I'm still in love with my speakers

My first review for Positive Feedback was the KEF LS50 50th Anniversary speakers in 2013. I tried to express what I thought was special about these speakers. You can read the review here:

KEF LS50 loudspeakers

Mark - that’s a great review. I had to break out my Parlaphone Blue box after reading it.

This has been a fun thread. Everyone is so passionate about their speakers and there are so many different types here with radically different presentations.
This has been a fun thread. Everyone is so passionate about their speakers and there are so many different types here with radically different presentations.

I agree!

It's fun to see what people love and why, and having the forum where it's also ok to show how our likes and dislikes change as our system changes.

It's great to have a forum of open minded people supporting fellow audiophiles vs miserable, lonely and angry people that clearly need more fiber in their diets.
I just had New Yorker series Siltech no matter where I used them they seemed to magnify the sound stage. No issue at the time just an observation.

I did have some Heresy III which sounded overly midrange to me unless I biamped them to where I could drive the woofer harder. My sweet spot was a set of Forte. A lot of fun and enjoyable to listen to but I knew from past speakers I wasn't getting all the detail etc. I should be so I moved on. This is during my time using CJ gear. So I think I get what you mean.
I was 3 paragraphs into my audiophile life story when I pressed the wrong button and erased a bunch of meaningless content. I don't know how much improvement there's been in speakers over the last decade. I love what Maggies do well, but what they reportedly don't do well (LOUD)has kept me from buying a pair. I've only had my Blades a couple-few years and was considering selling them b4 trying the Mc611's and I haven't stopped in at a hifi store or even show, and Axpona's only 20 minutes from me, since. I think it's safe to say in 10-15 years I'll be saying "I'm still in love with my speakers". I can't predict what's coming down the pike tho'.