Hi bluedoor, any news on the INT, and did it live up to your expectations?

Put it simple: go with the Classic amp and find a used pll and you're good to go.
Later you can always upgrade to the Classic preamp.
Put it simple: go with the Classic amp and find a used pll and you're good to go.
Later you can always upgrade to the Classic preamp.

So you didn't like the Int? My dealer offered a long period home audition and I am considering if I take his offer. What were the differences you found between the amp and the Int? Where you able to return the Int easily?
By all means, the INT was the best integrated I had the opportunity to listen at my place.
I just liked more of the pre power combination.
if you have the chance to listen to it at your home, I think you should give it a try and judge yourself, you have nothing to loose. On the contrary. :)
I'm demoing the Int at home. It arrived yesterday at lunch time and I wasn't very impressed with it fresh out of the box. I let it run and listened again at night at lower levels (little above 1/4 on the volume control) and really enjoyed the sound.
I kept it running and tried it again today at lunch and am now really impressed! They sound beautiful, great soundstage, very detailed and have enough punch for my speakers at 3/4 of the volume control.
I'm a little tired of my ARC gear, specially the GS150, which has a great sound but gave me a lot of troubles, so I'm looking forward to see how this audition will develop over the next few days.
Please keep us posted, would be interested to hear how a transition from a tubed ARC to a transistor Nagra would work.

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I'm demoing the Int at home. It arrived yesterday at lunch time and I wasn't very impressed with it fresh out of the box. I let it run and listened again at night at lower levels (little above 1/4 on the volume control) and really enjoyed the sound.
I kept it running and tried it again today at lunch and am now really impressed! They sound beautiful, great soundstage, very detailed and have enough punch for my speakers at 3/4 of the volume control.
I'm a little tired of my ARC gear, specially the GS150, which has a great sound but gave me a lot of troubles, so I'm looking forward to see how this audition will develop over the next few days.

I bet it sounds even better in a few days....sounds like it's pretty sweet as it is :) !
I'm demoing the Int at home. It arrived yesterday at lunch time and I wasn't very impressed with it fresh out of the box. I let it run and listened again at night at lower levels (little above 1/4 on the volume control) and really enjoyed the sound.
I kept it running and tried it again today at lunch and am now really impressed! They sound beautiful, great soundstage, very detailed and have enough punch for my speakers at 3/4 of the volume control.
I'm a little tired of my ARC gear, specially the GS150, which has a great sound but gave me a lot of troubles, so I'm looking forward to see how this audition will develop over the next few days.

So how's the demo going?
So how's the demo going?

extremely well! It has an amazing resolution, very good soundstage, great midrange and good bottom end. I usually listen to music at 1/4 of the volume and rarely pass 1/2, and it is usually under class a (<10w), which I think it helps.
Over the next weeks I should have the opportunity to compare it to a classic power + melody and constellation inspiration stereo and preamp. At least for now I'm not missing my Arc combo, but wasn't able to do a a/b because the power had a problem with the transformer and it is out for repair.
The dealer that sold me the arc combo said that it is normal that one values a change just because it is different, but that I should notice the superiority of the arc once I get it back.
extremely well! It has an amazing resolution, very good soundstage, great midrange and good bottom end. I usually listen to music at 1/4 of the volume and rarely pass 1/2, and it is usually under class a (<10w), which I think it helps.
Over the next weeks I should have the opportunity to compare it to a classic power + melody and constellation inspiration stereo and preamp. At least for now I'm not missing my Arc combo, but wasn't able to do a a/b because the power had a problem with the transformer and it is out for repair.
The dealer that sold me the arc combo said that it is normal that one values a change just because it is different, but that I should notice the superiority of the arc once I get it back.

I think your dealer is right. Just saying....

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extremely well! It has an amazing resolution, very good soundstage, great midrange and good bottom end. I usually listen to music at 1/4 of the volume and rarely pass 1/2, and it is usually under class a (<10w), which I think it helps.
Over the next weeks I should have the opportunity to compare it to a classic power + melody and constellation inspiration stereo and preamp. At least for now I'm not missing my Arc combo, but wasn't able to do a a/b because the power had a problem with the transformer and it is out for repair.
The dealer that sold me the arc combo said that it is normal that one values a change just because it is different, but that I should notice the superiority of the arc once I get it back.

