Bladelius ASK Integrated amplifier

An interesting observation with ASK. The network/DAC module is powered on whenever the main switch is on. Its output is on the RCA Loop Out even with the unit in standby. So you can stream Spotify (or whatever else) with the unit in standby mode. And it sounds even better in this minimalist operating mode.
Hi brodricj,

I’m a big Fan of Bladelius Devices and have the Integrated Oden Valhalla limited Edition which is an amazing Amp. Thinking about switching to the new Ask Power and Pre Combo, but not sure. Oden has more dynamics and Power, but Ask is maybe more musical. Anyways: how do do you like your Ask in the meantime? And how is it compared to your Esoteric Gear ?
ASK is better than the Esoteric. A single box that does everything, and at a fraction of the price. But it does have issues connecting to Spotify that can't be resolved. It relies on a Spotify plugin that Bladeiius has no control over.

If the AKS sounds better to you then why don't you just buy a "reasonable" streamer like a U2 Mini or Aries G1.1 then sell off the Esoteric gear and replenish the coffers. Even something as cheap as the WiiM Pro or the Eversolo DMP-A6 will do the job with Spotify Connect in the ASK's DAC.
It's not really a question of sounding better, but as a package I like what the Bladelius brings to the party through its simplicity. It sounds great. The Class A in high bias mode sounds wonderful with Magico. I operate it in low bias just so that it runs cooler but it still sounds fantastic. One button turns it on, one power cable, one network cable, and a pair of speaker cables. And it sits on a single shelf. Unlike the Esoteric which occupies a lot of space, and requires thousands of dollars worth of various cables to connect it together. Each cable introduces another variable, and exposes a weak link. Audiophile snobbery against single box integrated amplifiers is a thing of the past. I'm salivating at the prospect of an Esoteric Grandioso F1X integrated. Owning one of those would be good reason to pension off everything else. Until then both the Esoteric and Bladelius stay. But I really do wish Spotify would fix its plugin to work properly on the Raspberry Pi platform.
If that's your current thinking then just get one of the cheap but well reviewed Wiim devices starting at $100 from Amazon and bypass the streamer function of the Bladelius. If you go in another direction in the future just put the tiny Wiim in a closet as a backup. All of them seem to be small enough to hide out of sight especially the round one for $100. Serves the same function your PS used to do.
I'm now only using ASK as a Spotify renderer, using its LOOP OUT. This output is permanently on even if the unit is in standby. I still need a pre-amp and power amp. The problem with ASK is it doesn't work properly with Spotify, and the reason for that is buried in the Spotify plugin software which only Spotify has control over. If I were to buy another Spotify connect device I would have no use for the ASK. I'm hoping Esoteric will announce a replacement for the N-03T network transport soon and I will keep everything Esoteric. If I had my time all over again I would not have a big stack of separate components, I'd have an integrated amplifier. Esoteric Grandioso F1X is coming, Esoteroc F-01 is now available, Bladelius Oden Mk2 should be out soon. Any of those options is the way of the future.
I also have the Bladelius ASK. I love the simplicity as well and think it sounds superb. For the most part i use the Volumio- app with Spotify, Tidal and Qobuz integrated in the app. The Volumio user- interface could be better, but works well enough.

This is my third Bladelius amplifier. I have previously owned the Bladelius Thor MKII and Bladelius Thor MkIII.

Greetings from Norway
I've found a workaround for my Spotify playback issue on ASK. If you try to launch Spotify on ASK from the Spotify iOS app it will not reliably connect. If you launch Spotify from the Volumio web interface it does connect, and once connected it syncronizes with the iOS app and Spotify control from iOS device is normal from there.
For the most part i use the Volumio App on my phone or the Volumio web interface on my pc. I don`t seem to have the same problem with spotify connect. Both Tidal connect and Spotify connect works fine here.
Volumio web interface works fine for me. It's the Spotify iOS app that I have difficulty with.