Impressive first listen - Esoteric K01XD

I am also a very happy owner of K01XD. I bought mine about 1 month ago, excellent sound for both as CD/SACD player and DAC. I am using K01XD with an external clock from Cybershaft, very noticable improvement over the internal clock.
I would have thought the Grandioso Custom VCXO II clock in K-01XD would be a higher specification than Cybershaft OP17.
Grandioso clock likely is better. However, I had the opportunity to acquire the Cybershaft OP17 from a friend at an attractive price.:rolleyes:
You would need an OP19 or OP20 to match the performance of the clock in K-01XD. And at that performance level you really need to be using one of the Shunyata clock cables or you're just introducing a weak point into the timing signal path. I think if you're going to clock these Esoteric XD devices you really need OP21 or Grandioso G1X level otherwise you're just wasting your time and money.
We have used OP16 and get good results. After all, you have to believe to your ears to make the judgements.

Are you still satisfied by your K01XD?

Maybe i'm going to replace my SACD player luxman D08u by a new one...

is K01-XD still one of the best? full bodied, dynamic, detailled, with a large and deep soundstage...etc

As good as Playback design mps6, luxman D10X, Metronome technologies ...etc?

what is the duration of the break-in of K01XD?

Thank you
K1X-SE is the top dog Esoteric player. And you can make it even better with PS1 and an external clock. If I had my time over again that is what I would do, instead of the D1X/P1X combo.
K1X-SE is the top dog Esoteric player. And you can make it even better with PS1 and an external clock. If I had my time over again that is what I would do, instead of the D1X/P1X combo.

thank you. You're talking about Grandioso K1X SE i think.
yes it's the best of esoteric CD player, but above my budget...
I have no idea. Whilst I own many Esoteric products break-in duration is not something I take much notice of. They all sound great the moment you first plug them in.
Thank you. Do you have an idea of the break-in duration for K01XD? 500 hours ?

While I agree with brodricj that Esoteric products sound good from first listen, my K-01XD took ~ 200 hours to completely reveal its full potential.
200 or 500 or somewhere in between, the Esoteric DAC sound has evolved over the last few years to be among the best in the industry. I wouldn’t make a purchase decision based on a few hundred hours of break in. Esoteric’s disc drive, DAC and overall quality is among the best in the industry.
They do all sound extremely good from first listen. Putting another 250-350 hours on them continues to improve them without a doubt. Also, if you regularly turn gear off nightly / when not listening, it takes a few hours for them to come back to their best after cold shutdown periods.

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I have replaced my K01XD with the K1X, and my clock now is the Cybershaft OP21A. The combination of these two are excellent.

I have replaced my K01XD with the K1X, and my clock now is the Cybershaft OP21A. The combination of these two are excellent.


Can you describe the major sonic benefit of going from the K-01XD to the K1X? I have an older D-02X and am considering upgrading to the D1XSE and wondering what I might expect? Looking at other brands also while I'm at it.

