MDA1000 Purchased


Thank you for chiming in. I was waiting for the grand finale conclusion and thank you for making the choice for me. I will buy the AES/EBU interconnect.

My next question for you Dan...what would be your choice of cable? Monoprice, Bluejeans, Wireworld, Audioquest, etc... As you know, everything you suggest, i do :) You are, after-all, responsible for at the very least 90% of the money I have spent on McIntosh! No regrets

David.......It is no secret I am a big Wireworld fan. I have two complete systems fully loomed with Wireworld. My suggestion would be to look at the Wireworld Gold Starlight AES/EBU digital cable. It is the sweet spot in their AES/EBU offerings, uses OCC solid silver conductors, represents an excellent value, and comes with a life-time warranty.

My particular cable bias aside, their are many excellent AES/EBU interconnects available from highly respected cable manufacturers. No matter what you ultimately decide to purchase, I would stir clear of the cut rate offerings. Some will tell you a digital cable is a digital cable but that has not been my experience. I am in the "cables matter" camp.
...look at the Wireworld Gold Starlight AES/EBU digital cable. It is the sweet spot in their AES/EBU offerings, uses OCC solid silver conductors, represents an excellent value, and comes with a life-time warranty.

Dan...thanks for the reminder. I should have thought about that before I asked. Yes, you are a fan of WW and I do fondly remember. I like your phrase, "fully loomed with Wireworld." I found the Wireworld Gold Starlight AES/EBU digital cable here on Amazon. Is this the correct cable?
Dan...thanks for the reminder. I should have thought about that before I asked. Yes, you are a fan of WW and I do fondly remember. I like your phrase, "fully loomed with Wireworld." I found the Wireworld Gold Starlight AES/EBU digital cable here on Amazon. Is this the correct cable?

David.......That's the one. I don't think you will be disappointed.
I don't know if anyone is interested, but there is a MDA1000 listed on ebay right now. It didn't sell at $2500 and was just relisted at $2350. No relationship to the seller. I was just nosing around on ebay and saw it. I probably wouldn't have paid too much attention if I hadn't just read about David's purchase and everyone's comments. But now you've all got me thinking...
^^^^ I can't find that listing. There are another two on the US site. Shipping within USA, unlikely they will do international.

Cosmetic and overall condition is important to me. The original box too!
Apparently I haven't posted on the forum enough to include a link. I tried to send it to you via PM. If that doesn't work, PM your email to me and I'll send it through ebay.

The seller's screen name is "anroj" in case that makes it easier to search.
Apparently I haven't posted on the forum enough to include a link. I tried to send it to you via PM. If that doesn't work, PM your email to me and I'll send it through ebay.

The seller's screen name is "anroj" in case that makes it easier to search.

Steve, I searched for the seller on eBay and found the listing. The seller is specific, no international. That said, if you know someone in USA that is willing to manage the transaction, you are in!

The MDA manufactured February 2004. Item no.: 252275360993 URL: eBay MDA

Thanks. I couldn't get an item number to show up in the app on my iPad. I'm sure it's operator error on my part.
Steve, I searched for the seller on eBay and found the listing. The seller is specific, no international. That said, if you know someone in USA that is willing to manage the transaction, you are in!

The MDA manufactured February 2004. Item no.: 252275360993 URL: eBay MDA

Thank you. Checked it out. Quite reasonably priced, but NQR for the seller and I.

Unfortunately, I have experienced US brokerage issues with people that I have entrusted via referral in the past. Those who have failed me, only feel my long handed wrath once. Sometimes, it is just easier to hop on a plane and pick it up myself.

Not to worry, something special always comes along. :D
Unfortunately, I have experienced US brokerage issues with people that I have entrusted via referral in the past. Those who have failed me, only feel my long handed wrath once. Sometimes, it is just easier to hop on a plane and pick it up myself.

I am very sorry to read this but I certainly 'get it'. There I three folks I trust via these forums: JDandy/Double-D, Mike - forum owner [I purchased my Aurender through him] and my personal friend Bill aka O0oBillo0O. Purchasing the MDA for me was the biggest personal online deal I have done to date [outside buying very expensive records] and I am very lucky it worked out.

