GigaFoil v4 Inline Ethernet Filter

I read their website, but thanks for rhe link. It appears its hot swappable so nothing i did should have damages it. For some reason the included PS died. Now I'm trying to find the pin size tk order a Soobuster. Does anyone know the model to get. They don't call out a gigafoil. Just a lot of mini dsp, chord and.other.
You’ve had a string of bad luck lately. Did you check the outlet and it’s ground? This is the first I’ve heard of one overheating and stop working. Also, check that the PSU the guy sold you with the unit is indeed the right one (correct voltage, etc.)

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The wall wart has no ground. Its 5 volt, 1000 mv as the unit requires. The prior owner had a Keces powering it. Probably never used this PS. My concern is the gigafoil itself may have an issue and fried rhe PS. Its not often a wall wart fails. I have no way to test it.
Reading with great interest!

Would a FMC like the Gigafoil still be necessary if I have a direct connection, utilizing a good Ethernet cable like the AQ Diamond, from my Google Mesh transmitter to the digital streamer transport?

Reading with great interest!

Would a FMC like the Gigafoil still be necessary if I have a direct connection, utilizing a good Ethernet cable like the AQ Diamond, from my Google Mesh transmitter to the digital streamer transport?


I think you would get better sound quality if you had a ethernet from your router/switch to a quality server. Server connected to dac. I don't know I would bother with a gigafoil if I was wifi to a generic streamer. I don't even see how you could make it work unless your streamer went to a gigafoil that went to a endpoint like a Rendu of some sort.
I think you would get better sound quality if you had a ethernet from your router/switch to a quality server. Server connected to dac. I don't know I would bother with a gigafoil if I was wifi to a generic streamer. I don't even see how you could make it work unless your streamer went to a gigafoil that went to a endpoint like a Rendu of some sort.

I guess we are talking the same thing. My audio room is located on the third floor of the house and I utilize the Google mesh wifi system which works great? I get about 400 mps download speed on the third floor. I have a mesh transmitter on the third floor and I guess the mesh transmitter works as a wireless router and a switch. Currently have an Ethernet cable hooked up directly from the Google mesh router to my Oppo 105 and sounds pretty good. But I am on verge of buying the Lumin U1 streamer and want the best possible performance. Since I will be hooking up directly from my mesh router wasn’t sure if a FMC like the Gigafoil would be necessary.

IME the Gigafoil sounds much better than a FMC...

I have 2 GigaFoils V4 .. one right before my NimitraS and the other for my Lumin D2 w/Sbooster power Supply
I agree with you about it sounding better ..than Standard Fiber conversion set up
Same here for me Audioquest Vodka from the output of GigaFoil to Lumin D2 w/Sbooster power Supply
Here : this is from the link you posted. At the bottom...

The ENO is filtering RF Interference or 'noise'
Permalink On Mon, 09/11/2020 - 11:56am
The review is a non-technical review based on Chris Kelly's listening experience, in his system, while using the ENO and matching Streaming cable.
As the designer of ENO I can answer your questions. Firstly we must establish what the reason is that a lot of streaming devices don't quite achieve the level of sound quality of Hi-End CD and vinyl. Our research has proved that the digital input circuitry of streaming devices is very sensitive to the effects of RF interference or 'noise' that is present mixed in with the Ethernet signal when it's delivered into the RJ45 socket on the back of the streaming device. The Ethernet signal passes through the ENO filter unaltered, it arrives at its destination untouched, fully intact. The RF interference that's also in the cable is filtered out and absorbed as heat within the ENO Filter. So what arrives at your streaming device is pure unaltered clean data, not noisy mushy data. The difference in sound quality of pure clean data to noisy mushy data is quite astonishing.
The device is made by hand using the best quality components possible, it's labour intensive to produce, and that, combined with the lift in sonic performance you get, makes it very good value for money.

By RichTruss
Here : this is from the link you posted. At the bottom...

The ENO is filtering RF Interference or 'noise'
Permalink On Mon, 09/11/2020 - 11:56am
The review is a non-technical review based on Chris Kelly's listening experience, in his system, while using the ENO and matching Streaming cable.
As the designer of ENO I can answer your questions. Firstly we must establish what the reason is that a lot of streaming devices don't quite achieve the level of sound quality of Hi-End CD and vinyl. Our research has proved that the digital input circuitry of streaming devices is very sensitive to the effects of RF interference or 'noise' that is present mixed in with the Ethernet signal when it's delivered into the RJ45 socket on the back of the streaming device. The Ethernet signal passes through the ENO filter unaltered, it arrives at its destination untouched, fully intact. The RF interference that's also in the cable is filtered out and absorbed as heat within the ENO Filter. So what arrives at your streaming device is pure unaltered clean data, not noisy mushy data. The difference in sound quality of pure clean data to noisy mushy data is quite astonishing.
The device is made by hand using the best quality components possible, it's labour intensive to produce, and that, combined with the lift in sonic performance you get, makes it very good value for money.

By RichTruss

I have both the ENO and Gigafoil in my possession over the past few weeks been listening to both extensively. There is no doubt that the Gigafoil sounds better, by a large margin in all scenarios (interconnect changes, power cord changes, ethernet cable changes, etc). I would attribute that to one being passive and one having a power supply and the fact Gigafoil uses fiber to decouple everything in the chain behind it.

The thing I was most impressed with was the Ethernet cable from Network Acoustics, but the ENO itself isn't even close to the Gigafoil in terms of sound (that I heard anyway) YMMV, but I trust my ears.
Also have the GigaFoil connected to my EMM Labs NS1 > EMM Labs DV2.
Powered by my Uptone JS-2 Linear Power Supply.

Has anyone auditioned and made a comparison between the Gigafoil and an Uptone audio etherREGEN?

I haven't compared them through listening, but I did in terms of the tech used. The uptone is a switching power supply that converts to LPS via super capacitors. Supposed to be good, but I decided to stick with a true LPS that uses a toroid. I am sure it sounds great, no idea how it sounds with the GF since people seem to have mixed reports on how it responds to power supplies, this could also be a result of the system itself. I ordered the Keces, sticking with that based on all the positive feedback here on it and I have a friend who has the combo with a P8 and he swears by it.