Soulution 711

I've corrected it:

Residual noise which is not normal S/N specs on M-6000 is phenomenal -119,5 dBr.
I believe this is because of the global double feedback and instrumentation input amplifier they use.

On the older Soulution 710 not so good - unbalanced/balanced -113/-102 dBr.
S/N on 710 was -107 dB.

S/N on the 720 preamp was -140 dB, but residual or silent noise is unbalanced/balanced -116,5/-102 dBr.
Here's the residual spec of 710 at Stereophile.


Soulution 710, spectrum of 1kHz sinewave, DC–10kHz, at 101W into 8 ohms (left channel blue, right red; linear frequency scale).
Last time I was at Davids, it was the best thing we listened to also. I was surprised because I really haven't liked past versions of Solution gear.

Hi Jock,

I have a system similar to yours, a full Naim 500 series, except for the speakers. I have the Magico S3 MkII.

I'm planning some changes.

Changing speakers for a pair of Magico M2, or changing electronics for a Soulution 760 DAC and Soulution 711 amplifier combo.

Considering you own a Naim/Magico system and have auditioned the Soulution 711 I thought your opinion could be of some help.

Considering that I listen mostly to classical music and value instruments separation, layering and accuracy in sound-stage, I believe changing electronics could bring a lot, perhaps more than changing speakers.

Thanks for your help, inputs.