I do hope you acquire the MDA1000 [will look stunning in your already off-the-hook-system - great photos] because you have a way not only with words but your gifted technical analysis resonates. Suffice to say, I read your posts thoroughly.
Thanks David. :)

I'm sleeping on another MDA1000. So maybe it will happen. I have 2 Studer pieces to integrate as well, possibly 3. So that's at least 3 large pieces, possibly 4. My racks are going to be tall. Plus to cable all of that.

There's also a Korg ADC on its way.

An MDA1000 will probably compel me to want to do more than just spin Redbook also...
David, How did you go with you AES/EBU XLR?

BTW, I have a minty 2009 MDA1000 coming my way! I will probably use a Furutech Digiflux XLR. I might look at the Wireworld...

AES/EBU no doubt is the way to go natively into the MDA1000.

Doubt I will be using the MDA1000 for much more than red book anyway. I did buy it very much as a collectible. It is a beautiful piece of McIntosh engineering and quality construction for its time, the likes that we will probably never see from McIntosh again. Given that it is a limited PCM, I'm not sure if it is worth fluffing around with additional digital conversion boxes. It is what it is.

If I decide to buy a Lumin U1 then that will be into an iFi Micro iDSD kit until I can justify getting into a something more substantive. That said, I have still have an issue investing mega bucks into any DAC. Digital is always changing and finding its place (like the jitterbug dance). Next year, the interface flavour could be HDMI and HDBaseT. So we got our computers interfaced using Asyncronous USB. USB audio is still a P.I.A. though.

Very interested in the direction Lampizator is going but feel the product and company needs more development.

Chord is is another company that excites me.

Perhaps I will hang some good optical off a Lumin into the MDA1000 just for fun. Not a fan of optical other than using it as a return path for TV or digital radio if I have to. I would also consider running longer (analogue) XLR run, out of curiosity from a Lumin. After all is said about AES/EBU and AES3, the standard came about from professionals that had too much existing balanced studio cable laying about! Suck it and see if your existing expensive XLR can cope with the higher frequencies...

Anyway, look forward to the MDA1000 which will primarily be used as a DAC choice for the MCD1100 (as transport). From what you and others have indicated, I should be very happy with it. The MDA1000 is a McIntosh classic and a keeper.
David, How did you go with you AES/EBU XLR?

I have yet to purchase one yet. I have been busy everyday skiing. My other obsession is kicking my tail with sports. I love to play [not watch] sports. Right now is all about winter sports.

BTW, I have a minty 2009 MDA1000 coming my way! I will probably use a Furutech Digiflux XLR. I might look at the Wireworld...

DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS TOTALLY KILLER NEWS. I can not wait for your feedback on it.

As for expensive cables. I have a couple and thus far, I can not tell the audible difference between my WW Plat and AudioQuest Speaker cable versus my HomeDepot $50 copper cable. In fact, I also have a both WW Plat XLRs/USB and COAX as well as the same with AudioQuest. When paired with my cheap stuff too, I can't hear a difference. Though, I can tell a remarkable difference between a cheap and hi-end audio equipment. Those differences are obvious. When it comes to cables. I'm at a total loss.

I do buy nice cables because they do look really pretty and folks that come see my equipment are under the impression I am an audio pro... LOL. I am certainly not. I just have a bank account that affords this stuff. Otherwise, I haven't a clue!
Photos when the gear lands. The additional 4 shelves are in. The rack of Mac is going to be as tall as Trump Tower, lol.

Indeed, I have a better result on the HT side as the centre channel speaker is now sitting at the correct ear height and is line line with the other channels tweeters. It goes to show that no amount if room correction can fix less than optimal speaker placement!
Can't wait. Preview of those shelves, Steve? And when you get your MDA100, be sure to update this thread :)
I discovered a typo in my initial post, "I received the MDA1000 today in mint condition. Both the MDA1000, remote, power cord and owners manual appear used". Used should be NEW. The unit appears new!!!!