. I see job sales cutting into the main line as the real reason, in my opinion. . Sad, such a nice product.
Well this sucks big time! One of their biggest fans ever since I got the Job INT.
Job products are some of the best deals ever in audio IMO.

I wonder what made them decide to shut the whole thing down like this.

Listening to my INTegrated every day. Only thing is I would like to hear/try an other dac. Dacs are getting better every year. If anyone knows how to bypass the Job dac I'd like to hear!

By the way I'm now using a MiniDSP SHD Studio as input. It's a network streamer with Dirac room correction. Like it a lot.


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Listening to my INTegrated every day. Only thing is I would like to hear/try an other dac. Dacs are getting better every year. If anyone knows how to bypass the Job dac I'd like to hear!

By the way I'm now using a MiniDSP SHD Studio as input. It's a network streamer with Dirac room correction. Like it a lot.

I have no first hand experience with the JOB INT, but looking at at some pics I see it has a pair of analog inputs which could likely be used to connect an external DAC.
Early Job INTegrateds passed all music through the dac. So the analog input was converted to digital, then reconverted back to analog. It was not ideal but listenable. Native digital input is absolutely outstanding.

Later units had the analog section pass through to the internal amp, bypassing the double conversion. I wish mine was like that. I have an early version but knew full well what I was buying into. Now I am no longer able to buy the current version, sadly. Having the pure analog input would have been nice.

I have no first hand experience with the JOB INT, but looking at at some pics I see it has a pair of analog inputs which could likely be used to connect an external DAC.
Question: I have the INTegrated for four and a half years now. It's my only amp. My speakers are 86dB 4 Ohm monitors. I still have a nagging feeling that there might be a more suitable amp. I could replace the INT with a dac and poweramp. I think of buying a pair of AVM Evolution M2 mono amps with an output 285W at 4 Ohm. Or a Bryston 3B SST. Trying something new is always nice but I don't know what I can expect. I have a small listening room (13'x15'). Could be my listening room is to small to be able to experience the power difference. Should I give it a try or won't it make much of a difference?
Would you want to run the DAC direct to the amp without a preamp?
Would you want to run the DAC direct to the amp without a preamp?
Yes, the Minidsp SHD Studio network streamer has 32bit volume control at digital output. They recomment using this with dac and power amp.

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Unfortunately I’m not familiar with the sound of the amps, AVM, that you mentioned. I’m familiar with the brand name AVM and don’t remember ever seeing any bad thoughts/reviews about them.

I will say that if you can get your hands on Bryston SST2 amps (the squared version), give them a try. The SST2 amps were wonderful and when they moved to the current Cubed version, I was not enjoying the sound. I really miss my 28BSST2 amps. Those were superb.
Rereading reviews of my speakers I wanted to know if an amp with 4Ohm spec would give a more powerful sound with my 4Ohm 86dB monitors compared to the Job with 8Ohm spec.
I did give a Class D Audio SDS 250C a try. With Khadas Toneboard dac it sounded good. But not as nice as the Job INTegrated. With the Class D Audio amp my speakers did not sound much different. Not more profound or something like that. So the Class D Audio amp was an interesting experience. Especially using a power amp instead of an integrated amp. But I sold it.
Shortly after I put a fiber part into my ethernet chain with two Tp-link MC220L modules. That proved to be a nice upgrade. For now I'm happy listening to the Job INTegrated again.

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I’m happy that you love the Job INTegrated. Believe it or not but it’s wonderful on my Avantgarde Duo speakers. I wish I had purchased the latest version better they stopped production.
I’m happy that you love the Job INTegrated. Believe it or not but it’s wonderful on my Avantgarde Duo speakers. I wish I had purchased the latest version better they stopped production.

Hi Joe, I've been comparing the Job INT with Goldmund again. I've got an unclear picture of the insides of the latest Job INT version. 6Moons shows a picture of the Telos 590 Next Gen. To my surprise the latest Job INT version and the Telos 590 Next Gen use the same dac board. Both have the analog input directly wired to this dac board. So getting the Telos 590 Next Gen dac board might do the trick.

Latest Job INT

Telos 590 Next Gen

my Job INTegrated

Greetings, Jaap


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