Brodricj's system

I'm sure stuff leaves the PS factory without being checked properly. Screws don't unscrew themselves and firmware loads don't corrupt themselves during shipping. And as for that customer who received a brand new BHK300 with a BHK250 face plate; well, that just proves the point even if you take all my data points out of the equation. To get 15 years out of a PPP is pretty good going for a PS product however.
New YG Acoustics Rack 1.1 amp stands just arrived. Unfortunately as shipped ex factory they can only carry 37.5 kg maximum amp weight. Need to order extra isolators for anything heavier, which for my Halcro monoblock amps means I need 10 extra shelf isolators. I mean, WTF is YG thinking!!! Maybe they expect most owners will have puny little triode tube amps and not big heavy solid state mono blocks. In the meantime I'm using isolators from the other amp stand so I can at least get one amp on the stand.

New YG Acoustics Rack 1.1 amp stands just arrived. Unfortunately as shipped ex factory they can only carry 37.5 kg maximum amp weight. Need to order extra isolators for anything heavier, which for my Halcro monoblock amps means I need 10 extra shelf isolators. I mean, WTF is YG thinking!!! Maybe they expect most owners will have puny little triode tube amps and not big heavy solid state mono blocks. In the meantime I'm using isolators from the other amp stand so I can at least get one amp on the stand.


YG speakers need amplifiers with a lot of power so I assume that means heavy amplifiers. I'm surprised that their amp stands are not designed with this in mind as a default or that they would ship them out without having specified the amp load for which they are designed. Perhaps I am missing something.
Anyway, a little disappointing to receive a new toy but can't use it yet. Need to order extra isolators so the shelf can be properly configured for the weight of my amps.
New YG Acoustics Rack 1.1 amp stands just arrived. Unfortunately as shipped ex factory they can only carry 37.5 kg maximum amp weight. Need to order extra isolators for anything heavier, which for my Halcro monoblock amps means I need 10 extra shelf isolators. I mean, WTF is YG thinking!!! Maybe they expect most owners will have puny little triode tube amps and not big heavy solid state mono blocks. In the meantime I'm using isolators from the other amp stand so I can at least get one amp on the stand.


That’s nuts.

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Lucky then I don't have a D'Agostino Relentless. One of those exceeds the YG amp stand weight limit of 97.4 kg. And by a lot.