Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi guys,

I'm looking to build a system from scratch and I think this is the pre/amp I'm gonna go for.
I had heard the Diablo 300 and I liked the sonic aesthetics of it.
Reading that this essence combo greatly surpasses the Diablo 300 makes me only wonder how good it must sounds.

The system I'm looking at is Aurender N20 > Essence Pre+dac / Essence stereo Amp > Magico A3

My listening room is about 220 sq ft but extends into the kitchen and towards the entrance.
I listen to about everything (except heavy metal) from Classical to Electro either slow during night sessions or quite loud during the day.
My room is semi treated and relatively damped for most frequencies except maybe for a couple of modes below 100hz that I havent measured.

I can't listen to this exact system. I've only been able to listen to A1's and shortly to the A3's.
During this short session, I think the A3 could sound really good with a high current A class amp, bringing good grip to the drivers and maybe a bit of life and organic sound as the ultra damped cabinet could make then sound a bit cold / analytical.
My idea is also to use the Zena dac module with the preamp for simplicity reasons and also costs reasons as I believe the next dac up will settle me back at least a few thousands more.

Please kindly let me know how you think this system would work out. I'm sure Mike must have a pretty good idea since he has all three!

Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

If you're prepared to spend this much on electronics, why not a little more on speakers (even if you need to cut back elsewhere) - at least an A5? Speakers will have the biggest impact on sound quality.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi @GSOphile,

Good point - Short answer is speaker physical size, bass management and the limited amp power. Usually going up in performance means also going up in size.
If I had the room, I would have gone for Vimberg Mino's but then I'm not sure I would go for this essence combo as power might be tight.
I've looked at A5, I like them but I'm scared that they're going to load the room with too much bass and also aesthetically they're bigger and I found them less balanced at the A3. But I'm still thinking about them.
Other speakers I have considered are the joseph audio perspective graphene 2 but I can't audition them.

I used to like the previous dynaudio contour series with plinius class A. I havent listened to the new contour series but it is my feeling that they're maybe not as good as the previous one.

I also went to listen to the wilson sabrina X but I havent been impressed. I don't know if it was the setup or what it was but I was expecting a lot more from this speaker.

This week I'll go and listen to the magico's S1MKII. The dealer also has the A5 but he doesnt want to plug them because he says for sure they wont work for my room. He was pushing me the A1 all along but I dont like bookshelves. After a long A1 audition he reluctantly agreed to plug the A3 and I could only listen to them briefly.

That being said, my experience is that one can be surprised at what speakers can do connected to electronics above their league.

What other recommendations would you have? I can't have speakers that are too deep or physically too big otherwise they'll be too close to the back wall.
I hope I'm not hijacking the thread switching it to speakers but it's speakers in relations to this combo that I'm interested in.


Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi @GSOphile,

Good point - Short answer is speaker physical size, bass management and the limited amp power. Usually going up in performance means also going up in size.
If I had the room, I would have gone for Vimberg Mino's but then I'm not sure I would go for this essence combo as power might be tight.
I've looked at A5, I like them but I'm scared that they're going to load the room with too much bass and also aesthetically they're bigger and I found them less balanced at the A3. But I'm still thinking about them.
Other speakers I have considered are the joseph audio perspective graphene 2 but I can't audition them.


WOW - perhaps you should check the specs of the the Gryphon Essence & the Vimberg Mino - looks like a good match to me - 100w Class A into 4 ohm should be PLENTY. Me thinks they would make a fantastic partnership. The clear concise accurate sound that Vimberg is famous coupled to class A power - YUM.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I also think it would work out nicely. The mino is my dream speaker but it's physically too large for my room.
It would take too much real estate and I wouldn't be able to separate them enough from the back wall.
I've asked a dealer about the Amea's but he's told me they're tricky to operate. He hasn't been able to make them sound right yet.
I've even considered moving to accommodate the mino's...
In the meantime I have to consider "smaller" speakers to fit the space in my room...hence leaning towards the A3's...
Alternatively maybe moving up to the A5...but I'm scared they would overload the space
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I think the S3 MkIIs I have in a 15 x 18 room would work perfectly. These have a small footprint. Not being ported speakers, I doubt these or the A5s would overload your room nor would they be fussy to place. I wouldn't do the S1 MkII - not enough bass for what you'd be spending on your system.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I also think it would work out nicely. The mino is my dream speaker but it's physically too large for my room.
It would take too much real estate and I wouldn't be able to separate them enough from the back wall.
I've asked a dealer about the Amea's but he's told me they're tricky to operate. He hasn't been able to make them sound right yet.
I've even considered moving to accommodate the mino's...
In the meantime I have to consider "smaller" speakers to fit the space in my room...hence leaning towards the A3's...
Alternatively maybe moving up to the A5...but I'm scared they would overload the space

It sounds like you are designing a very nice system. I own Magico A3s. Though I may move up to M3s (or some other higher end speaker), I've played with the idea of A5s until then (essentially after COVID).

