I was seriously thinking e-460 for the S5's....maybe e-600 is the better bet?
I agree. I think that's the one.
I was seriously thinking e-460 for the S5's....maybe e-600 is the better bet?
Thanks for your comments.
Your comments are exactly what I was guessing after hearing them Ayre and Accuphase in different systems. The E-560 had balls plus some.
I've read that the E-560 was much much better than the E-460 and held it's own power wise even tho it's 180w vs 30w.
I agree. I think that's the one.
Hey Rusty, is this the one?
Hey Rusty, is this the one?
Rusty - did you prefer the 560 over the 460? Sounds like you did.
Hey Rusty, is this the one?
I just saw the price and fainted!
LOL! Makes the Dartzeel integrated seem affordable.![]()
The issue I have with the DartZeel is looks and the fact that the company is so slow to come out with new products. I also have a tiny concern about support and having to ship a product that kind of distance. That being said, I have not heard a DartZeel product, but they have a loyal fan base....so that says something.
To explain, what have I heard in front of the Summit X?
NuForce 9SE, Gryphon Atilla and Diablo, ASR Emitter 1, Simaudio 700i, Shindo Monbrisonsnicker
, Stello i500SE, MA2275, CJ ET5 + McCormack, MSB, Audyssey monos, aargh, there are more, but my old head can't dredge them up right now, but _nothing_ touched the Zensati + 560 for sq.