I am a little too new here to welcome you back, but welcome aboard!!!
Mike runs a great place here, where everyone seems welcomed and where we can freely discuss the audio and video issues that we like. Everyone here does a great job. I have been a a few sites where they don’t.
This, at first, may sound like I am disagreeing with a major point, but I am not, I am supporting it. I think sometimes we confuse the terms “opinions’ and “preferences.” Everyone is entitled to their own preference, they are certainly equal. I like chocolate, you like vanilla. You love CDs, others may love records, that’s fine. And I like to hear why from all groups. And maybe learn something.
I really feel we get from the 1960s the notion that all “opinions” are equal. Well, my doctor’s opinion of what wrong with me is more valid than a layman’s. Of course I go to a lawyer for a legal opinion. I give much greater weight to someone who is informed, is knowledgeable or experienced in an issue. Simply, we live in an age where TV news commentators, or their guests, talk about things they really know nothing about. So I don’t give them equal weight. Of course really informed people can differ, like the ones on this site. We all can have preferences.
Personally, I have two sub-woofers BUT I NEVER USE THEM FOR PURE MUSIC!!! I only use them for home theatre.
As for the Record/CD conflict, I vote for both. I have some music that sounds perfect on a record player, others that are just as good on a CD. Since the CD is easier to use and more convenient, it is always the tie breaker. It is the music that is the most important thing to me and I can’t believe that people would argue, not discuss, over this and give you are hard time.
Welcome Aboard!!!again!