IMO, if you can afford the A5s get them. Don't get me wrong, the A3s are absolutely wonderful. But the A5s IMO won't overpressure your room and from what I have read are worth the extra cost of admission - a cheap man's M3.

Hopefully the pic works:

Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

I agree with you. I like bass but the dealer keeps steering me away from it. I wanted the A3's or 5's and he was pushing for A1 now S1.
I think I partly understand why. The A1's played well in his room but as soon as we plugged the A3's there was bass hang.
My room is not that much bigger than his but it sounds much much better. His isn't treated. He thinks both are too much speaker for my room and who knows, maybe he is right?
Our rooms are about the same size but mine is kinda odd shaped. The speakers are 6/7 feet apart and I'm sitting about 8/8.5 feet away from them.
I will go have a listen this week and I will report on my impressions.
Nevertheless, I don't think I take a big risk if I go with this system. I'm confident in the electronics, it's just the speakers where I take a small risk.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi Calvin,

Thanks for chiming in, appreciate it.
You have a nice room, the A5's would work out for you.
I've uploaded a couple of pics, see what I mean when I say I don't have a lot of real estate!
The tape on the floor is because the elements dont fit into my rack.
I'm considering putting marble behind the TV to be able to fix it on the wall and then create a marble stand for the elements.
I have to do it like this because at the moment the doubling of the wall doesnt allow to fix the tv on it since the door slides inside the panel behind the tv...


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Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Hi Calvin,

Thanks for chiming in, appreciate it.
You have a nice room, the A5's would work out for you.
I've uploaded a couple of pics, see what I mean when I say I don't have a lot of real estate!
The tape on the floor is because the elements dont fit into my rack.
I'm considering putting marble behind the TV to be able to fix it on the wall and then create a marble stand for the elements.
I have to do it like this because at the moment the doubling of the wall doesnt allow to fix the tv on it since the door slides inside the panel behind the tv...

That's beautiful. You are making good use of the space. But like you said, it's tight.

The A3s and A5s are close to the same size:

A3: 44”H x 11”D x 9.25”W (FR: 26 Hz – 50 KHz)

A5: 44.75”H x 14.9”D x 10.5”W (FR: 24 Hz – 50 kHz)

As compared to:

A1: 15.6”H x 12”D x 8.5”W (FR: 35 Hz – 50 KHz)

So, I'd feel comfortable with either A3 or A5. In your space, I wouldn't feel comfortable with A1s on a stand so close to what I think maybe a doorway though ... but that's just me.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Yup I'm with you concerning A1's plus I don't like the look of bookshelves.
Sadly I can't push the walls! I keep on looking but I keep on coming back to the A3's...
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Yup I'm with you concerning A1's plus I don't like the look of bookshelves.
Sadly I can't push the walls! I keep on looking but I keep on coming back to the A3's...

Catching up. Where are you at with your decision to go with Essence? IMO, without listening, you can’t go wrong. And in time, you will have the ability to upgrade your speakers. Perfect
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Catching up. Where are you at with your decision to go with Essence? IMO, without listening, you can’t go wrong. And in time, you will have the ability to upgrade your speakers. Perfect

Ah, my bad. I just realized you bought it/them. For some reason thought you were still auditioning.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Ah, my bad. I just realized you bought it/them. For some reason thought you were still auditioning.

No I haven’t bought anything then
I’m pretty close to pulling the trigger. Most likely next week
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Sorry if I missed it, assuming you will stream digital at least for some music, what DAC will you go with?
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Yes I want a simple streaming system. Thinking about using the new aurender N20 as a source and going for the Zena DAC module of the preamp for simplicity reasons.
Re: Gryphon Essence amp & preamp

Yes I want a simple streaming system. Thinking about using the new aurender N20 as a source and going for the Zena DAC module of the preamp for simplicity reasons.

I think a great combination. I have not tried a Gryphon DAC but there are many on this forum who have and from what I can gather they all love them.