Jeff aka A/V Solutions system

Haha, a room that needs no introduction! Great room, Jeff, you inspire me!:)
We haven't signed the dotted line, but likely it will go thru. You'll be a part of it, buddy. They forgot to quote me using 2x6 and R19 insulation, per your specs.;)
Guess I'll help you with the process, we're going to hook him up to an IV and inject him with some of my wine collection that should do the tricks..

And I thought we were going to convert Jeff to digital??? :)
There is side 'whatever-the-hell-you-want' with a proper PC based setup.

We'll get you to use a remote control eventually. lol

LOL.....You know you may have issues when the remote is in arms reach but you still get up to adjust the volune, change tracks etc......yep that's the analog side talking :confused:
Jeff......I could spend hours.....days in this room. :D .......but you're gonna have play DJ for me. :D


I've been trying to get Jeff to set up either the Bryston or the PMC for me to have a listen to it, but so far no luck yet :(

Are you getting the new Lehmann Audio Linear SE?

Hey Mike.....yes its on my radar and waiting its arrival. Before it can be released in the US for distribution Lehmann must obtain the UL & CE listings which I'm told are in the works. I'm on the waiting list and check in with them every few weeks. I'll post pictures and info when I have mine.
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