Nice setup Puma. The STISv3 system is new for me. Is the base cable able to have banana-banana ends? I favor this between ground units and Tritonv3 as I have furniture with side-walls.

Also, in my theorizing I believe that CGC inlet of SG-NR (Omega) cable affect the whole grounded stack performance, correct?
Nice setup Puma. The STISv3 system is new for me. Is the base cable able to have banana-banana ends? I favor this between ground units and Tritonv3 as I have furniture with side-walls.

Yes, IIRC, banana/banana is the standard termination configuration for the base cable. A principal reason is it allows attaching a "tail" of a specific termination on the component end, e.g., for applications requiring an RJ45, BNC, USB, S/PDIF, etc., connector. Also, bananas are a good way to make the connection at the Altaira hub terminals as the cable runs "straight in".

For some components, e.g., many of the Asian DACs, streamers, such as those from Esoteric, Aurender, Lumin, and the EtherREGEN from UpTone, these have proper dedicated screw-type ground terminals on them, so for those devices or components, you'll want one end with a spade connector. This will make a very positive and secure connection to the device. For those applications, you'll want to order a ground cable with a spade on end, and a banana (or spade) on the other end to connect to Altaira.

Also, in my theorizing I believe that CGC inlet of SG-NR (Omega) cable affect the whole grounded stack performance, correct?

I'm sorry, I don't understand the question; what do you mean by "inlet"?. Are you referring to the specification of the ground cable that connects the Altaira hub 7th terminal to, say, an Everest, Denali, or other Shunyata power distributor's GP-NR system?
Thankyou for the STISv3 answer.

As for the second question. Yes I’m referring to the 7:th inlet on the SG-NR labeled CGC. To be used in connecting to a Shunyata power distributor. Would say an Omega class cable placed here affect the sound of all connected components to this specific Altair positively?
Thankyou for the STISv3 answer.

As for the second question. Yes I’m referring to the 7:th inlet on the SG-NR labeled CGC. To be used in connecting to a Shunyata power distributor. Would say an Omega class cable placed here affect the sound of all connected components to this specific Altair positively?

It's not really an "inlet" per se, more of an "output" terminal.

As for using an Omega-class cable there? Ohhh, yeah....👌 The Alpha CGCs are great, but Omega takes things to another level altogether.
Question. Let’s say in an Altaira system with amp, pre, DAC, master clock, EtherREGEN, HT pre/pro, where would your 2 of better grounding cables go?
Question. Let’s say in an Altaira system with amp, pre, DAC, master clock, EtherREGEN, HT pre/pro, where would your 2 of better grounding cables go?

I would probably go with DAC and EtherREGEN for the ground cables of the highest specification. This is because ground-plane noise plays more of a role in "digital-domain" devices. But the pre may also be a good alternative to the DAC. The nice thing is you could try both easily enough, and go with whatever component sounds best. My direct experience with EtherREGEN is that it wil want to be one of the two higher-spec ground cables. My recommendation would be to work in 2 main tiers: Tier 1: Alpha and Tier 2: Venom. If the budget allows, Omega for the 7th terminal that connects to the power distributor.
Thanks for the detail suggestion. I forgot to mention I also have an Everest, so it sounds like my two delta’s should go to Everest ground connection and EtherREGEN. The rest, I’m thinking Venom for now.

ATM I have DAC and EtherREGEN’s ground lugs connected to Everest with Delta’s. I must say improvement I remember is subtle at best. I did make quite a few system changes this year, so may need to re-experiment.
Thanks for the detail suggestion. I forgot to mention I also have an Everest, so it sounds like my two delta’s should go to Everest ground connection and EtherREGEN. The rest, I’m thinking Venom for now.

ATM I have DAC and EtherREGEN’s ground lugs connected to Everest with Delta’s. I must say improvement I remember is subtle at best. I did make quite a few system changes this year, so may need to re-experiment.

Yeah, that's a great way to start. I have a couple Delta and Venom CGCs, and least for 1M runs, say, there really isn't much in it between them. The jump to Alpha is quite a bit bigger improvement. That's why I would suggest working in three main tiers: 1) Venom 2) Alpha and 3) Omega.

The improvement from the Altaira will be on another level altogether compared to connecting to the GP-NR of Everest.
Yeah, that's a great way to start. I have a couple Delta and Venom CGCs, and least for 1M runs, say, there really isn't much in it between them. The jump to Alpha is quite a bit bigger improvement. That's why I would suggest working in three main tiers: 1) Venom 2) Alpha and 3) Omega.

I already have a couple of Delta’s. So, now will start with Venom with Altaira. Let’s see how they go.

The improvement from the Altaira will be on another level altogether compared to connecting to the GP-NR of Everest.

