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Another Dominican , Silvio Avila

Hoooo, that one I like very much.
Yeah Bob, Venice. Canaletto was a 1750s View Painter, which is a specific way of seeing things. He did many of them from memory and moved details around a bit. But, Detail is the key word here. Many of these paintings are large and have some of the greatest detail ever. There are several of them in the National Gallery in London, where I fell in love, and I could stand there all day looking at them. He also spent time in London and did many cool views from there also.

Here is a google image search to give you a better idea of his works.
I just googled him Brian; very talented, and yes the details are astonishing.

Just look at the color palette of his skies, the shape of his clouds, the perspective of the buildings and bridges, etc., the people postures, the realism in their day-to-day activities, ...everything is so minutia detailed and intricate. His vision was realistic and his painting style reflects just that; excellence of observation.
It must have taken him a long time to make one tableau/canvas (painting), and a large one at that.

By the way, by the time you replied to my post I was already at the link above, and looking at his paintings, plus more on himself, the master Canaletto.