Shunyata power cables


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
I'm about to buy the Shunyata Anaconda Power Cables for my ARC REF 250's and the Cobras for my ARC DS450M's. Is it a general consensus that those are some of the best power cables? I'd love to do all Anacondas....but the budget got in the way! Plus, I'm not convinced digital amps just driving the bass really need Anacondas.

Mike... Besides these, the only others I would try are Jeff's. Howard (hkval) said they blew away his Wireworld pc's!
Thanks! If I didn't get such a nice discount on Shunyata, I would be all over Jeff's cables. I've heard they are great!

I have one Anaconda connect to my Rowand amp. The effect on the music is amazing! All that grunge and hash seems to have gone to zilch. Because of that, I can hear deeper and more sharply into the soundstage than ever before. Low level music is easily heard now. I am really enjoying the PC and would highly recommend it. One of the best investments I made IMO!


I have one Anaconda connect to my Rowand amp. The effect on the music is amazing! All that grunge and hash seems to have gone to zilch. Because of that, I can hear deeper and more sharply into the soundstage than ever before. Low level music is easily heard now. I am really enjoying the PC and would highly recommend it. One of the best investments I made IMO!


Thanks! That's what I've heard from others.
I am a Shunyata fanboy because every time I added a power cable the sound quality improved. My power cord trip started with Pangea cords on everything but the amps. They required 20 amp connectors and Pangea did not offer that. Later I bought two Shunyata Vipers at $125 each with 20 amp connectors and was floored by how much better the sound improved. After a couple of weeks I thought if the $125 cables can do this then what can better cables do. So I ordered two Shunyata Python CX cables at $1200 each, and they are still in place since they work so good. After that I replaced my speaker cables with the Ztron Anaconda, all the Pangea cables with Ztron Cobra, added a Triton power conditioner, and a Ztron Python to feed the Triton.

I just ordered a Hydra AV for the HT, and a Ztron Anaconda to replace the Python, which will move to the Hydra AV. I cannot give Shunyata enough praise for what they have done. It is amazing, and I used to be a power cord sceptic.

As an engineer, I understand what they have accomplished by inventing DTCD for measuring power cords. Hear me now, and believe me later. It works.

It sure is nice to add a link. :D

Well, it appears I need 10 posts to add a link to Shunyata. Oh well, I will be there soon enough.
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Shunyata power cords are pretty dang good. The worst thing about them is that they are very addictive. After you hear what they do you just want to get them on everything.

Don't under estimate what they will do for the base amps. The entire speaker will be more coherent.

They do take forever to fully break-in. Powering a fan for a week helps immensely before you use it on your equipment..
What a coincidence. That is link I wanted to post. :)

But I can't even in a reply. LOL. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not complaining, just amused.
Every person that I know that has gone the path of all things Zitron have been very smug zealots indeed. I have the Zitron Cobra pc's on all my gear, they offer better resolution, timing, detail & more. To me the easy way of explaining them are that they are the extra 5% over those things that mum used to wrap around my backside!! :amazing:
I been scanning the used market for power cables.
Alot of nice ones out there used for a good price .
Especially shunyatas .
I see Mikes ad for electras too on audiogon. Hmmmm.
I'm not sure if I should buy used or just get some furutech a from
Jeff. Tough decision.
Wouldn't it be nice if equip companies charged a little more and gave you a good power cable that was voiced for that piece of gear. Would make life much easier.
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I been scanning the used market for power cables.
Alot of nice ones out there used for a good price .
Especially shunyatas .
I see Mikes ad for electras too on audiogon. Hmmmm.
I'm not sure if I should buy used or just get some furutech a from
Jeff. Tough decision.
Wouldn't it be nice if equip companies charged a little more and gave you a good power cable that was voiced for that piece of gear. Would make life much easier.

Some do. The DAC2X came with a great PC. The silver electras have already had two offers. Don't wait too long! My WW Electra sp cables sold in record time (for my asking price).