Get together at Bob's Rhapsody

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. This truly is a very friendly audio forum.

Allen, yes, my speakers are the active version of the Rockport Arrakis 2 with the Rockport active external crossover. Working backwards, for amps, I am using 2 pairs of the new VTL Siegfried Series 2, the preamp is the Absolare Passion Balanced Signature Plus version (2 steps above the version that Bob has at the moment), the digital front end is the MSB Diamond DAC and Signature Transport both with external power supplies, the analog front end is the Steve Dobbins "The Beat" mag drive turntable, Reed tonearm, Lyra Olympos SL cartridge and Allnic H3000 phono stage. The cabling that I use is a combination of Echole Signature and Echole Omnia cables that Bob is also using.

Fantastic system Arnie !!!!!!!
Heck of a rig you got there Arnie. ...Truly impressive and first-class.

Very nice system, Arnie! Thank you for sharing. Hope to hear more about your journey to this point and where you are headed next in future threads here on the Shark!:peace:

So Absolare has a balanced pre. Interesting...:skeptical:

Arnie - welcome to! You have a wonderful system and room (from what I remember reading).

I would be interested to know more about your turntable. My understanding is that it is quite rare.

Thanks again everyone. It sounds like you are ready to have a great time in NYC enjoying some wonderful music and hospitality with Bob at Rhapsody.

Mike, I don't think my turntable is especially rare, but it has been wonderful to listen to great music with it for the past 1.5 years. If any of you will be attending RMAF this year, the designer and builder of the "The Beat" turntable, Steve Dobbins, will be exhibiting in Room 1126 at the Marriott. He will also be showing the table with the new Frank Schroeder Linear Tracking tonearm which is finally becoming available and I think they will be using the Absolare Passion preamp and Absolare amplifiers. Not sure which speakers. It would be great to meet any of you who are attending RMAF.

Again, have a wonderful time in NYC.
Thanks again everyone. It sounds like you are ready to have a great time in NYC enjoying some wonderful music and hospitality with Bob at Rhapsody.

Mike, I don't think my turntable is especially rare, but it has been wonderful to listen to great music with it for the past 1.5 years. If any of you will be attending RMAF this year, the designer and builder of the "The Beat" turntable, Steve Dobbins, will be exhibiting in Room 1126 at the Marriott. He will also be showing the table with the new Frank Schroeder Linear Tracking tonearm which is finally becoming available and I think they will be using the Absolare Passion preamp and Absolare amplifiers. Not sure which speakers. It would be great to meet any of you who are attending RMAF.

Again, have a wonderful time in NYC.

I will be there. Look forward to meeting you.
I'm in NYC

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Nelson, if you want to stop by anytime today or this evening just give me a call. I will be at the studio all day and tonight, but give me a call before coming in case I am running errands or something.
Nelson, if you want to stop by anytime today or this evening just give me a call. I will be at the studio all day and tonight, but give me a call before coming in case I am running errands or something.

Please PM me when you can with your address and phone number
To see if I can make it today

I'm still hangover from yesterday, what a welcome night

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It's really really far. Lol!!
I will take pics, mostly of equipment and combinations we hear.
And will share with all. Of course the old iPhone camera isn't all that great.

I also agree with Nelson and that we do this every year . If We don't annoy Bob . Lol. Probably should schedule it sometime around the ny audio show. I can't go to rmaf , although I should I have a free place to stay. I've never went to an audio show , so the ny show this year is a definite for me.

Steve, I just connected the C1.1's into their listening position after burning them in for 250 hours. This is the first time that I have heard the C1.1's. I'm sure that there is a difference if you go back and forth between the D1's, BUT you could easily fool me. I also see why Mike likes them even more than the D1's. They know their place. They don't try to do too much in the bass area but give very strong bass, clear, delineated bass. The D1's can try to push it a little at times, and you have to be aware of it. With the C1.1's give full "kettle drum" excitement but don't seem to try to overdue it. The soundstage is just as big as with the D1's, and the layering is there as well. Like I said, you could have fooled me if you told me the D1's were on. And I just have them hooked up to the Merrill amps at the moment. We will throw the Absolare amps on them tomorrow.
Steve, I just connected the C1.1's into their listening position after burning them in for 250 hours. This is the first time that I have heard the C1.1's. I'm sure that there is a difference if you go back and forth between the D1's, BUT you could easily fool me. I also see why Mike likes them even more than the D1's. They know their place. They don't try to do too much in the bass area but give very strong bass, clear, delineated bass. The D1's can try to push it a little at times, and you have to be aware of it. With the C1.1's give full "kettle drum" excitement but don't seem to try to overdue it. The soundstage is just as big as with the D1's, and the layering is there as well. Like I said, you could have fooled me if you told me the D1's were on. And I just have them hooked up to the Merrill amps at the moment. We will throw the Absolare amps on them tomorrow.

Bob, that's exactly what I was saying. Spot on.
I will try to go to Rhapsody today for my early music fix
Bob and His studio are for me only today
Oh the jealousy !!
I could feel the Sharks bitting my tail

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Bob, that's exactly what I was saying. Spot on.

I hear ya! You were right on the mark. They are a great speaker. I just blasted a full symphony orchestra piece on them from Arnolds Overtures with BIG KETTLE DRUM ROLL and the drivers did NOT "pop" at all. And they do everything else correctly.
I hear ya! You were right on the mark. They are a great speaker. I just blasted a full symphony orchestra piece on them from Arnolds Overtures with BIG KETTLE DRUM ROLL and the drivers did NOT "pop" at all. And they do everything else correctly.

Yup. They aren't just a great stand mount speaker, they are a great speaker period.
I will try to go to Rhapsody today for my early music fix
Bob and His studio are for me only today
Oh the jealousy !!
I could feel the Sharks bitting my tail

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Definitely go for your private session. Hear the c1.1's and D3's. Then let us know your thoughts. I think the D3's would look nice in your room!!
Prepare your self , Bob is down to earth a super kind of guy
Probably the best host ever !!
And C1.1 are for me the best deal of Rhaido
I'm going back today, maybe I will sleep there and wait for all of you guys

We are going to have lot of fun tomorrow

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Oh crap!!! I was hoping the ones I liked the most were the ones there was no chance of me buying. Would have been able to cross em off the list. Or wait and buy em used in 5 years. Lol.
The c1.1's are possible if I sell something , save some, beg borrow and steal a little. And oh yea not eat for awhile. Lmao!!!!!