Pre-Amp Shopping

I agree with you completely on the 6h30 sound. My preference all things considered are for a tube preamp that uses 6SN7's but they are falling by the wayside as the old Cary group was the biggest proponent.
Ordered the BHK today...also have a selection of 12au7, 6922, 7dj8's to try with it...We'll see...should have it by late next week...
...My preference all things considered are for a tube preamp that uses 6SN7's but they are falling by the wayside as the old Cary group was the biggest proponent.

I have been looking at the Cary SLP-05 preamp with the "ultimate upgrade". Anyone heard this preamp and have an opinion?
Not sure if I should just look for a used ET-5 and pocket the balance...

It is probably just me, but if your dealer has "loaned" all of those expensive pieces to "try" in your home then you absolutely have an obligation to purchase the piece from him. Otherwise you should not have "borrowed" all of those pieces. To even mention that maybe I should buy a used one after all of this is not right, in my view. After all, he has a huge investment in all of these pieces that he has allowed you to take home, which has also probably devalued the pieces somewhat. Maybe just my view, but loaning you all of those pieces is not free for the dealer. I would consider myself lucky to actually have a dealer available to be able to look at this type of equipment, let alone "borrow" it.
I agree. And you can see in the post I planned on it. But I don’t think I’m going with anything he sells. I’ve spent many thousands with him over the years...that’s why he allows me to home trial things. But, can’t buy something I don’t love...

listening to the BHK preamp right now. Waiting to break it in before I comment...but so far I’m very impressed!
Well that is fair enough. I just remember years ago when I managed a high end stereo store and someone would come in expecting all of this, borrow equipment, etc. And then go out and try to beat our price. It was so rude and inconsiderate. There is a cost of service for sure.

It is good that you have bought many items from him in the past. Thank you for appreciating your dealers time and effort. I wish I had a dealer that I could go to, but there are none even remotely close :)...
Figured I had to give a final update...I ended up with a BHK Signature Pre...

After trying many and listening for months...I found the BHK to be a very comfortable compromise. Detailed enough, full enough...just very well balanced. I'm using a SR Blue fuse and a pair of Amperex PQ White Label tubes.

It's an interesting change from the BAT 50. The BAT was more detailed but had less of a natural balance and harmonics(with 12 Siemens CCA's!). The BAT was more dynamic...the BHK has more bass and great rhythm.

There are always compromises...and this was one I was happy with...Hope this journey helps someone.
Huge Congratulations!

I absolutely LOVE the BHK Sig. preamp. It is an absolute bargain and responds very well to tube rolling. I never felt I was giving up anything with the BHK preamp. Enjoy!

Figured I had to give a final update...I ended up with a BHK Signature Pre...

After trying many and listening for months...I found the BHK to be a very comfortable compromise. Detailed enough, full enough...just very well balanced. I'm using a SR Blue fuse and a pair of Amperex PQ White Label tubes.

It's an interesting change from the BAT 50. The BAT was more detailed but had less of a natural balance and harmonics(with 12 Siemens CCA's!). The BAT was more dynamic...the BHK has more bass and great rhythm.

There are always compromises...and this was one I was happy with...Hope this journey helps someone.
been using a bel canto pre 3 vbs [ battery supply version] recently . had to downsize system from a modwright dm . pretty good sound for this little pre , organic and musical sound with no fatigue . what a contrast to using volume controlled dac s as pre amps which bel canto seem to push . i have tried this many times but its detailed and digital and horrible , why on earth did bel canto stop making decent pre amps ? beats me
got a schiit saga passive coming soon for one system , couldn`t find much on here about them . anyone tried the saga ?
Arnold congratulatiuons on the BHK Preamp purchase. I look forward to hearing your listening impressions.