Shunyata Theta and Gamma Series Announced

I think the answer is definitely the first, that better NR and power delivery resulted in better motor function, and very likely "both."

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the product info states they are all treated with the new KPIPv2 processing, replacing the original KPIP protocol, and my hypothesis is that KPIPv2 has a significant impact on their functionality and audio qualities.

Shunyata Research is after all, a "research" company, & research never stands still; the new KPIPv2 process is an example of that.

What irritates / annoys is that the new budget lines are the only ones treated with the new v2 process. I’m fine and understand that the Alpha/Sigma v2 Lines that came out in 2020 didn’t have it (it just wasn’t there back then), but having purchased a full Omega signal loom which only came out last year is frankly a bit insulting to the customer. Now, if KPIPv2 only speeds up the break in process, that‘s totally fine. But if it improves sonics, the timing of one year release difference, a ca 10fold price difference and including the better technology in the entry level product and not in the top of the line is in my opinion frankly a No Go!
That's my reading of it. Makes no difference to me KPIP v1, v2, v3 or whatever. It's not an attribute I care about.

Exactly what I thought initially.

On the Shunyata website though it says: „When compared to the original process, KPIP v2™ represents a dramatic performance upgrade on par with a component-level upgrade.“

I‘m also surprised that the PMZ (= superior wire extraction process) that was first featured in the Omega digital cables three years ago if I remember correctly finds it‘s way now into the entry level series. Why not in the Omega signal cables?! I‘m a bit puzzled to be frank and reached out to Shunyata why that is the case.
Does anyone have experience with these new cables yet? In particular, I am curious how the Theta line compares to the Venom-X.

Thanks in advance.
Waiting on our demos. We did have experience with them at axpona in our room. They are another league better than Venom X (which we have in the store). The Theta sounds like “Omega Lite”. Very similar characteristics to the big boys.

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Waiting on our demos. We did have experience with them at axpona in our room. They are another league better than Venom X (which we have in the store). The Theta sounds like “Omega Lite”. Very similar characteristics to the big boys.

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High praise, indeed. I might just have to check these out when funds allow for an upgrade.

Thanks, Mike!
So what do I do. Buy a new Theta PC. Or wait for an open box Alpha v2 PC on Music Direct?

Music Direct tranships Shunyata product to Australia in clear violation of their dealer agreement? Interesting.

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