Delivery day has arrived!

My first 2 weeks listening has been with all D1X settings zeroed out and PCMM>M1 filter. CD playback sounds way better with AOUT>XLR2 setting compared to ES-LINK. The XLR cable is Shunyata Sigma v1 AES/EBU, the ESLINK cables (pair) are supplied with the D1X. For the Link cable which connects the D1X-L to the D1X-R I am using a PS Audio i2s-12. It carries R channel audio for the single XLR connection, together with communication and timing information. SACD playback ESLINK sounds better (which is ESLINK-4 protocol, the ESLINK-2 protocol is used for SACD with single XLR).
Tonight I am using UPC>2Fs mode in the D1X. This upconverts 44.1 kHz CD sample rate to 88.2 kHz (2X). So on the D1X display it shows 44.1 which is the native sample rate received from the transport, and UPCONV2Fs which is being processed inside the DAC (you can also do this upconversion in the transport which is the way I used to operate it with the N-01).
2X upsampling is brighter, more detailed/lively, more forward in presentation, with more precise instrument separation. This is the first time I've used this setting in the D1X. From what I understand "break-in" happens on a per setting basis, because the logic gates in the FGPA which do all the black magic flip-flopping for this process aren't called into action until the setting is invoked. So I expect the sound will evolve for this specific setting over time.
I do like this setting, there is more to it than "just another flavor of good". I had an immediate preference for the upsampled (processed) sound compared to post-2 week of zeroed out setting break-in.
With three different filter settings (M1, M2, M3), each with 2x, 4x and 8X upsampling settings, the combination of different settings gives you 9 different sound signatures per input to choose from. Which increases further when you start tweaking the settings in the transport.
Interesting that you found XLR better than the ESLINK.

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XLR is only better for CD. There might be something in the D1X firmware which is adversely manifesting itself in this specific configuration. It's been reported to Esoteric and they are investigating.
I bought a MQA-CD x UHQCD Hi-Res CD sampler from Japan and loaded it in my Grandioso transport. Sure enough the D1X recognizes it as MQA Studio 352.8 kHz/24 bit.

2x upconversion setting is automatically cancelled when it detects the MQA flag.

How does it sound? PHENOMENAL!!!!

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New arrival.

Audio Replas RWC-2RU (wall outlet), CPP-2 SZ/HG (power socket plate) and SCB-2SZ (outlet base).

It's the most insane after market product I have ever seen. It belongs on a nuclear submarine!

Just waiting on the Shunyata Everest and power cables.

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Interesting that you found XLR better than the ESLINK.

Esoteric have confirmed my observations, which they have now explained. The issue is being caused by the clock sync mode setting in the transport. When the transport is set to CLOCK>MCK10M mode a data bit is being dropped from the PCM data stream in the D1X ESLINK input circuit. DSD signals are not affected by this, and the other digital inputs are not affected. In MCK10M mode during CD playback the PLL circuit is not used in the transport and the 10mHz signal is used as the master clock for audio output. Whereas CLK>IN mode the built-in crystal oscillator is syncronized to the external clock. The fix is to change to CLOCK>IN mode. Esoteric says this sounds better, which is consistent with my earlier findings.
I've learned that D1X should only be clocked when the input source is also clocked (this is stated in the D1X owners manual). I found if the D1X is set to CLK>SYNC you get random popping noises when listening to un-clocked sources. Set CLK>OFF and the random popping noises stop. This is why CLK mode is a per input setting and not a global setting. Whilst the N-03T has a clock input, when connected to the USB input of D1X communication is asynchronous and the external clock is not used.

What this boils down to is an external clock is only used when the source is an Esoteric CD/SACD transport.
I keep tripping over stuff left at my front door by the delivery fairy....occupational hazard for the occasional audio hobbyist. I wonder what this could be?

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The D1X is far more sensitive to the G-02X clock than the N-01 was. From a clock cold start the N-01 didn't care, it just did its thing (my G-02X PREHEATING function is switched off). However the D1X doesn't like a cold start clock, there are low level sonic artifacts/crackle/pops/haze for about the first 10 minutes after clock cold start. After that it is happy, the haze disappears and it sings perfectly well. I'll stay environmentally friendly and conserve power with clock PREHEATING off, save a few watts of standby power. One thing common to all my Esoteric components, they draw very little power in full flight.
DHL does Sunday deliveries. Nice surprise. Shunyata Sigma V2 NR power cord. Only waiting on the Everest. Apparently its built and will be shipped soon.

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Good grief. Another box left at my front door for me to trip over. This is becoming an expensive habit.

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Everest has arrived in good order.
First impression. On the numbers alone I'm disappointed.
Inlet noise = 1800 mV (day)
Everest outlet noise = 1650 mV.
It's no better than the PS Audio power plant at reducing noise on the AC line.
Oh yeah, I'm a big fan of the Spotify product. I like listening to progressive house, trance, world, electronic etc genres and Spotify covers all of it. .

You are making me want to try a subscription to compare to my Tidal. But when I check articles comparing the two, they all claim (by the numbers) Tidal has significantly more songs.

Have you tried Tidal to be able to compare? Although I like many kinds of music, I definitely have a soft spot for vocal trance.
Yeah, I had the free Tidal trial. It didn't float my boat. The Spotify experience was better.
My system overhaul is complete and everything is up and playing again.

I've made a quantum leap in my Spotify performance. The PS3 (my Spotify source) was connected to the wall socket with a kettle cord. Now it's connected to Denali 6000/S v1 with a PS Audio AC-3 power cord. Oh yeah baby, Spotify premium sounds almost as good as my Esoteric N-01! I had my Grandioso transport spinning some CD's as part of my re-wiring functional checks...but I've switched that off and have reverted to Spotify on the PS3 for an afternoon listening session.

Baking hot in Perth today, EMI noise on the output of the Denali is 1850 mV. The highest I have seen. Shunyata need to design and build an isolation transformer contraption to solve that problem.
I reconfigured the mounting arrangement for the Stewart electriciscreen over the past few days and it's back up mounted to the ceiling (the screen fell from the ceiling 6 months ago and it's been swinging in the breeze since then). As I suspected the screen is stuffed. Wavy lines all across the screen surface. I'll have to replace it. Ouch, those screens are expensive.

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Had I been able to audition the Everest at home I wouldn't have bought it. The Denali didn't bring much to the party either, I should have heeded the Denali observation and headed in a different power direction. That's the way it goes sometimes. But I'll give it a few more days. In hindsight, the Everest investment was probably better directed elsewhere. Maybe Altaira SG, or I'm leaning towards the Grandioso C1X pre-amp. I'd like to have the full Esoteric Grandioso set.

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