Luxman M-10X

M10x finally arrived after entire summer of waiting. About 5 months.

It’s so heavy that my wife hates to help carry it upstairs. Luxman puts some handles in the box, which I think is quite smart and useful.

It’s the definition of built like a tank. I don’t think I ever used this term before but M10x is it.

Onto the first impression - detail retrieval is best I have in my system and not even close. It’s also so quiet, I immediately notice movie dialogues are very clear. Can’t wait until it breaks in.
M10x finally arrived after entire summer of waiting. About 5 months.

It’s so heavy that my wife hates to help carry it upstairs. Luxman puts some handles in the box, which I think is quite smart and useful.

It’s the definition of built like a tank. I don’t think I ever used this term before but M10x is it.

Onto the first impression - detail retrieval is best I have in my system and not even close. It’s also so quiet, I immediately notice movie dialogues are very clear. Can’t wait until it breaks in.

The M-10X is on my very short list of amps to drive a pair of Magico A5's (ARC Ref 5 SE preamp). What does the rest of your system contain?

Thanks and enjoy!
The M-10X is on my very short list of amps to drive a pair of Magico A5's (ARC Ref 5 SE preamp). What does the rest of your system contain?

Thanks and enjoy!

Magico S3, Esoteric N-05XD and pre-amp is TBD. Currently direct-driving from N-05XD and I must say this configuration is not losing much to my previous Diablo 300 integrated.

How do you like Ref 5SE? I’m thinking tube route and Ref 5SE is now at a good price.
Magico S3, Esoteric N-05XD and pre-amp is TBD. Currently direct-driving from N-05XD and I must say this configuration is not losing much to my previous Diablo 300 integrated.

How do you like Ref 5SE? I’m thinking tube route and Ref 5SE is now at a good price.

Wow, fairly similar signal chain. The ARC Ref5 SE is exceptional and punches above its weight class IMHO. It is very synergistic with the other components which includes an Esoteric K01XD and an Aurender N20. I was using an ARC Ref 150 SE amp but the bass was a bit anemic with the A5. I found a used Classe Delta stereo locally and traded the Ref150 SE for it. The Delta Stereo is certainly an improvement over the Ref150 SE, particularly in the bottom octaves, but I've been spoiled by the soundstage and musicality of the ARC components; the Delta Stereo sounds drier (not lean or thin) relatively speaking. I'm glad I made the move to the SS amp (a set of tubes is ferociously expensive now) but based on what I'm hearing now that the A5's are finally broken in, the M-10X will likely be a better match for me.

The Ref5 SE will stay but I'm also looking forward to hearing the Luxman preamp replacement for the C-900U when it becomes available.

Maybe Mike can shed some light of the Luxman preamp?
Wow, fairly similar signal chain. The ARC Ref5 SE is exceptional and punches above its weight class IMHO. It is very synergistic with the other components which includes an Esoteric K01XD and an Aurender N20. I was using an ARC Ref 150 SE amp but the bass was a bit anemic with the A5. I found a used Classe Delta stereo locally and traded the Ref150 SE for it. The Delta Stereo is certainly an improvement over the Ref150 SE, particularly in the bottom octaves, but I've been spoiled by the soundstage and musicality of the ARC components; the Delta Stereo sounds drier (not lean or thin) relatively speaking. I'm glad I made the move to the SS amp (a set of tubes is ferociously expensive now) but based on what I'm hearing now that the A5's are finally broken in, the M-10X will likely be a better match for me.

The Ref5 SE will stay but I'm also looking forward to hearing the Luxman preamp replacement for the C-900U when it becomes available.

Maybe Mike can shed some light of the Luxman preamp?

I still have about 250 hours to go to find out if M10X would be a good match in my system. So far, it is promising.

Since both K01XD and N20 have master clock input, I think it’d be worthwhile for you to try a master clock. In my system, it was an eye opening experience.

As for pre-amp, I’m also waiting to hear new matching pre-amp for M10X.
I still have about 250 hours to go to find out if M10X would be a good match in my system. So far, it is promising.

Since both K01XD and N20 have master clock input, I think it’d be worthwhile for you to try a master clock. In my system, it was an eye opening experience.

As for pre-amp, I’m also waiting to hear new matching pre-amp for M10X.

A master clock (Cybershaft or Esoteric) will likely be the next piece of electronics I add. We're in the middle of renovating the part of our home where the 2 channel system resides so the entire system has been furloughed. Once the space is ready I will determine what acoustic treatment is necessary before I start adding or changing equipment. But your suggestion is spot on. I had a dCS Puccini master clock connected to a Puccini DAC/Transport before the Esoteric K01XD. The improvement was quite positive and not subtle.
Curious if anyone has compared or has thoughts on an M10x versus a pair of M900s in mono?
Nuts , you really help me. thank you very much.

The question was raised for someone who may have an experience with M10X.
If you don't have something interesting to say, don't write anything. it's better.
I have an M-10X, superb amp and a bargain IMO. Before the C-10X was announced and available, I auditioned ARC, Pass, and Constellation preamps in my system before settling on an Esoteric Grandioso C1X solo. I love this pre - even more when I started using Esoteric's proprietary ESL-A link protocol on ICs between the solo and my K-01XD SACD Player.
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Thank you GSOphile, it's interesting, i've also a K-01XD (and M900u + C900U).
I'm going to try to find some informations on Esoteric Grandioso C1X solo.
Before the M10x, I been thinking to change amp and pre because the rest of the system is very competent (IMO) and I know that I can get more resolution, bass impact and dynamics with Boulders, Gryphon, Constellation and some few others, however, now I believe that I am going to keep Luxman for a little more and maybe try the C900u replacement that I believe will happen next year (Mike could confirm that). Other than my DCS Rossini that will need a apex upgrade (waiting to hear other users opinions), the rest of system don’t need upgrading for a while: Vivaldi master clock, Antipodes S40/S60/EX upgraded, Uptone switch with Paul Hynes SR5 and AD clock, Router with Sbooster PS, SR active grounding, SR interconnects and speaker cables and a combination of Shunyata Sigma NR V2 and Hurricane PC. For speakers, I am using a pair of Wilson Sabrinas X that in feel is just perfect for my room. System is on a dedicated music room which is well treated to try to get the best sound from it.

did you replace your C900u?

would you recommand C10X with M10X for the synergy?
nota: Esoteric Grandioso C1X solo is a possibility but much more expEnsive than C10X
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12.5% more expensive (22,500 USD MSRP vs 19,995 USD MSRP)
The Grandioso is still a possibility, but in europe it costs 28 999,00 €. vs 19980 ,00 euros for the luxman C10X.
50% more expensive.

Also looking for possibilities on the "used "market .
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Interesting, since they are both Japanese brands. I suspect the difference is in how the two handle distribution in Europe vs. the US.