Pass Labs INT-250 Question

Along with the heat turning out to really being a non-issue (at least for me), I also compared my electricity usage for the month of July this summer versus last summer and found that there was virtually no difference in usage. And that's with the amplifier being left on 24/7 (which to be fair, I did with my previous amplifier, too).
Wanted to follow up on my own post. I received my X250.8 on Tuesday, let it sit 24 hours (damn quarantine!), got it positioned into my system last night ...

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It's been on and playing music for the last 18 hours (mostly softly, but there was an hour last night and an hour today where I was listening more loudly) and generally I would agree with most. The amp runs hotter towards the rear. The front half of the amp (top and sides) is warm, but not too warm. Towards the rear, it does get hotter -- uncomfortable to hold your hand on it for longer than 2-3 seconds, but nowhere near what I would call HOT. I can feel the heat emanating from about 2-3" away, but certainly not from my listening position. The air conditioning doesn't seem to be cycling on more than normal (and it was in the 90s yesterday). Looking forward to seeing how a solid week of break-in will improve the sound.

BTW, the amp isn't sitting directly on my carpet. I ordered an amp stand and the wooden shelf is detachable from the metal frame -- that is what the amp is sitting on. Plan on having a friend stop over soon so he and I can lift the sucker onto the assembled amp stand.

Congrats... nice looking system you have there!