While I agree with your dealer that different sometimes equals a nice change...if you had a Classic Preamp to go with a Classic amp you might rethink the superiority of ARC.
extremely well! It has an amazing resolution, very good soundstage, great midrange and good bottom end. I usually listen to music at 1/4 of the volume and rarely pass 1/2, and it is usually under class a (<10w), which I think it helps.
Over the next weeks I should have the opportunity to compare it to a classic power + melody and constellation inspiration stereo and preamp. At least for now I'm not missing my Arc combo, but wasn't able to do a a/b because the power had a problem with the transformer and it is out for repair.
The dealer that sold me the arc combo said that it is normal that one values a change just because it is different, but that I should notice the superiority of the arc once I get it back.

So, how's the listening going? Kept the AR or were you poisoned by the Nagra's charm? &#55357;&#56838;
So, how's the listening going? Kept the AR or were you poisoned by the Nagra's charm? &#55357;&#56838;

Neither &#55357;&#56836;
after the Nagra Int I had the opportunity to try a DAG S200 paired with my Arc 5SE. As good as the Nagra is, it just can’t be compared with this combination, which is out of this world. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reach an agreement with the AD for the DAG, so the search continues. In the mean time I tried a Classic Amp, but it didn’t paired well with the Arc and the AD didn’t had a Nagra Pre available.
I decided to sell the Arc GS150 because it gave too many problems and I couldn’t stand the heat during summer months. The Arc 5SE is also going. With the money in hand it should be easier to find a deal I’m comfortable with.
I’ll start my vacations soon and the search (which has been a lot of fun!) will resume then. Next in line are the new Soulution 311, which should pair well with my speakers, the Pass Int 250 and another shot at the Nagra Classic, if I can get a Classic Pre to pair it. I’m also curious about the Soulution 511 which, due to budget limitations, could be paired with the new 325 Pre
Neither &#55357;&#56836;
after the Nagra Int I had the opportunity to try a DAG S200 paired with my Arc 5SE. As good as the Nagra is, it just can’t be compared with this combination, which is out of this world. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to reach an agreement with the AD for the DAG, so the search continues. In the mean time I tried a Classic Amp, but it didn’t paired well with the Arc and the AD didn’t had a Nagra Pre available.
I decided to sell the Arc GS150 because it gave too many problems and I couldn’t stand the heat during summer months. The Arc 5SE is also going. With the money in hand it should be easier to find a deal I’m comfortable with.
I’ll start my vacations soon and the search (which has been a lot of fun!) will resume then. Next in line are the new Soulution 311, which should pair well with my speakers, the Pass Int 250 and another shot at the Nagra Classic, if I can get a Classic Pre to pair it. I’m also curious about the Soulution 511 which, due to budget limitations, could be paired with the new 325 Pre

Never had the chance to hear the DAG, but I'm sure it is a fantastic amp.
The Classic amp with the Classic Pre should be a killer combo, later down the road I might aim for it. The Classic with a PLL (which is what I have ATM) are a very good combination, so...
Keep us posted and enjoy the search!
Hello Joe,

I am using a Classic Amp with the Nagra PLP preamp.
During first weeks after I received it, I jad some trouble in feeling moved by the amp, as I have been when I listened to it on 3 various speakers at my dealer’s room. ( Verity Parsifal Ovation, Rockport Aviors, YG model ?? ).
I was using it with RCA inputs and with the 1V sensitivity input.
The sound was looking a bit flat and non involving compared to the Accuphase A65 amp or the Air Tight ATM 1s.
Then I balanced the output signal of the PLP with an Iso Twin transformer, and used the 2V input. I also changed the speaker cables from a WireWorld mini Eclipse 7 ( copper ) to the Shindo pure silver cables.
The amp sounded immediately fuller.
The silence and deepness of the “blacks” are incredible, including with the phono input of the PLP. And the amp sounds glorious.
I think that the uncolored Nagra sound is absolutely stunning on the new generation Nagra products. It is first very troubling to hear an absolute uncolored hifi component when you are used to relatively colored ones as I am. But the great thing with uncolored and neutral amps is that the more time goes, the more you love them.
Because you really listen to the recording. The amp does not come at all in the equation. Each record sounds extremely different. So much that it becomes nearly impossible to “review” the amp and classifies the sound. It is just fully transparent and crystal clear. Liquid. And it lets everything goes through it as if there was no gear.
I put the amp on sale considering that the MSA ( I owned up to 2 x MSA years ago ) would be more than enough there, but in the mean time I felt in love with the Classic Amp and the MSA would probably sound to warm to me compared to the Classic so finally I decided to keep the Classic.
I have a very tiny warm / tube coloration with the PLP preamp which is just what I need. The Classic lets the music goes by and makes itself completely disappear.
I will keep it for years.

