Audia Flight

Your description here sounds much more like out-of phase operation than any lack of class A .. bias
XLR pins outs are the same from the Audia Flight FLS1 out to the No 8 in. Pin 2 is +, Pin 3 is -. if oit of phase, 2 and 3 would be flipped at one or the other connection. Am I not seeing the bigger picture? And thank you for jumping in, much appreciated.
Ok you flipped the phase on one side and there’s no difference , it didn't get worse or change in anyway ..?
Back to my original post, XLR Interconnect on both ends had swapped signal and ground pins , so the amp saw signal on a ground and ground on a signal pin. The resulting hum was horrid. Has this damaged the amp in a way my audio quality is horrid. Same gear with Parasounds JC 1+ sounded amazing.