at madfloyd: the point 5 are fine. i dont can say that Wilson and Pass is not a good match. they sound very good but.....yeah but...
the new point 8 I dont have listen: only rewiev on the web.....where i life in not simply have a point 8 at home to make a test.....but purchasing the new point 8 in a closed box is a no sense operation.
Mike write from LF more "hard"...and much other impression anyway the new Pass is sure a good choice.
I can stay with my Xa100.5 and try before with the AR ref5se: i'm sure that the sound go have a big improvemnt from Xp20 as preampli and Xa100.8 new ampli!
I have listen Hegel H30 in a store with Dali speaker and the H300 too: this last is very impressive! have a price/performance like not other.
I love have a mid and HF "fine" in my system: the LF / bass are well important but the 100.5 are for me bot bad! -> sinergie!!!! is the password.
A freind say me to go with a McIntosh combo...but I have never listen the Mc with the Wilson! Mc sound good with B&W, Sonus Faber, Spendor, Harbert....i like a "fast sound", rapid reponse, dry....-> sonus Faber and co. for me are to much "soft".....