Hegel H30 - Does anyone own one or at least heard it? ....

Thanks Joe.

Interesting that you didn't much care for the P30. Then again, isn't the Virgo like three times the cost of the P30?
I have a p20 / h20 combo with revel studio2s and think its a good match. It was an easy transition from an ayon tube amp and Nola micro grands. Haven't posted in a while bc I have no intention of changing the rig any time soon. I guess that's a good sign :)
I heard the H30 in my system - one of the best amps i have ever heard. Almost tube like in musical warmth. Iron grip on my Magico woofers. Liked it better than my $45k Vac amp. With the P30 preamp it was a marvel at that price point. Since it isn't a well known brand it is relatively affordable state of the art.
Btw the P30 beat the vac Mkiii preamp and the CJ gat I had in my system them. I thought it was as amazing as the H30. Only reason I sold my Hegel gear is I found the constellation as better match with my Magicos and I had a CJ350 for my vacation home (driving the KEF ls50s). If I had to do it over again I would have found a way to make the Hegel system stick around somehow. There was a musical warmth and punch that was addicting - I remember the mids were tube like.
I bought a Hegel H300 integrated a couple of months ago to go with my Revel Performa F208s, in a second system. It's been a great match. I now have a H30 on order for the main setup. Can't wait. I know Joe is in for a huge treat matching his with his Strads.
Unfortunately :(

I have champagne taste and a beer budget. I'd just need to hear the P30 in my system to see if I'd like it or not.

Thanks Joe.

Interesting that you didn't much care for the P30. Then again, isn't the Virgo like three times the cost of the P30?
Unfortunately :(

I have champagne taste and a beer budget. I'd just need to hear the P30 in my system to see if I'd like it or not.

Ha, don't we all, Joe?!

Heard the H30 with the Rockport Aviors. Added some nice midrange body and warmth as Darrin suggests. A great amp for the price! Happy listening, Joe!

So will you be trying the companion P30?
I don't think so.

My list includes the Dag preamp (again), Constellation Virgo II, Ayre KX-R Twenty, ARC Ref 5SE or Ref 10, Steve McCormack VRE-1c and the Pass XP-30 or possibly Xs. :)

How's that for a list?
I don't think so.

My list includes the Dag preamp (again), Constellation Virgo II, Ayre KX-R Twenty, ARC Ref 5SE or Ref 10, Steve McCormack VRE-1c and the Pass XP-30 or possibly Xs. :)

How's that for a list?

That's an all star list for sure. I heard the constellation Virgo II in my system with balanced connection to my centaur amp. It competed against my ARC Ref40 preamp (very similar to arc ref 5se). I preferred the Arc ref 40 because it had more substance and meat on the bones. More body and bigger soundstage. The Virgo II won by a large margin at very low listening levels. Almost spooky how good it sounded at low volumes. As volume went up it thinned out a bit in my system.
I would love some of your crumbs!!:blush:

If you hear the XP30 vs. Xs, would love to hear your opinion, Joe....
Thanks Darrin.

I need to wait for the Strads to come in before I make a decision because the Strads will be number one position. Everything could change once the Strads get here.

That's an all star list for sure. I heard the constellation Virgo II in my system with balanced connection to my centaur amp. It competed against my ARC Ref40 preamp (very similar to arc ref 5se). I preferred the Arc ref 40 because it had more substance and meat on the bones. More body and bigger soundstage. The Virgo II won by a large margin at very low listening levels. Almost spooky how good it sounded at low volumes. As volume went up it thinned out a bit in my system.

Ha! Too funny Allen. I am curious myself. :)

I would love some of your crumbs!!:blush:

If you hear the XP30 vs. Xs, would love to hear your opinion, Joe....
I don't think so.

My list includes the Dag preamp (again), Constellation Virgo II, Ayre KX-R Twenty, ARC Ref 5SE or Ref 10, Steve McCormack VRE-1c and the Pass XP-30 or possibly Xs. :)

How's that for a list?
Joe, if there was one bit of advice I would give you, it would be to put the Soulution 520 on that list. It is the home run Soulution jagged!
Hi Kev,

I forgot about that one. Thanks!

Joe, if there was one bit of advice I would give you, it would be to put the Soulution 520 on that list. It is the home run Soulution jagged!
I don't think so.

My list includes the Dag preamp (again), Constellation Virgo II, Ayre KX-R Twenty, ARC Ref 5SE or Ref 10, Steve McCormack VRE-1c and the Pass XP-30 or possibly Xs. :)

How's that for a list?
Joe, if there was one bit of advice I would give you, it would be to put the Soulution 520 on that list. It is the home run Soulution jagged!

I second the nomination!
The H30 continues to improve. Wow! What an amazing amp. Burmester could learn a thing or two from Hegel.