Integrated Amplifiers

Thanks for your comments.

Your comments are exactly what I was guessing after hearing them Ayre and Accuphase in different systems. The E-560 had balls plus some.

I've read that the E-560 was much much better than the E-460 and held it's own power wise even tho it's 180w vs 30w.

It's true. I initially went to hear if the E-460 would be suitable as it was approx. the same power rating as the McCormack, which worked fine with my speakers. Heard it demo'd on Tannoys (don't know which model, approx. 35cm wide) and thought ok, not bad. The shop owner was enthusiastic about the E-560 and really wanted me to hear it. I was thinking yeah, class A, hot, ecologically evil. But it was an immediate wow. People talk of the golden sound of class A and that was true with the Tannoys. But it (E-560) couldn't drive the _big_ Tannoys, the bass became muddled, that's why I needed to hear it at home with the Summit Xs, which are quite a different speaker. As you've read in my previous rant, this is a top match which I'm 100% sure the E-460 can't match. And the E-560 runs so cool! I have no idea how they do that.
Perhaps Mike or Joe knows?
The problem with Summit Xs (apart from being a 4 ohm speaker that drops to 0.8 ohms at 20kHz - a punishing load for an amp) is that the amp you put in front of them is only supposed to run the panels. Its signal is sent to the woofers, but only to send its 'flavour'. It doesn't actually drive the woofers.
Here's the rub. In my experience it matters hugely which amp you use, as this directly affects what kind of bass you will get from them. You see, this search started with my Mac MA2275. Beautiful mids, clear highs, bass extension was there, but no slam. It was soft.
Hope that helps. :cool:
Great description Rusty. I love your enthusiasm. I don't know the reason they are not as hot as other Class A amps but I welcome the cooler nature. I know Accuphase actually gives the amount of power their amps put into 1 ohm loads. Not many if any other manufacturers list much below 2 ohms - it is unheard of on most spec sheets. Go Accuphase!
Thanks Joe, I've found another version of audio Nirvana.
Yep, the wife can hear the difference too.
btw the Summits have a 200w dital amp to drive each woofer, ie 400w per box. Should be plenty of power there, but... see above.
Would love to hear your GAT driving a couple of Accuphase class A monos. Drool.
Having read the blurb on the E-600, how, apart from extra xlrs, is it different from the E-560?
Reads exactly the same as for the E-560.
Here's a contribution to the initial reason for this thread:
Alef Orchestra.
No, nothing to do with Nelson Pass.
They're an Italian company, distributed by Tecsart in France with a US distributor, but forget the name of the company. Drive anything. Delicious sound. Latest model even has copper heatsinks. Definite porn.
Apologies for no pic, haven't worked out how to do that. :wacko:
Hey Rusty, is this the one?

Rusty - did you prefer the 560 over the 460? Sounds like you did.


Heard the 460 first and thought ok, not bad.
The 560 was a totally different animal. Big sound, far more dynamic, and remember, this was through Tannoys... Summit Xs (if you'll pardon my not so humble opinion, heh heh) eat them for resolution, soundstage, and let's not forget MUSIC!
Frankly, thinking back on it, 460 was two dimensional by comparison.
Please, I'm not trying to offend anyone who owns a 460, but if you do, please, do yourself a favour and audition a 560. And through the Summit Xs? Aarghh!
The 560 was sold before the end of one song.
To explain, what have I heard in front of the Summit X?
NuForce 9SE, Gryphon Atilla and Diablo, ASR Emitter 1, Simaudio 700i, Shindo Monbrison (:snicker:), Stello i500SE, MA2275, CJ ET5 + McCormack, MSB, Audyssey monos, aargh, there are more, but my old head can't dredge them up right now, but _nothing_ touched the Zensati + 560 for sq.
Jumps off soapbox.
Mike, you must already know all this! :scholar:
Thanks Rusty. Given the specs of the Magico S5, I just wonder if it has enough power and bass control for those big woofers?

I have heard the Accuphase e-560 and just couldn't believe how good it sounded (90-95% of the A200's as Jock said).

I was also looking at the Vitus RI-100. Have you heard this?

Another idea I had was a VAC 300.1a and use my Classe CP800 preamp.
LOL! Makes the Dartzeel integrated seem affordable. :P

The issue I have with the DartZeel is looks and the fact that the company is so slow to come out with new products. I also have a tiny concern about support and having to ship a product that kind of distance. That being said, I have not heard a DartZeel product, but they have a loyal fan that says something.

The issue I have with the DartZeel is looks and the fact that the company is so slow to come out with new products. I also have a tiny concern about support and having to ship a product that kind of distance. That being said, I have not heard a DartZeel product, but they have a loyal fan that says something.
Dartzeel gear is outstanding. I have a gut feeling it will be perfect on the S5's or most anything else for that matter. One of the most natural, articulate and revealing amps out there.
a) that photo is the mk1, mk2 has copper (!) heatsinks, upgraded trannie supports (rubber caused problems) plus some other upgrades I forget. Fully floating trannie encased in graphite and then silicon (? it was a year ago...)
b) USA price is too high. Europe price €30000.
c) I could have had no.1 of mk1 version with upgrades for €16000, but then the wife mentioned that was a trip to Paris + a month's accommodation for the two of us.
What have I done? Married a logical woman? :roflmao:
Re Vitus (300w into 8!), was going to Melbourne to hear Vitus and Dartzeel, but then the E560 came to visit. :amazing: :heart:
To explain, what have I heard in front of the Summit X?
NuForce 9SE, Gryphon Atilla and Diablo, ASR Emitter 1, Simaudio 700i, Shindo Monbrison (:snicker:), Stello i500SE, MA2275, CJ ET5 + McCormack, MSB, Audyssey monos, aargh, there are more, but my old head can't dredge them up right now, but _nothing_ touched the Zensati + 560 for sq.

+ARC DS225, Burmester 099+956.