Official RMAF 2017 Photos and Comments





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Hi Mike , great coverage as usual . Many thanks for the pics . Any comments on how the Piega Master Line Source 2 sounded ? Cheers
Great pics as usual, Mike.

have to say that new Nagra preamp is ugly ... I've never seen a bad looking Nagra piece in 20 years.
Hi Mike , great coverage as usual . Many thanks for the pics . Any comments on how the Piega Master Line Source 2 sounded ? Cheers


They sounded Bright. I'll go back again today.

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Mike and I listened to an ELAC system today that made are jaws drop it was so great. The entire system cost only $10K. It was the most emotionally gripping system I heard all day. The attacks and decays were so lifelike it was startling.


What exactly did the setup consist of Ken?
Mike , thank you so much for taking the time to bring us all those fantastic photo´s


The Bryston active speakers were terrific sounding. I love the shape.

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Mike is the energizer bunny of audio! Thank you Mike. Are the above speakers AG Unos? What amps?