Jay's Audio Journey

I under stand your point
my point of your room is to better understand what you maybe hearing
At times I did rotate a few things not
On your level of course.
Sorry Jay, in my humble opinion a video that doesn't show a thing, only plays music is nothing more than Clickbait - give your audience the real deal.
Hence it is called a teaser?...

Clickbait is a text or a thumbnail link that is designed to attract attention and to entice users to follow that link and read, view, or listen to the linked piece of online content, being typically deceptive, sensationalized, or otherwise misleading.

A "teaser" aims to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make readers of news websites curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content.

Just in case one needs to remember how "teaser" should be.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker – Teaser - YouTube
Nope..I'm just working my @ss off and letting nothing stop me. The work i do here behind closed doors goes unnoticed and only very few know how hard i work to put out free content. I spent 8 hours packing the XLF this last Saturday instead of playing out in the patio with my 5 year old... This is the kind of thing that many overlook but hey it is what it is.
I do feel the Wilson’s are the better speaker and I do like focals anytime I hear them.
You need plenty of room for the Wilson’s and sitting is Critical as is setup
it looks like you sit at back wall with acoustic panels behind with a high back chair
it’s why I asked about your room. I’m attacking you just interested in your ways.
every time I did hear Wilsons they were not setup correct but I could hear the massive potential of them. focals always were great but I wonder is it cause they needed less attention to setup
my speakers are way above my pay grade and onky since a got to know 2 people who did know have I got to make them better.
anyway I’ll be at the Florida show hope to meet some people from here

Hey mike Fred has a pic of me sitting next to you in his room both of us looking into our phones
Jay keep your journey alive I do enjoy your you tube stuff.
Well it's a fool's game to try to guess a speaker through a youtube video. But I'll play the fool :-)

What I hope: Joseph Pearl Graphene.

What I think it might be: a Vivid Audio speaker.


I see that people have been guessing it's the JA Pearl based on your enthusiastic response to hearing them at the audio show. So that makes sense.

Also, the sound in your mystery-speaker video does have some of the character of the Joseph speakers, in particular a sense of clarity and vividness.

I'm a big fan of Joseph speakers. Started when I heard the previous version of the Pearl at a show (rarely heard a vocal track sound that real and human), then I auditioned the Pulsar stand mounted speakers, and eventually purchased the floor standing Perspective model. The Joseph speakers have a particular character that seems to stand out, noted by so many listeners and in almost every review: a purity of tone and clarity. It's not just the clarity one often hears from the latest metal drivers, it's not anti-septic, it's rather this utterly grain-free purity, like looking through a stream that has been completely cleared of silt so the vividness of the colors of the rocks in the stream bed come through. Vocal and instrumental timbres seem to come through the Joseph speakers in a similar colorful, clear manner. (Vs some versions of "clarity" that can seem to blanche instruments of timbre and tone). It's an amazing combination of super clean yet relaxed.

This is also helped by the fact Joseph has made sure that there is a richness to the sound, especially from the lower midrange on down. So it's this luxurious combination of "clarity, speakers disappearing" but also with a richness and a fun sense of punch and drive. Such a hard to find combination. "Un-mechanical" sounding, as Michael Fremer put it.

(The Joseph speakers don't ultimately have as much richness or fullness as some other speakers - e.g. a Harbeth is going to give voices even more body, texture and presence. I've owned both brands. But nonetheless the balance Joseph has struck is very enticing).

And having heard practically every Joseph Audio speaker video on youtube, I've found that some of that character - the clarity and lack of boom etc - seems to come through.

So back to the mystery speaker. In the video it *sounds* like a familiar openness clarity and detail one gets from the Joseph speakers. I recognize a certain signature there. Except that it's a leaning a bit more to the anti-septic, lean side of the spectrum.

It sounds more like what I've heard from the Vivid Audio speakers (I've auditioned a few, and a friend has had them in his home and I listened to them often). For me the Vivid speakers offer some of the Joseph characteristics in terms of boxless presentation and clarity and vividness of detail, though pushing that even a bit further, and also with a bit more "slam" and force available, but also for my tastes, a bit too far to the analytical and lean. When I'd play some of my demo female vocal tracks on the Vivid speakers, I'd get a super "vivid" image of the singer, but it tended to sound more artificial, hyped, lean, electronic, whereas when I'd get home and listen to the same tracks it sounded more like an actual human being.

So...again...my hope is that it's the Joseph Graphene because I'd really enjoy seeing what you think of that speaker in your home. And from the video, sonically...it still could be that speaker.

But I'd roll the dice with a Vivid speaker. (I haven't seen enough of your videos to know if you've expressed enthusiasm or desire for any other particular speakers, which is why my guess is so constrained).

Do not know.
But the sound is more coherent and more integrated. (in my headphones)
It can however, be due to the size of the Wilsons, and the distance to the listening zone.:dunno:

If we knew the size of his room and sitting distance a lot could be known it what he hears
But this seems to be a secret and I don’t know why.