Stylus Care: What's Your Method

the Magic Eraser is more for when I feel a more aggressive cleaning is needed. sometimes I will take a q-tip and dip it in water and dab that on the stylus first to allow anything that might have built up and dried on to dissolve slightly. I know the water will not wick up the cantilever like some chemicals. my philosophy is always "don't mess with stuff any more than you need to", and "beware of unintended consequences". and I always do this un-muted so the system will tell me if I got too aggressive.

if you observe Magic Eraser under a microscope you see lots of stiff/sharp little loops that grab and cut at stuff. so it's critical that you drag the magic eraser softly in the correct direction since it can easily snag and ruin your day.

This is why I use the Magic Eraser like you do a Zerodust. Any of those little loops, even with the lightest touch can ruin your day. I never drag the M.E. in any direction in any manner. Then again, I'm timid using a stylus brush too even though I do.

I don't know that I would use water myself either. Water may be an actual solvent when you break down it's parts, but not string enough to much of anything as a solvent. However, while it may not do anything to the stylus itself, doesn't the cantilever pretty much wick any liquid it comes in contact with and wouldn't water rust it? I could be wrong, just my personal thinking it through.
The act of playing a record creates a vortex that when combined with the LP's inherant static charge sucks crap out of the air. Maybe not so bad in the country but for us urban dwellers....

True that too even at 33 1/3 RPM, it's fast enough! Heck the record doesn't even have to be moving in my opinion, darn evil crap in the air. In my place I can dust and 3 days later it looks like I haven't dusted in 4 weeks.