Momentum M400MxV

So has anyone got their upgraded amps back yet? Mine are due to go back shortly and was wondering what level of improvement has been noticed.

I am sitting four weeks to the day since they were picked up to be shipped to D'Agostino and I have yet to get them returned.

If I’d paid that kind of money for something I would be none too happy with that level of service.

Why can’t they organize better and just say, “ok we’re ready for your amp in <1 week, please ship now” and have them turned around in a day or 2?

Then you’re not without very expensive hard-to-substitute gear for very lengthy periods.
If I’d paid that kind of money for something I would be none too happy with that level of service.

Why can’t they organize better and just say, “ok we’re ready for your amp in <1 week, please ship now” and have them turned around in a day or 2?

Then you’re not without very expensive hard-to-substitute gear for very lengthy periods.

In fairness to D'Agostino I was told it would be about 4 weeks (2 weeks at the factory, 1 week shipping to, and 1 week shipping from), so I am not unhappy at this point. Furthermore, I have had issues with the local dealer picking up the equipment from me in the past and sitting on it instead of immediately shipping it, so who knows how long the dealer sat on the units this time (regardless of them promising to ship it out immediately)? D'Agostino can't work on it if they don't get it in a timely fashion.

I do get your meaning, but over many years now I have always been taken care of with honesty and diligence by the D'Agostino team, so I am fine with their effort. Actually, I have nothing but good things to say about all the interactions I have had with them as they are truly professional folks.

Thank you for your thoughts though.
@layne I think you're a more patient person than me! :)

But yeah, if the 4 weeks includes shipping both ways, that's not nearly as bad. I still would question 2 weeks at the factory, for what is likely at most a couple hours work per unit, plus a couple days burn-in/measurement (unless that bit takes longer).

Guess I shouldn't have given the impression I was impugning their service in general - just questioning the organizing around this process. I may be in a similar position soon for an upgrade on my amp. But I won't do it unless I can be sure I won't be without it that long as I have no back-up component.

I am sitting four weeks to the day since they were picked up to be shipped to D'Agostino and I have yet to get them returned.


So I was told about the same time when they have been picked up although may be longer since need to ship from the UK.

Hopefully yours will be back soon. Please let me know your thoughts when they are back in place. I’m assuming they will need to be run in again. Be good to find out if that is the case.

I am sure the wait will be worth it. for the upgrade price, you would want Dag to do everything perfectly and in their own good time.
The wait is finally over as today they have arrived.

I just noticed your Momentum's have a slight difference in industrial design than mine. Both my M400's and Momentum HD have the black covers around the meters. I see on you MV's your is natural aluminum colored.

Congratulations. I am going to enjoy my updated Vivaldi DAC before considering pulling the trigger on the Momentum update.
We can't wait to hear some details about the new sound?

Well, my wife and I had some time to listen to the upgraded Momentum M400 MxV amps after burning them in hard on/off for a couple of days prior to any critical listening and then sitting down and focusing on what we felt they did to our system. Please note as always, this is what we heard in our system with respect to our tastes towards what we felt changed on our system by swapping out the M400s with the M400 MxV amplifiers.

From a break-in point of view, we found that the major changes prior to settling down to their steady-state sound happened within the first 60 hours (while we did not critically listen in the first 48 hours, we did listen informally during that period) with only minor differences from then on. We did not hear any noticeable changes after about 80 hours of running the units.

What improved:

1. Microdynamics (both the attack and sustain)
2. Ability to hash out complex/flowing passages of multiple genres of music
3. Subtle nuances of vocal reproduction (e.g., the way the singer may breathe, drag air across their vocal cords before or after hitting a note, etc.)
4. Low-end dynamics (We feel there is more oomph in the lower regions (this was very apparent to us with Asian drum tracks)).

If we had to focus on one area that we found the biggest change to the better, it would be what we call the “flow/interaction of the music separate and interconnected among the presentation.” This is slightly different than pure musicality in our mind and MIGHT be what the late Harry Pearson called “continuousness”. An example that we can give as to what we are getting at is a particular strength (in our opinion) of Hendrix’s guitar playing. To our ears, Jimi always seemed to be in control during simple and complex passages and played with a flowing and fluid manner that rarely seemed rushed, difficult, or complicated. In some ways (another analogy), he always seemed to be at the end of a complicated obstacle course after negotiating it with grace and ease, sitting down, breathing normally with no injuries while others are still out there struggling to finish, exhausted, and full of cuts and bruises. If that makes any sense, that is the type “flow/interaction” of feeling we are trying to convey.

