TAD Compact Evolution One

I don't think that these sort of clips can do any product sounding justice. That said, this clip's playback samples sounded metallic when listened through my system.
Nice looking speakers but that youtube demo sounded hollow. I would have thought to demo a pair of $29,000 bookshelfs TAD would have taken time and got it right but then again it could be the room or the poor recording gear used.
This clip does not do the TAD justice. I heard this speaker at CES. In fact I went back a second time to hear it because I thought it was one of the better monitor speakers at the show.

I suppose we can think of these youtube videos as serving the purpose of making us aware of the product.
Nice looking speakers but that youtube demo sounded hollow. I would have thought to demo a pair of $29,000 bookshelfs TAD would have taken time and got it right but then again it could be the room or the poor recording gear used.

Peter B. would take exception to that statement.

I think I have misjudged you. You irritated me so much with you attacks on Raidho, my beloved speaker, that I've been ignoring your posts.

But this is the part that I have misjudged: you call them as you see them, without apology. I sense that you have a depth of knowledge in this hobby. Maybe you have rubbed me the wrong way. But maybe I need to be rubbed.

We all see read hear things differently. So I welcome your observations and constructive criticisms. I'm glad you are here :).