That’s encouraging. Thanks.
With the grounding cables, I would have a 6m run from Altaira to a power amp, and 9m to the other power amp. Does each power amp need it's own ground cable to Altaira? Or could I buy one 6m ground cable, and one 3m ground cable, connect the signal ground from each power amp to each other with the 3m cable, and connect the 6m grounding cable from there back to Altaira?
With the grounding cables, I would have a 6m run from Altaira to a power amp, and 9m to the other power amp. Does each power amp need it's own ground cable to Altaira? Or could I buy one 6m ground cable, and one 3m ground cable, connect the signal ground from each power amp to each other with the 3m cable, and connect the 6m grounding cable from there back to Altaira?

That's an interesting question. So, just to clarify, when you say "signal ground" does that mean you'd be connecting a ground cable from a signal input (e.g. RCA or XLR-connector ground cable) from one one amp to another amp?

I've done what (I think) is kinda comparable to what you've described, but using the 2-way (banana & spade) chassis ground terminals of my First Sound's preamp's external dual mono power supplies (box 1 and box 2). In my case, I first checked the the chassis ground post made a connection to ground by checking with an ohm meter, one lead to the IEC ground pin of the power supply box, and the other end of the lead to the chassis ground post. That read 0 ohms for each PS box. That done, I then connected a short, 1M CGC from the ground terminal of one PS box 1 to the ground terminal of PS box 2, and then just ran a single, longer cable CGC from PS box 2 to Altaira. For the short connection, between the two power supplies, I used a CGC with a spade on one end and a banana on the other, and connected the spade end to PS box 2. Then just ran the "long run" of the ground cable with bananas on both ends from PS box 2's banana plug receptacle to a ground terminal on the Altaira. Hope this is clear, I can make a drawing if necessary.

Oh, I should add that FS's MCU (main control unit) had a ground terminal installed by Emmanuel of First Sound. So, I also connect a ground cable from that to an analog segment Altaira.

And, as my C-J LP70S power amp didn't have an "accessible" ground terminal (it has a locked screw that connects the chassis to earth ground), I drilled a holed in the rear panel of it's steel chassis, and installed a proper ground binding post. I checked that it made connection to chassis ground by doing the ohm meter test above. Shown here...


Because it's a stereo amp, I just run a single CGC from that ground post to Altaira.
Halcro power amps have a signal ground terminal. I have 4 Esoteric devices and 2 Halcro devices with signal grounds. That is a full set for Altaira. At the moment the Esoteric signal grounds are not connected to anything, and the Halcro signal grounds are connected to the ground terminal of a Denali 6000S/v1. The Altaira will sit next to Everest and be connected to its ground terminal.
Halcro power amps have a signal ground terminal. I have 4 Esoteric devices and 2 Halcro devices with signal grounds. That is a full set for Altaira. At the moment the Esoteric signal grounds are not connected to anything, and the Halcro signal grounds are connected to the ground terminal of a Denali 6000S/v1. The Altaira will sit next to Everest and be connected to its ground terminal.

If there is a screw-terminal positioned on the back of the chassis that is a designated ground conneection, e.g., as shown on this piece of Esoteric gear, that is usually designated as an earth (aka chassis) ground connection, not a signal ground connection. Also, for most, but not all gear, if you connect a ohm meter probe from that ground terminal and the ground pin of the IEC receptacle, it will show a connection with a 0 or < 1 ohm reading. An exception to this Constellation gear, and it may be the same with Esoteric gear, I just don't know as I don't own any Estoteric gear.

Regardless, connect a ground cable from this ground terminal to your Altaira.


The way Esoteric has it labeled is somewhat misleading. In the interests of clarity and accuracy, in the Altaiara guidance documents from Shunyata, when they refer to making a "signal ground" connection, they are referring to an actual signal cable interface connector, e.g. an RCA or XLR jack, S/PDIF connector, Ethernet RJ45 port, USB A-slot, or BNC port, etc.
That's right. Signal ground. I would be very surprised if Esoteric would label a chassis ground as a signal ground. The plan will be to connect these signal ground terminals to an Altaira Signal hub. I wasn't planning on buying an Altaira Chassis hub. The Halcro signal ground is definitely a signal ground and not chassis ground.
That's right. Signal ground. I would be very surprised if Esoteric would label a chassis ground as a signal ground. The plan will be to connect these signal ground terminals to an Altaira Signal hub. I wasn't planning on buying an Altaira Chassis hub. The Halcro signal ground is definitely a signal ground and not chassis ground.

Yep, understood. As for how it's labeled, I can't speak to that, but regardless, use this ground terminal to connect to your SG hub. The good thing is, there's actually a dedicated ground terminal to connect to; a lot of components don't even have that anymore.
Esoteric having a signal ground on the power supply box does seem odd when all the signal wizardry only happens in the pre-amp box.
Esoteric having a signal ground on the power supply box does seem odd when all the signal wizardry only happens in the pre-amp box.

Yep, agreed. Lumin and Aurender designate that terminal "Earth Ground". But, the good news is...they actually put a dedicated ground terminal on each chassis. 👍 A lot of American and European mfrs don't do that anymore. Also, this is best possible type of connection to make to an Altaira.