New AudioShark community member

Hi Jiri

Yes, it can be overwhelming at first, especially when so many members are technically informed and familiar with lots of equipment and how they sound and work together.

A suggestion: use the search box to find references to equipment that you have and see what other members say about it. They might have ideas about how to get the best out of it. Also try posting a question about a problem you have or would like some views about. I asked about something my Boulder amplifier and pre-amp were doing to see if anybody else had the same problem. I got some useful replies about that.
Usually you can see what equipment other members have - you can always ask how they get the best out of this or that component (connections, location, room acoustics etc).
And you can ask about the music that people enjoy, or recommendations for recordings that would really get the best out of your system.
Anyway: enjoy your music and enjoy the forum!