Caio Bella!
What a great day in NYC. First stop was Rhapsody, where Bob could not be a more gracious and generous host. We spent a couple of hours there and listened to the Waves and the Raidho D3s driven by Absolare. A very different presentation. The Waves are more immediate and present, with a huge presentation, great ambience...almost like being in a large concert hall, while the Raidhos are sweet.....detailed....have a great tweeter...did an unbelievable disappearing act and threw a more precise and deep soundstage. They are gorgeous speakers and I can only dream about owning a pair.
Next stop was four short blocks uptown to Earsnova to listen to the Magico S1s and S5s. I will get right to the point. In my opinion, the Magicos are shockingly good. I loved the S1s and came close to deciding on the spot, that I was going to own a now.....BUT....after getting over the emotional impact and calming down, thanks to Joe and our friend Mike....not that Mike.....I decided that I need to work on getting more out of my Revel Studio 2s, and that the S1s would be a lateral move at best. The Revels are that good as Joe has repeatedly said.
The S5s....I have to say that Mark is right about these speakers. I left today feeling that the Magico S5s are the best speaker I have heard for as long as I can remember....beautiful shape and finish... and the most convincing reason that I will pass on the S1s. On the car ride home, we discussed the S5s and I stared thinking that it may be worth consolidating my system, maybe downsizing a bit on my electronics and and figuring out a way to get a pair of these great speakers. If it is at all possible, it will take a while for me to figure this one out, and I have never even considered a purchase near what it will take to get a pair. I liked them that much. Mike and guys are right on target with your feelings about the Magicos.
Magico S5....Game Changer...YES!