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Great information and write up Jerome.

I love the looks and I’m sure the sound of Nagra. I never got to hear it in my system but I’m looking to “settle down” for a while.

This might be a great time to revisit them.

I’m happy to see that you are keeping the amp.
Hello Joe,

I am using a Classic Amp with the Nagra PLP preamp.
During first weeks after I received it, I jad some trouble in feeling moved by the amp, as I have been when I listened to it on 3 various speakers at my dealer’s room. ( Verity Parsifal Ovation, Rockport Aviors, YG model ?? ).
I was using it with RCA inputs and with the 1V sensitivity input.
The sound was looking a bit flat and non involving compared to the Accuphase A65 amp or the Air Tight ATM 1s.
Then I balanced the output signal of the PLP with an Iso Twin transformer, and used the 2V input. I also changed the speaker cables from a WireWorld mini Eclipse 7 ( copper ) to the Shindo pure silver cables.
The amp sounded immediately fuller.
The silence and deepness of the “blacks” are incredible, including with the phono input of the PLP. And the amp sounds glorious.
I think that the uncolored Nagra sound is absolutely stunning on the new generation Nagra products. It is first very troubling to hear an absolute uncolored hifi component when you are used to relatively colored ones as I am. But the great thing with uncolored and neutral amps is that the more time goes, the more you love them.
Because you really listen to the recording. The amp does not come at all in the equation. Each record sounds extremely different. So much that it becomes nearly impossible to “review” the amp and classifies the sound. It is just fully transparent and crystal clear. Liquid. And it lets everything goes through it as if there was no gear.
I put the amp on sale considering that the MSA ( I owned up to 2 x MSA years ago ) would be more than enough there, but in the mean time I felt in love with the Classic Amp and the MSA would probably sound to warm to me compared to the Classic so finally I decided to keep the Classic.
I have a very tiny warm / tube coloration with the PLP preamp which is just what I need. The Classic lets the music goes by and makes itself completely disappear.
I will keep it for years.
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Did you move to a Nagra amp from a Kondo Overture II or am I confusing you with someone else?

BTW Nagra fan here myself. (Nagra Tube DAC -> Nagra 300p amp -> Devore speakers)
Did you move to a Nagra amp from a Kondo Overture II or am I confusing you with someone else?

BTW Nagra fan here myself. (Nagra Tube DAC -> Nagra 300p amp -> Devore speakers)


No. I still have the Overture in an other system.
But now with the arrival of the Ongaku I may sell the Classic.

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Hello everyone
Recently my Nagra integrated blew up on me, I was playing at low volume and heard this electrical pop, saw a flash and could smell burnt electronics coming from the MPA. I sent it to a local tech and he confirmed both channels were blown. I got in touch with the dealer I bought it from to send it back to Switzerland for repair. This could be costly with all the shipping and unknown damage. To make a long story short, Rene, the Canadian rep offered to give me more than I paid for it towards a Nagra Classic amp.
I am about to go ahead with the deal, but thought I would ask here first if anyone has paired a Classic amp with a Lumin P1, or non Nagra preamp?
Any thoughts if this will be a good match for now? I may eventually get the Classic pre when funds allow, but I am hoping it works good with the P1.
My speakers are Kharma DB7’s, and I listen at low volume in a 13.5 X15.5 foot room…in an apartment building. I have heard the Classic pre and the Classic amps (in mono) driving Kharma S7’s at the dealer I am buying it from.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
You might also post this question in a new thread in the Lumin forum, Peter Gly is good about helping with the gear.

Hello everyone
Recently my Nagra integrated blew up on me, I was playing at low volume and heard this electrical pop, saw a flash and could smell burnt electronics coming from the MPA. I sent it to a local tech and he confirmed both channels were blown. I got in touch with the dealer I bought it from to send it back to Switzerland for repair. This could be costly with all the shipping and unknown damage. To make a long story short, Rene, the Canadian rep offered to give me more than I paid for it towards a Nagra Classic amp.
I am about to go ahead with the deal, but thought I would ask here first if anyone has paired a Classic amp with a Lumin P1, or non Nagra preamp?
Any thoughts if this will be a good match for now? I may eventually get the Classic pre when funds allow, but I am hoping it works good with the P1.
My speakers are Kharma DB7’s, and I listen at low volume in a 13.5 X15.5 foot room…in an apartment building. I have heard the Classic pre and the Classic amps (in mono) driving Kharma S7’s at the dealer I am buying it from.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.