Well, the Momentum M400 MxV improves on the original M400 in this area which we find a very compelling benefit.

This upgrade also gave us a feeling of more oomph and power (particularly with the low-end dynamics) even though the power rating stayed the same for the amps. While we are not sure why, it was consistent that we felt there were more horses under the hood even though technically there were not.

The final point we will mention is about as subjective as you can get, so take it or leave it. These new designs are outstandingly voiced to our ears in presenting the pure beauty and magnificence of the music while still being accurate. Some high-end amp designs (to us) may check every audiophile buzzword checkbox but are not very musical (particularly in their “more human than human” attempt at “accuracy”). While we felt the original M400s presented a fully immersed and accurate musical presentation, the new M400 MxV provided an even more accurate presentation without any “Exaggerated accuracy” (as discussed with other designs above) and improved on its wonderful musicality and flow. The sound was exceptionally organic and real to our ears.

We don’t think there were any regressions or negative aspects of this upgrade worth mentioning and to us it was worth the investment and money to move to the new models.

Please note though: While it brings you closer to the sound of their “Relentless” models which we have extensive listening experience with, it is NOT in our opinion a “Baby Relentless”.

This is not a knock on the MxV amps as we love them and will not be getting rid of them any time soon as they are our reference. It just is what it is (sic., if you have the $$$, the Relentless models are superior).

Maybe the “Epic 800” (of which we have not heard) will be the “Baby Relentless”.

In summary: We are very happy with this upgrade.

We would be interested in others’ opinion in what they heard once they are exposed to them.



Thanks for the very thoughtful, detailed review here. Recently I watched several YouTube videos with Dan describing his objective for the Momentum, within the context of his entire career, and I think he would be pleased with what you've found. It seemed like you experienced an enhanced realism to the reproductions.

PS - still struck by the fact you're able to use the plural pronoun with your system. Not sure how many of us have that blessing ;)
Well I finally decided to send in my M-400’s for the MxV upgrade. My dealer picked up my units this morning and dropped off a Progression amp to fill my needs ‘till the units are returned. I must say the Progression line sounds awfully good.

I have been debating for some time now wether I should pull the string on this update or spend the money on aTaiko server. I became tired of following the never ending development cycle of the Taiko product(s). Server, software, switch, and more. When I am back in Florida I will stop by a give it another audition,. Here’s hoping they have static product by then.
Hi Jim,

You won’t be disappointed in the improvement having the amplifiers upgraded to the MxV. It is a significant upgrade and in every aspect the amplifiers out perform the original version.

Now you just need to be patient!! They do take a few hundred hours of burn in too.

Hi Jim,

You won’t be disappointed in the improvement having the amplifiers upgraded to the MxV. It is a significant upgrade and in every aspect the amplifiers out perform the original version.

Now you just need to be patient!! They do take a few hundred hours of burn in too.


Thanks for your comments Yeah that break in will be a pain, but I bet they’ll sound good throughout.
Jim -

Congrats! Having been a DAG owner, I did pay for upgrades of the Momentum Pre and Amp. Always very pleased with the results. Look forward to your impressions of the MXV upgrades. And, hope you get the amps soon!

Which Progression(s) on loan - stereo or monos?
Jim -

Congrats! Having been a DAG owner, I did pay for upgrades of the Momentum Pre and Amp. Always very pleased with the results. Look forward to your impressions of the MXV upgrades. And, hope you the amps soon!

Which Progression(s) on loan - stereo or monos?


They loaned me the stereo version and it sure sounded good. I'll drop a photo when I get a chance.

When the the M-400 upgrade came out I took the opportunity to trade in my silver M300's for a pair of M-400's in black. I also traded in my Momentum preamp in silver for a Black HD. I considered updating rather than replacing those units but I liked the updated industrial design on the M-400 and HD pre rather than just upgrading the units.
Hi Jim - Any updates? Hope they are back from the factory already and you are enjoying the upgrade.
Mike, I checked last Friday and they were in the final stages of testing at D’Agostino after the upgrade. I am guessing they are in transit this week and should be back in my set-up next week. I’ll keep you posted.