Anyone own KEF Blades - either version? Thoughts?

My room is 17x27x7 and I have them along the short wall about 5' out centered 8' apart. With the hegel h360 the bass was a little heavy, but when I put the h590 in the bass tightened up and sounds pretty good. Somebody's coming to listen today and I'll relay his impressions.
Thanks for the info Steve59. Is that 5' to the back of the speaker or the front? My speakers sit 6' from the front wall to the front of the speaker. My speakers are on the short wall about 100" apart center of speaker and 46" from center of speaker to wall, my ceiling is 9' high. The rest of the system is a Hegel H30, Accustic Arts tube 2 preamp and a Linn Lp 12 source. I can't demo these speakers in my room.
Thanks for the info Steve59. Is that 5' to the back of the speaker or the front? My speakers sit 6' from the front wall to the front of the speaker. My speakers are on the short wall about 100" apart center of speaker and 46" from center of speaker to wall, my ceiling is 9' high. The rest of the system is a Hegel H30, Accustic Arts tube 2 preamp and a Linn Lp 12 source. I can't demo these speakers in my room.

I spoke with KEF UK on placement and they said the Blades need a minimum of 9 inches from the front wall. They can be pushed even further back in some rooms. The Reference line needs 1 foot.

I have a room that is 15 x 22 x 25. With a LONG wall placement I have 7 feet on the left speaker to the side wall and 5 feet on the right speaker to the side wall. However, the right side wall is a partial wall and opens up to the Family room. The 25+ feet of height in my room is very helpful.

I moved my Thiel CS3.7's in to the room and used the KRELL Duo 175XD amp to drive them. The sound was surprisingly good even with the Thiel just 1 foot from the front wall. It was the best I have ever heard the Thiel. So good that I knew the Blade 2 META will also work in this room. I sold the Thiel the next day (in 1 day) and now gathering pennies for the Blade 2 META.

I am going back and forth on amps to use with my Benchmark LA4 preamp (I also have a CODA 07x preamp but do not plan to use with the Blades).

- Benchmark AHB2 monos with my best speaker cable which can ONLY be used with the AHB2 due to SpeakON termination (Audience FrontRow)
- KRELL Dou 175 XD

- KRELL KSA 400i (this upcoming amp should be a sonically killer amp, but it is likely physically too big for the room)
- CODA #16 (I owned and sold the CODA #8, I heard the #16 with the 07x preamp)
- Rotel Mitchi M8 mono (massive power and very quiet amps)

I already have the AHB2 and KRELL 175XD so I will try those first. I heard the Hegel H30 with Blades and the Rotel should be just like them at 1/2 the price.
In my avatar you see 2 big black speakers that are currently parked behind the blades, thus the 5' between port and front wall. Normally my speakers sit 4-5' from the front of the speaker to the wall behind them. and when I decide which i'll be keeping it'll give me more room to tweak. The wall that's within 3' of the right speaker has acoustic treatment and the left side is over 5' from any reflecting surface leaving the blades 8' give or take a few inches. I would love your impressions of the H30 and if you ever heard the 590 in comparison?
In my avatar you see 2 big black speakers that are currently parked behind the blades, thus the 5' between port and front wall. Normally my speakers sit 4-5' from the front of the speaker to the wall behind them. and when I decide which i'll be keeping it'll give me more room to tweak. The wall that's within 3' of the right speaker has acoustic treatment and the left side is over 5' from any reflecting surface leaving the blades 8' give or take a few inches. I would love your impressions of the H30 and if you ever heard the 590 in comparison?

I have not heard the Hegel 590 but have heard the 360 and the H30.

The H30 with the Blade 1 was very exciting and powerful. I still remember the Deep Purple that was cranking away on that system. It was not as super smooth as my KRELL 175XD nor the CODDA #16. I have not heard the Mitchi M8 mono but the Mitchi X3 integrated amp that I heard is supposed to have the same tone as the Mithci M8 monos. The X3 was slightly grainier than the KRELL and CODA I reference. I also felt the H30 was slightly grainy. This is a matter of minor degree.

Immediately after I listened to the Blade and H30 I went to another room at this show and heard the Vivid GIya Spirit (top of the line) with Luxman m900u (I think it was monos). These amps were not as authoritative as the H30 but they were smoother. In retrospect I think the H30 would be preferred over the Luxman with the Blades. The KRELL and CODA are more powerful than the Luxman.

Stereophile has a review of the Mitchi M8's and reading that review reminded me of my listening experience with the H30 and Blade 1.

When I heard the Blade and Vivid at this show I thought both rooms were great. Large and spacious. One was a conference room with all the furniture cleared out.

If you are interested in the Hegel H30 I would first try a Rotel Mitchi M8 from the and use their 60 day return window. The amps are half the price of the H30 and likely as good or better. The power of the H30 and M8 are almost identical, massive.
I’m selling my blades. A procedure upcoming has a fair chance of damaging my hearing,lol 40 years of framing houses didn’t. Anyhow, if I come through it without issue I’ll have an excuse to pony up for the blade meta. My dsp’s can fill the gap until then. Paying it forward.
I’m selling my blades. A procedure upcoming has a fair chance of damaging my hearing,lol 40 years of framing houses didn’t. Anyhow, if I come through it without issue I’ll have an excuse to pony up for the blade meta. My dsp’s can fill the gap until then. Paying it forward.

I REALLY hope you come out of the procedure OK with your hearing fully intact!
👍 I got lucky in having a cancer with a +90% cure rate. I want to say there's a vaccine for HPV men and women up to 40 years old can take. Tell your kids/grandkids.
👍 I got lucky in having a cancer with a +90% cure rate. I want to say there's a vaccine for HPV men and women up to 40 years old can take. Tell your kids/grandkids.

I'm going to light a candle for you at church this week if that's ok with you.
There was a time I would have thought that flame would light the flamethrower that burned me for my sins. I started grading on the curve and fear no more. Thanks for your well wishes.
Thanks for the well wishes, treatments in the rear view, weights coming back, and I have an excuse to buy myself something, :). The h590 is a terrific pairing for the Blades, but has anybody seen the new Chord amps? I wonder how much $$$ is going to the box and how much goes inside?
Thanks for the well wishes, treatments in the rear view, weights coming back, and I have an excuse to buy myself something, :). The h590 is a terrific pairing for the Blades, but has anybody seen the new Chord amps? I wonder how much $$$ is going to the box and how much goes inside?

I heard the newest series of Chord amps on Magico S3 S2s. Whats inside is a SMPS under the main PCB which sits on top, just like the Rowland 625 and Soulution 711.
IMO, its well made and good value. SQ-wise its roughly equal to its competitors of the same price/power.
After some consideration, budget and such I went with the Mc c49 pre a pair of Mc611’s for my Blade 1. At rocking volumes the H590 is a beast and can hold its own, what surprised me and I’m probably repeating myself because it really does impress is how great the 611’s drive the Blades at low and moderate volume. Inner detail, dynamics not to mention the even bigger soundstage and contrast are not where I expected the 600 watt amps to show off. I doubt investing the same into the meta’s would have net me the same rewards. I’m glad I didn’t hit the panic button when I got nervous.
No surprise as a former Blade owner. They love lots of juice. I tried the Hegel H590 on mine and it simply wasn’t enough horsepower to make them shine. Congrats!