Dartzeel and Studio2 - Wow! We have a new king ....


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
I thought this combo would not work as well. Mainly because of the power hungry nature of the Revels.

:heart: OMG! :heart:

It is outstanding. More to come!!!!
With a touch of sweetness and detail, the Dartzeel amp is amazing on the studio2. The studio2 are very neutral but in a great way. They are full from top to bottom and the Dartzeel works wonderfully on them. It's a sound that I crave and love.
Paul - what's that speaker in your avatar? Will we be seeing this in your room soon?
Paul - what's that speaker in your avatar? Will we be seeing this in your room soon?

Mike ... I was trying to stay away from ****Flu....but Now i'm getting a Mike & Joe Flu here lol.

It's a Kharma Elegance DB9 speakers. I am thinking this or Raidho D3...hehe... if that doesn't work out..Maybe just settle with bookshelf ( Joe's Evo :blush:)
My stock room is open 24x7. Just ring the bell.

Barely broken in gear at discount prices.
Nice to hear Joe. Sweet (but not rolled) amp/pre coupled with neutral speakers...sounds like the perfect combo. How is it with subpar recordings?

I hate to not listen to 1/2 my stuff because it's so dated and/or poorly recorded. I know you share a similar sentiment. That's what "scurrs" me about ribbons and metal tweeters.

Sounds like your weekend is almost perfect! Add a few beverages and a <ahem> "friend" and it would be perfect.
Thanks Sean. It's a great combo.


It's surprisingly great on lesser recordings. Don't be scared. It will be alright.
Congrats on the Revels ! You can't beat their price/performance ratio. This is a trully exeptional speaker.

How does the dart compare to the Job on the Revels ?
Joe....I'm thinking that the Studio 2s are so exceptional....they work well in many systems. They are a great match with my ARC REF 150 and my McIntosh MC452.
The Revels are so good, they are a window to the amp and upstream gear. The Job 225 is absolutely amazing on my studio2. Just a little more forward than the Dartzeel and a little more energetic. Voice is natural but there seems to be a little more space between instruments and voices. I feel for my listening volume that I don't need more power. The Job 225 is fine. Amazingly articulate but the Dartzeel is a little smoother and maybe a little softer but not in a bad way or mushy. The Dartzeel is more natural. For my taste, adding a slightly warmer preamp to the job 225 would be a great combo. I am in shock as to how great the job 225 does on the studio2.
Glad to hear this combo is singing Joe.

Thanks E,

I did not expect the Dart on the Studio2 to work that well because I've been told you need POWER for these babies. Well, we were wrong. It sounds superb.
Nice work joe!!! Eventually you will get to try all them amps with the studios.
Might take awhile though . Lol!!!!