Best speakers I've ever heard for the money ... Hands down....are the Emerald Physics. I swear, I was listening at RMAF and thought the little ones were $20,000 a pair and the big ones were $50,000/pair. The numbers are actually closer to 1/10 that price.
They aren't the most attractive speaker in the world and the fact they need to be biamped is a little wonky, but damn, get it right and it sounds amazing. AND - the one thing that none of these so called experts talk about when they talk about the Emerald Physics is their design (!!!) - as a dipole speaker, it makes them very easy to integrate into any room with much less problems with room acoustics. Just give them a little space from the front wall (say 2-3 feet) and look out. Big, beautiful sound.
No Mike,
Linkwitz Orion speakers are open baffle DIPOLE with analog signal processing (latest design).
Emerald Physics is an open baffle, electronic X-over, controlled directivity (wave guided), bi/tri-amped, DSP freq. equalized and time domain aligned , speaker system. Phew, I said a mouthful, but basically Clayton Shaw and now Underwood Wally whas thrown every speaker tech including the bathroom sink into this design. Kidding they left out Dipole, ribbons, transmission lines, but you get my point.
I spent hours on the phone with Wally and got a sale for him of the 6Moons review unit in Switz (it went for a steal compared to what they can do). I also got a Boston Pal to move from tubes/Horns to an EP2.7 (Beyma m/HF drivers and Cullen modded Behringer DSP), as he is a dynamics junkie and nothing I have heard are as dynamic as the EPs! He is still toying with the idea of junking the Behringer and going full Clayton Show Spatial computing system, but is hesitant as he still does spinning disk and vinyl.
The room setup in EP is based on putting in room paramenters and entering preset formulae for the Behringher which configures it for a very close approximation to ideal room dispersion and sound wave directivity. the speakers WILL NOT WORK without this. They will sound like Garbage without the Behringer brain. Spatial takes this to the next level and MICRO-OPTIMIZES the DSP control to whatever speaker placement you decide on (of course decent setup is needed to not limit the SQ possibilities). This is done by computer over the internet where they can test and refine the parameters till they are perfect.
Gradient Helsinki 1.5s with Gradient subs are a very similar concept to the basic EP setup and with a DSPeaker DC anti-mode 2.0 room bass corrector, you can achieve much of the same. The gardients cost $6K new and $3K usewd commonly. They also look like modern art.
A long winded way to say Yes, I agree and DSP is the future. In 2-3 years we will see wireless Active DSP controlled speaker sytems with Dacs built in and needing just an iPod as source and they will sound stunning.