The amazing Jeff Rowland PSU brings a transformation

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Thanks Tdimler for forwarding the review. I have to admit, the PSU is a must for anyone owning the Corus as well as Aeris. It knocks the wind out of the sails!

I was fortunate enough to be at Jeff's place when he carried up a finished PSU to his listening room for the inaugural run with the Aeris. This was after we had listened for some time without the PSU. After inserting the PSU and listening to the same selections I can say it is indeed a fine piece.

Thanks Travis:

I agree it is a fine piece as well. It just seems like the PSU makes the music "jump out at you with realism! What's next?

The conclusions to C. Punter's review on HSA linked above are particularly telling:

"The Corus with PSU truly comprise the ultimate JRDG pre-amplifier. Not only is this the best JRDG preamp I have heard but the combo puts in the best overall
performance that I have heard in my system. It took only moments to make me decide to put my money where my mouth is and use a*credit loan to purchase
the combo.

Saluti, Guido
The new PSU:

Thank you MrDean.... I can only guess that friend Elberoth was being humorously hyperbolic in his assertion about the "worthless" thingie... Oh well *Grins!*


It is such a popular Internet saying ... there are actually thousands of images and gifs for the ocasion. I'm surprised someone could have taken it literally and feel offended (!).
Hi Albert. The PSU is very product specific and right now will only power the Corus and /or Aeris. I know the Consummate well, but it is not a going to be compatible unless you had some major electronics surgery done. Nor will it power a Coherence 1 or 2, Synergy, Capri; you get the idea. I am sure Jeff Rowland would tell you to just buy a Corus...
This is very interesting. I wonder if the PSU could power my Consummate preamp and phono amp?
Okay, thanks. I am not surprised that they are not compatible as the Consummate is kind of old but better power always makes a difference. I have the preamp plugged into a Consonance dLinear 15 power filter with upgraded outlets to Furutech GTX gold. Other receptacles are also Furutech GTX with Oyaide bases and carbon fibre covers. I even upgraded my Cullen power box to Furutech GTX gold. An upgraded power supply would have been a nice addition but the original still works well. It has been checked out by JRDG within the past 5 years or so. Still, using clean dc with absolutely no ripple must make for some very clean sound.
Well, that DC is what led Jeff Rowland to the Battery Power supplies of the Coherence 2 and even some of his power amps, but with the PSU he gets all the quiet DC, but with near instantaneous current delivery of Ultra-capacitors, and less internal resistance than batteries. If you do get the opportunity to hear the Corus/PSU, enjoy it. It is quite a treat.
Hi Albert, you should ask Angie Lisi of American Sound in Richmond Hill near Toronto to order a PSU.... ANd let you listen to a system with PSU powering a Corus and an Aeris at the same time.... I am confident you would find the experience more than a treat!

But.... Don't try to feed PSU to anything except Corus and/or Aeris.... Unless you are a fan of glorious sparkels, delicate scent of burnt circuits, and.... Slagged electronics *Grins!*

One listen to a Corus/PSU-925 Magico S7 system, and another friend got himself a Corus/PSU to replace his mega $ preamp (over 2X the price of the Rowland set). If you own either a Corus, or an Aeris, or are fortunate enough to have both, you really really must hear the PSU in your set. And if you are looking for your preamp or DAC to complete your dream system, you had better include these in the evaluation process, or kick yourself later.